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Everything posted by meregreen

  1. Hate that chant. Birmingham has the highest unemployment rate of any major city in the UK. They could sing it at us.
  2. Dutch fans dress up in black and try to intimidate an area with families in it. Bloody disgrace. Fair play to Hagrid, should be given a medal. Some of those Dutch fans need to take a trip to Arnhem and see the sacrifice that was made for them. As for Dutch security, how pathetic was that.
  3. Kind of shoots down their hopes of mega money new owners coming in, and stopping the rot.Still having to sell to balance the books, points to a bunch of asset strippers already showing their true intentions.
  4. 37 years old. Not exactly one for the future is he.
  5. I live there. I’m a Labour Party member, so it can tough. There are good people live here though. I live in hope common decency can prevail over political partisanship.
  6. I like a manager who assesses the opposition, and adjusts his team accordingly. It’s early days yet, but my impression,is that Unai is probably the most tactically astute Villa manager I’ve seen.
  7. Honestly the way this imploding shit show is unfolding, I’m not sure there is a “nailed on Tory constituency” any more.
  8. The 10 years that encompassed Division 3 1972, to Champions of Europe 1982, were the best years of my life. It was an absolute roller coaster
  9. The way Liverpool play at pace, on the shoulder of defenders, this tactic might need adjusting at Anfield. Unai is nobody’s fool though.
  10. They’ve been trying more than 53,000 days to win the top flight.. Quote that to them.
  11. I want Everton to stay up, if only because it would keep them and us in the record books as historically the most played fixture in the top flight of English football. Also, always regarded them as, like us, a proper football club, not many plastics at Goodison or Villa Park.
  12. Crazy really. I’m no Royalist, but if I were, I think seeing Charlie boy for 10 seconds as he sails by, wouldn’t top simply watching it all in detail on the telly. Be like going to the Cup Final with no ticket, and after seeing the team coach go by, standing there with no idea what happened after. Sad.
  13. Their losses are running north of £20,000,000 per season. 5 mill. ain’t gonna help that much.
  14. Depends. Nuremberg might not be at the top of my list.
  15. Really. Humour aside, I’ve never met a yank who would like a King, or a Frenchman who has anything but love for their republic. It’s going to be a generational decision I think. It won’t happen in my lifetime, but I like to think that my grandchildren will live to see this Royal circus end.
  16. Honestly, the only time I’ve ever seen massed ranks of people taking an oath to a head of State by name, was the Wehrmacht. It’s not a good look. Bit of an own goal this by the Royals, It just might give pause for thought, to those people who, through indifference or meek acceptance of the status quo enable this medieval farce to survive.
  17. Heads of State should take an oath to serve the people, not the other way around. They should also be chosen by the people. And the people should have the right to get rid of them every 4 or 5 years. It’s called Democracy. We should try the full version of it one day, not the gerrymandered Royal bloody family one we have now.
  18. Always good to remember we have a Prime Minister in our system, not a President. Ultimately the overwhelming support within the Party for many of those policies will ensure they won’t go away. Delayed maybe, but I have faith as a member of the Labour Party, they will still be on the agenda.
  19. He’s not so much rowing back on them, more being realistic about the timescale. The Tories have wrecked the country, priorities have to reflect that.
  20. When will this Nation grow up. Appointing our head of State according to which womb they drop from, archaic, obscene, medieval.
  21. The great unwashed showing they have no need for cleansing facilities.
  22. Why would they need it for a problem that doesn’t exist. This was brought in for one reason, to suppress the vote.
  23. Tucker Carlson dumped, there is a God
  24. We should buy them with our owners petty cash, and close the inbreds down.
  25. Because most people in Walsall are Villa fans. It rankles with them.
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