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Everything posted by meregreen

  1. There’s also a reason he is no longer touted in that price bracket.
  2. It’s 15 million. The other 5 million is the add on.
  3. Somebody needs to have a word in Jason Knights ear. Kamikaze move for his career. Even a Division lower, his prospects at Derby are better. Lord have mercy on the poor kid.
  4. So the next time there is a mass pile up on the M6, let’s hope it’s not 16 year old Jimmy who’s last gig was at the local schools sports day who turns up. What a **** state this country is in
  5. In the pre ceremony filming, Aston Hall was shown, and the presenter said “ behind me is the Holte End, where l watch my team play “. No mention of the sty at all. Nice
  6. Most good things are you right wing toad. Seriously, knowing Farage disliked it, makes me like it even more.
  7. Yes. They do.Took me 10 minutes to get past passport control and enter Greece last week. It’s a **** nightmare.
  8. Usual bunch of Tory turds, simply wrapping themselves in different wrapping paper. They are all complicit in the appalling state this country is in. We’ve been here before with this lot. Need a seismic political shift in our nation. This feels like moving the deck chairs on the Titanic.
  9. I don’t hate him. I think he’d be perfect for those inbreds. Top fellah, I wish him well
  10. They never change this lot do they. Cecil Parkinson, David Mellor and Neil Hamilton would be so proud of them.
  11. I’m sure I read a couple of months back that this is only phase 1. Ultimately the target is 60,000.
  12. I guess you just had to be there. 2 or 3 lucky chord sequences in 60 years. Oh dear.
  13. I think the only plans they’ll be interested in, are the ones to stop the stadium collapsing
  14. He’s already got his jumbo Lego set ready to fix the stadium.
  15. This is going to be great. Please make it happen. Hilarious
  16. Expell the 6 from the Premier League. Let ‘em see how they cope with their own little competition. Most fans in this country would simply not watch their games. Boredom would soon kick in.
  17. A pretty good crop of English players are being wasted on his insipid manager. So sad.
  18. Motivation is everything with Bojo. He’ll give the Ukrainians weapons , not because it’s the right thing to do for them, but because he thinks it’s good for him. I’ve no doubt he’d arm the Ruskies if he thought he could get anything out of it for himself. He’s a self obsessed chancer.
  19. Shortly after the ribbon was cut, half the car park collapsed, so now only half of them can get in.
  20. I need BCFC like I need Herpes. If they had never existed, then all those fans would most probably have gravitated to either us or the Baggies. If they go out of business now, then the current lot can see their grandkids walking around in their Villa kits. Oh the agony Either option is a win for me.
  21. Thatcher and May both won their votes. A sizeable vote against any PM holes them beneath the water, it comprises their authority and simply portrays the division in a Party. He’s toast I think.
  22. Patel, Mogg, Raab and the rest of his cabinet of no talents will be shitting their pants at this. Night of the long knives to follow the fall of Bunter.
  23. Quite a lot of us do though. I will never accept that my kids are born below someone else’s
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