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Everything posted by lloydxmas

  1. Honestly if you're planning to sack it off to sit in a restaurant by yourself and watch football, that is pretty out of order. You need a better excuse than that. At first I read your post that you just didn't want to go all the way to northern France for a stag-do when you're just going to be sitting on a jungle gym with pre-pubescents, which would be absolutely fair, but if you're going to France anyway . . . Did I mention I have Vertigo The way I see it, we have 24 hours in France, with the lads. Why waste that time playing on Jungle Gym ?? Did I mention I didn't even get an invite to the wedding ?? Only the reception......so in theory I should only have to do half the stag do ?
  2. haha, I have just enough time to get some of those made in sticker format !
  3. I just don't want to be the instigator of a mass adventure park exodus. There's not even a bar/food onsite either, what sort of a stag do is this ?? It's not everyday you get to have a 3 course lunch in France, plus the footie will be on ! EDIT - i'd be well up for 'it's a knockout', but climbing up trees with loads of little children on a busy Saturday afternoon? Nope
  4. It's my mates stag do tomorrow, there's about 20/30 of us going aged between 30-40. We're getting the ferry across to France for the night. (No, not Calais before you ask!) The groom has booked the afternoon at an 'Adventure Park' which after a bit of research, seems to be aimed at 10-15 year olds and looks pretty lame. I've said from day 1 that I'm out and I'd rather go for a lunch and meet them at the hotel when they're done. Apparently a few have said it's pretty bad form. Personally I wouldn't care if it was the other way round. I'm sure the groom has only booked this anyway so he doesn't have to drink as much. How out of order am I if I sack off the adventure park ?
  5. That needs to go viral, if it hasn't already.
  6. I hate that term aswell mate, not sure what I can or cant say anymore though!!
  7. Dubai/Qatar/Oman say hello. Knew I was in for a response like that . My knowledge on this topic isn't great, but I claim the right to ask dumb ass questions ! I lead a sheltered life here (Jersey U.K) we just don't do multicultural. There are no mosques, no synagogues (maybe one, but its a converted sports hall) and only a handful of coloured residents. Plus we have all sorts of housing and employment rules. Such a corrupt little island, with probably one of the highest proportion of racists per square KM in U.K I reckon. A few thousand Portuguese turned up in the 90s and all hell broke loose. Not to mention the scenes when Portugal knocked England out of the Euro's. The people from Jersey have the nerve to comment on what's happening in Calais etc even though it doesn't directly involve us. We're all backwards here. Cant wait to get out
  8. Genuine question, not supposed to cause offence. If the roles were reversed and non-muslim communities wanted to migrate to the Middle East. Would they be allowed to build churches, open up bars, betting shops etc with fear of them being bombed/burned down?
  9. Definitely going to be a few terrorists mixed up with the genuine refugees. This is what worries me, weve seen how dedicated ISIS are on crippling the west. They play the media perfectly and must have been planning this for a long time. What happens if 100 soldiers go on the rampage in central Munich? Surely can't be that hard to get the guns? Or am I watching too many films? Bloody hope so
  10. Here's my half baked solution How come the refugees didn't want to stay in Greece?? I know it's broke, but there's loads of unhabitated Islands and a pretty nice place to live compared to war torn syria. Get Germany to loan them a bit more cash to setup infastruture on them. Then In return the new Syrian government repays the Debt once everything is up and running.
  11. I think the fact that the world cares more about dead lion than a dead child sums it up for me. We're screwed, and it's only going to get worse. This might sound like a really bad question. I honestly don't know the answer, or the full in's and out's of what happened back then. But was life in Syria/Iraq etc this bad when Sadaam and co in charge ? There wasn't mass immigration then was there? Surely it's worse now under ISIS rule ?
  12. As someone in the business I'm sure you'll have a better idea than us but reading around the advice seems to vary from 'sit tight' to 'bring out your dead'. The Dow is recovering a bit now but Europe has been smashed and the Russians are right in the poo. Brent crude is about the same price per gallon as Evian.. Also seems to be some suspicion of a further Chinese devaluation in the morning. Question if you'd be so kind, who is winning out of this? Its a bizarre day mate and no-one on T.V seems to know why either!! It's all seemed to stem from China last week devaluing their currency. Last week everything was plodding along quite nicely. How that can change in 1 week is beyond my level of knowledge at the moment!! These companies arent abotu to go bust and the banks are in decent shape !? When times are bad, people usually rush into gold. But today it's hardly benefitted ? The main winners today (in the currency market) is the Euro, Swiss Franc Japanese Yen. Yen/Franc as it's considered safe in bad times, EUR as people have been using it to fund trades in riskier countries (because it's so cheap) but now everyone has shat themselves and had to buy all their Euro's back. Tomorrow could go either way.......I just pray the people in Asia slow down a bit tomorrow. China need to calm everyone down by issuing some form of public statement/plan of action ASAP. All a huge game of poker...as soon as #blackmonday was trending on twitter the market started to recover !
