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Everything posted by lloydxmas

  1. Of the more mainstream albums I'd go for The Foals, The Slaves and The Bohicas Got a load more random bands, but wont bore you with them !
  2. And for some reason I started making my shelters 'zombie proof' by building metal walls around the houses. There's no need is there and I've wasted a few hours haven't I?
  3. Bought this yesterday, played a couple of hours. I can tell this will consume my life for the next few months, who wouldn't love a cross between Skyrim and C.O.D ! I've done the first mission, then started mucking around on the workshop by building a few shelters. About to head to the Diamond City once I've spoken to the settlers Any general start-up tips/tricks for me ?
  4. Yep I like his persona, even if it's only judged on 90 minutes and a couple of interviews. The guy is so calm he probably does a bit of hostage negotiation and air traffic controlling to help unwind after matches.
  5. If only the Pistorius household had a bathroom liked RV's.
  6. Just spent all week on a course about successful business strategies. I've come to the conclusion that Randy Lerner is a bloody idiot.
  7. Does anyone actually think we deserve to be in this league? Taken our status for granted for too long now, other teams literally would kill to be in the top flight. We dont even spend enough to stand still anymore. Relegation looks inevitable now i think.
  8. I just cant seem to stop people dribbling past me either....tried jockeying, bringing a team mate in, X button, Square button, standing off. But they just run into my penalty box and get a shot away. Then as soon as I have the ball it's taken off me even if I protect the ball or am dribbling past them with payer who is 20% faster! Even the bloody goal kicks are stupid. Kick it, opposition wins the header and it goes straight to an unmarked player on my 18 yard box...repeat for most of the half Have you ever tried tackling a player when your opponent isn't controlling him ? It's actually difficult, I might adopt this approach!
  9. My mate also told me to try the 41212, set my team up yesterday.....lost in the final minute after hitting the post 4 times. The game isn't really enjoyable at the moment. I'm losing the games I should win, and losing the game I should lose. Got Herrera on special yesterday though, will probably sell him for 40k-50k. Got 120k coins now.
  10. oh and what's the score with the draft? I spent 15,000 coins, got a team with 60 chemistry then lost my first game and all i got was a crappy gold pack !?
  11. Got this on PS4. Ultimate team is great fun but bloody frustrating, How do you get these special players ?? I've bought a few gold packs/promo packs but never seem to get any decent players, is it just a matter of spending loads? What formation is everyone using and do people tweak the player instructions? The only one that seems to suit me is 3412 as it gets players forward. It's not ideal though as I cant do short GK passes. 4321 (my usual) just doesn't get any players into the final 1/3rd Perhaps i'm just crap at it ! EDIT - Just read some of the reviews on here, it appears im not the only one having issues. Tackling and passing is shocking. TAP,TAP TAP, lose the ball. Some of the penalties given against me are terrible!
  12. Is Gabby is the only other constant along with Lerner. Won't this be his 3rd manager bust up now? There is definitely a trouble maker/gossip spreader in the team. Someone is leaking the line-ups and training ground info.
  13. The French speaking contingent did great for Newcastle in their relegation scrap....................... And the French World Cup Squad when asked to train a bit harder
  14. We are a notch down now = Circus Still not quite as bad as Leeds United though.
  15. I wish we could get back to just being a laughing stock. I miss them days
  16. Yeah I feel like a bit of a word removed if I'm honest. No way do I feel comfortable telling my friends, I'd feel jealous/a bit of resentment if was the other way round. Cant be arsed with people talking behind my back either. Low down approach, just say I got a months salary. Can only imagine what it would be like for a Euromillion winner, kiss goodbye to everyone you ever knew. But I suppose 50million would help buy some new 'friends.'
  17. I've been in my current job for 12 years, have been waiting to leave for a while but had a inkling we might be closing so thought I'd stick it out for another year. Anyway, was told last week that our company is closing. I will receive a minimum of 18 MONTHS salary, my jaw was literally on the desk when they told me. It's still not really sunk in. Already had 5 job offers, but with no kids/mortgage I think a bit of time out is on the cards.
  18. Boat was late anyway, so I missed the train to the pub. Ended up just doing the zip lining which was pretty decent actually, not really for kids. Didn't didn't bother with the tree climbing though, just spent the rest of the time watching the stag zip-line through the air in a mankini, with his bollocks hanging out. Never knew they sold laughing gas in French supermarkets either, made it all the more funny haha. Strange stuff, not sure why Grealish got so much stick, totally harmless!
  19. Pretty tame, but I didn't really expect Cameron to drill into him on his first day. You have to shake your head though when one of the 1st questions is about funding for a bloody zoo. Surely there are more pressing issues at present.
  20. I'm the same mate...waiting for redundancy and then going to New Zealand to live in a hobbit hut. Then never watching the news again
  21. If the roles were reversed. What would happen If a mass of western people started marching towards the middle eastern countries ? Again not trying to cause offence with my uneducated questions.
  22. Not sure why the cheese is Swiss to be honest, still tastes good though! I love strong cheddar, the Cornish Cruncher from M&S is decent...so strong it sometimes makes my face itch, I must be slightly allergic? The St Agur with some poppy seed crackers is also VERY moreish.
  23. Pastrami, gherkins, Swiss Cheese, Saurkraut and American Mustard on toasted Rye Bread. Americans really know how to do sandwiches, im glad the U.K is finally catching on.
  24. hahaha who the hell butters their wraps ?? Mayo/other lubricating substance is fine. But butter is well random, where would you even start buttering? Do the whole thing, just the middle section or random bits ?
  25. Should a crisp sandwich/buttie/butty have butter ? I think yes, although usually I wouldn't bother. Not that I've had one in the last few years. Chicken and Mushroom pot noodle, with a packet of hula hoops lobbed in at the end for lunch. I had a rough weekend, I need childhood comfort food. Paxo stuffing balls with a pint of bisto and angel delight for dinner it is then.
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