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Everything posted by meregreen

  1. Really. NHS adequately funded, I used to see my Doctor within 48 hours, not 2 weeks. Pound traded at 2 Dollars, inflation was pretty much under control, growth was at levels the Tories would give their arm for, workers rights had been much improved. I could go on, but Brown was actually a bloody good chancellor who presided over a period, which in retrospect, seems like a pretty decent time compared to the shitshow we now have under this lot.
  2. I can see that reasoning, but simply don’t go along with it. The most important principle here, is that FPTP is undemocratic. Parliament should fairly represent the will of the people in its make up, warts and all. If the price of having an elected chamber that accurately represents the peoples vote proportionally, is having a few turds in there, then so be it. Democracy is not something that should be gerrymandered to simply keep out someone you don’t like, if it is, then that isn’t democracy.
  3. Don’t care how much the fading Man Utd offer. Whatever it is, it would be worth turning down, just to say go **** yourselves to them.
  4. It’s a start. Post Office, water, electricity, gas and anything else these spivs appropriated next please.
  5. Two years till the next election. I’m not sure the country can survive that long. Lasting damage being inflicted by these bastards. Worst Government in my lifetime. The last 12 years have been truly dreadful.
  6. And yet immigration is invariably higher under the Tories. Their paymasters have always regarded a large pool of low paid workers as a desirable state.
  7. I’ll get some popcorn. Sit back and enjoy.
  8. The only thing she’ll trickle down, is debt. And it won’t be a trickle, it’ll be a tsunami.
  9. Missed the point completely. He’s referencing that the woman who made that somewhat silly statement, gets to choose our government, he’s got a point.
  10. Like I say, his results were terrible. The papers reckoned he was one bad result away from the sack. He saved his neck with a good cup win at Forest. Then, never looked back. It certainly showed me that things can change quickly in football.
  11. Some of the comments on here give the impression some people are disappointed we won. The guy hasn’t even been here a year yet. Take a look at Alex Fergusons results in his first two years at Utd. They were really poor, can remember singing you’ll be sacked in the morning at him at VP. Buckle up people, this is a long term job. We’ve a lot of catching up to do. This is a guy who can get some big signings through the door. Have faith, up the Villa.
  12. European borders have always been fluid. Go back far enough and the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth “Kingdom” was actually larger than Russia. Russians entering lands and ruling there for a period of time, doesn’t make them Russia. If it does, I’d like the thirteen colonies back please
  13. Have you seen Bastille day in Paris. It’s magnificent. They also attract far more tourists than we do. The class system in this country is still entrenched, it’s an obscene monster, and the institution of unelected monarchy is its head.Time to move on.
  14. This country needs to do some serious growing up.This whole hand wringing exercise in self indulgent mock grief is becoming maudlin.
  15. Not the point though is it. Whatever the result, it would be nice to be asked.
  16. No law can be passed in this country without the monarchs assent. That’s not simply ceremonial. Monarchs tend not to get involved in politics, because if they did then that would be controversial, something that might threaten their privileged lives. They do however endow the executive of this country with enormous power through the Royal prerogative. This enables the Government to bypass a lot of scrutiny in Parliament, a dangerous thing in the wrong hands. Above all, regardless of the individual merits of any monarch, it’s what they represent that is anathema in the modern world, privilege and power through birth regardless of merit. No head of States position should be decreed by which womb they are conceived in. I want all children born in this country to be able to aspire to be its head of State. It’s nothing personal, simply an issue of principle. For now though, these arguments are for another day. I’ll simply proffer my condolences to the Sax Coburg family as I would any other at their sad loss of a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
  17. How do you know how many tourists we would have without one.
  18. France has far more tourists. Now what did they do with their hereditary parasites
  19. If they are “elected” through the electorate, then they are by definition, politicians. Many current MPs have other occupations now, something I have never approved of. As Churchill once said, Democracy is the worst form of Government, apart from all the others. I once attended a talk given by the late Tony Benn, a man much vilified by the Tory press, but someone I personally always admired. He said that he would always think of a politician “ What power have you got, where did you get it from, in whose interests do you wield it, to whom are you accountable, and how can we get rid of you”. That last one struck me as being most important. Flawed though many of the individuals we elect may be. The system of the people choosing their representatives, is the most precious right we have.
  20. The end of Democracy then. They might be a bunch of words removed, but they are ultimately answerable to us. Your alternative is too open to abuse.
  21. And was still average. That one on one at the end was so typical.
  22. Dominic Raab attempting to put Government Ministers above the law. Restricting judicial reviews as to the legality of his and others actions. Worrying times.
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