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Everything posted by meregreen

  1. If Charles Manson was still alive, he would have given Trump a run for his money in todays GOP. Truly appalling how low that Party has fallen.
  2. Rodney Marsh was a master of diving well before Francis.
  3. Came from the other side of the City. But still a part of my memories of my youth and our rivalry, which somehow wasn’t as hateful as now. RIP Bluenose.
  4. He was a good guy. He was what all news journalists should aspire to be. Now we have GB News……I could weep.
  5. They did. Just seen someone else posted the same comment as me. Nice to know I’m not the only one who regards us as a “big boy”. Too many Villa fans simply accepting Sky bullshit.
  6. Couldn’t get regular game time with Villa, and wasn’t likely to. But never rocked the boat or bitched about it. A good honest pro. I wish him well.
  7. What takeover? They’ve only bought 49% of the circus. Owned by a hedge fund………this will end in tears.
  8. That’s a shame. Remember him shouting hail Saunders of the Villa while extolling us all to get our prayer mats out. RIP Tony.
  9. This guy is from Brum. Calls himself Adebola man, and is a total 24 carat clearing in the woods. Got himself banned from St Andrews a few years back, just how much of a clearing in the woods do you need to be to get banned from that shit hole.
  10. Manchester only has a population of 553,000. It boosts its numbers by including Salford. If Brum did the same we could include Solihull. Leeds has a population of close to 800,000, that includes a number of other cities within the Leeds area though ie Bradford. Our population of over 1,000,000 needs no artificial inflation to boost numbers. We are much bigger than those Mancunian upstarts.
  11. Hedge Funds don’t generally spend large amounts on their acquisitions. They spend the minimum necessary in order to turn a business around, then offload at a profit. It’s their mantra. Alternatively they asset strip and move on. Bit like locusts. This could be fun.
  12. They’re a hedge fund. A quick return on their money is all they’re interested in. By their very nature, hedge funds are not into long term projects. Expect a very loud bang when yet another Bluenose bubble explodes.
  13. Not that impressive really. It’s a no from me.
  14. The issue is, who decides what’s relevant, as Baroness Hallett has stated, for this enquiry to be seen as fair, it has to be both morally and legally her decision. I think the judiciary should, and will, support that principle.
  15. He’s one of our players who has the ability to unlock a defence with a smart pass. Able to do the unexpected and always looking to attack. Definitely one we should keep.
  16. Would be delighted if we sign this guy. He’s quality. In a struggling Leicester team, he’s been a solid performer. Under Unai he could be even better.
  17. She should still have disclosed it regardless. Another example of how she thinks rules don’t apply to her.
  18. I’m sure I read somewhere that the ultimate aim was a 60000 stadium. That means a few more than 2 to 3 thousand.
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