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DT7bX-B1Mg Not sure how to imbed
  14. Crazy day today, some of the biggest Foreign Exchhange swings i've seen. 2:00-2:30pm U.K time was just absurd. Still unsure why the Chinese deicded to surprise he markets last week by weakening their currency to "stem growth" ? Looks a bit naive now doesnt it, the world doenst need any shocks at the moment you bafoons!!! I hope to god this is a panic station movement (im sticking to my positions anyway). Otherwise, i dread to think what will happen if it gathers momentum
  15. I still reckon kozak can play the target man role for us if required. He scored goals when played and is an absolute beast. We paid 5 mill for him so I'd like to see him given a chance, especially after his horrific injury. Didn't he put 2 Italian defenders in hospital with broken faces after one match?! Put some balls in the box for him and see what he can do! I'd like us to move away from this style of play though. I'd rather we went for a different type of striker to complement the pace we have in the team. Where's Robbin keane when you need him?
  16. I'd hate to be Fabian's enemy that's for sure. Look how he's treated the club he loves and one of his mates.
  17. Delph has completely lost the plot in the last week. Clutching at straws with media articles to try and gain some creditability back. The Micah Richard quotes are just bizarre. These players should really employ a PR consultant with all their cash. Hero to zero for no reason whatsoever, what an absolute tool. Half the league probably thought he was a decent professional until last week. Cant wait to see how city fans and all the players around him react when he keeps screwing his shots out for a throw in. He was renowned for being a crap finisher at Villa. City cant afford to have players in their midfield who don't have the complete package. The yaya replacement quotes are laughable. Really struggling to see how he will play more the 15+ games a season.
  18. Interesting thought, Benteke for Belgium is nowhere near as prolific as Benteke for Villa. This is with much better supply and players and against much lesser opposition at times. Every single target man for Liverpool in the past decade has been a flop, how will a manager renowned for passing football get the best out of him ? (did Rodgers sign Bony for Swansea, might nullify that comment) I think he's jumped ship a season too early, silly boy if he goes.
  19. Living within our means pilchard. We have 40m in players sales, plus the usual 15-20m. Then add in that we've lost a huge outlay of our wage bill (200k a week for delph, benteke and given alone). There's loads of room to manoeuvre.
  20. Let's not kid ourselves, we've been a one man team since benteke arrived. We've been harping on about needing a plan B for years. These extra funds give us the perfect opportunity to buy 5/6 first team players and turn us into a more creative outfit. I'm hopeful that the combination of sherwood and Wilkins and guaranteed playing time is enough to sway potential young players to join us. People forget just how big a club we are, I'd love us to ram all negativity down the throats of the people that dismiss us as some lower league fodder. Well guess what, even after the horrendous cutbacks were still here, and in pretty healthy shape now. Hate the fact that Southampton, stoke, Swansea etc think they're better than us because they've had 2/3 good seasons. I'm optimistic anyway, the players were linked with are encouraging.
  21. Delph is replaceable no doubt about it, just annoying he's left like this as I liked him. If we our honest, for our first choice 'box to box' midfielder he didnt score and assist enough and his passing and shooting is not up to standard. Man City fans arent going to be happy when he keeps screwing shots wide. Pelligrini (like hodgsen) will probably restrict his game plan so he wont be as effective anyway.
  22. Think i'm just annoyed at all thre PR crap that was spun "Hey look how bright our future is, Delph has signed a new 4 year contract when he could have left on a free. He's here for the longhaul, thick and thin etc". But in actual fact it was just a 12 month extension to allow us to recoup some money as we stuck with him when he was injured.
  23. The idiot that realised it was either that or he didn't sign the contract and would already have walked away for nothing. The clause is actually a good thing if it was what Delph wanted to sign the contract. But why 8m though ? If he thinks he's going to get game time at a top 4 club he should value himself a lot higher than that? 8m is pocket change for the elite.
  24. Milner is also a better and more versatile player than Delph IMO and left as he wasnt getting enough game time.
  25. Why the hell is he posing in the new kit, whilst pointing at the captains armband ? Plus if this 8m is to believed, what idiot agreed to that in his contract extension ? Mind boggles
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