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Everything posted by lloydxmas

  1. I think I just use up my dreams during the day by being a space cadet haha
  2. Erect nipples, fine on a woman. Not so great at work when yours are extra sensitive, the air-con is messed up and you've worn that tight polo top.
  3. I honestly can't remember the last time I had a dream, one of the side effects of smoking cannabis I think. Anyone else get this? But when I don't smoke, I've had some of the most lucid dreams ever. I like the ones where you wake up but fall back to sleep and carry on. You're sort of in charge of it. Totally mental, you can see how our ancestors believed it was a message from the gods etc.
  4. Marks and Spencer English Hog Roast, currently 3 for £10. Comes with apple sauce and crackling crumb. Just polished off one for lunch. Walks all over the American style pulled pork
  5. Looks like half you need to buy a new laptop, or at least invest in a new graphics card. One like this picture below are decent and will solve the problem, get them on Amazon .
  6. I was going to add that the manager needs to be bigger than the club. Most of all successful managers are a bit mental, youd have to be? Let the media talk about Morinhio, Klopp, Fergie etc. Saves them focusing on the players. Big Ron, Gregory and MON had that spark, history shows we do well with a nutter at the helm and im pretty sure we've found our latest one.
  7. With the way player power works nowadays, to step into a premier league club with very little experience and reputation and to earn instant respect from the players is a tough ask. Especially when the chips are down and there are few vocal players Sherwood certainly has the character to front a premier league club, the media like him and give him air time, this in turn should boost how the neutrals portray us. It can only be a good thing nowadays to have a mini celeb as a manger. Some rise up the ranks though, from Spurs youth development to running Aston Villa in 12 months. Encouraging start you'd think for his first year in the job? But it also shows how inexperienced he is, most other managers have done the hard graft for 10 years before getting a big job. Just keep to the 50% win ratio going and we'll be more than happy
  8. Would be one hell of a job sitting in to replace Randy as chairman whilst we're being sold. What exactly is the job description anyway? Stay in America, leave everything up to Tom Fox and Sherwood, attend cup finals only?
  9. Re the "players will turn on him if he shouts at them" quote. Are these the same players that kicked off/went to the press because they weren't paid enough to train extra hard (and to take some stick) when we weren't performing? These are the 'losers' we need to ditch if we ever want to progress. They are paid a fortune to win football matches, they need a reality check and a kick up the ass. This is just a theory of mine, but the only main stay throughout this whole drama is Gabby, I do wonder how much power he has over the squad and he seems to be at the centre of all disruptions. Probably completely wrong and he could be the one players trying to sort the mess out, id like to think so as he is a villa fan . One thing I will add on Sherwood is that he's at least got the home fans buzzing again, if we continue to play attacking football, teams will fear us and Villa Park will hopefully return to a tough place to get points. That should be enough along with his 50% win ratio to see us mid table next season.
  10. lloydxmas


    I just hope we can shift these players because loser squad sounds way worse than the bomb squad. Who in their right mind would buy these mentally shot players anyway? We're better of just cancelling their contracts, luckily most of them aren't on mega bucks.
  11. Winners cost money, that's why they are winners. Players who don't have the right temperament for the premier league fall into our current 'budget'. After all the PR exercises over the last week you'd like to think changes are in hand. Tom Fox certainly didn't leave arsenal to carry on under the same regime Faulkner had. There MUST have been some assurances?? Sherwood is renowned(?) for his honesty and he's said money is available. Fingers crossed for some serious surgery in the summer. There are obviously still some rotten eggs in our squad and many of them who have been around since the MON days should be shown the door. That's 5 managers and 5 different coaching teams in total that haven't managed to get them to the required level. They just aren't good enough, how many more games do they get to prove it?
  12. I think it's about time the players took some stick. Been sheltered for far too long now. If they can't take a few home truths in returns for thousands of pounds a week then tough shit. They failed at the job today, you do that in any other job and the manager shouts at you, and if your not a good enough employee you get fired, simple.
  13. 50p? I'm guessing 50p would be alright, 20p could be verging on acceptable but its still a little on the low side, £1 coins are a different colour so I would say that is far to high ranking. I'm gunna say 20p is acceptable, 50p is bang on, £1 is just being a flashy bastard I was totally lost when I was in Vegas, there was some dude in the toilet who basically passed you a paper towel after you had done your business, for this paper towel a $1 seemed to be the price Are you supposed to give them a dollar per piss ?? Or can you just pay up front to be left alone ? Must have spent about $15 just going to the bloody toilet, and when you're drunk the last thing on your mind is putting cologne on after each visit.
  14. No issues with benteke leaving whatsoever, but to LIverpool!? The guy is too good for them and deserves champions league football. I think Chelsea, so he can hook up with his buddy hazard. Perfect type drogba striker for Jose.
  15. This is a bit of a newbie question, but what does the dragon queen want with Tyrion and vice versa? Must have missed it !
  16. Ex machina, not bad 7/10 Would LOL!
  17. Love it when they are on special offer in the supermarket, buy 4, get 4 free. Is the making of a decent afternoon on the couch But they are nothing compared to the oreo ice-cream cookies in terms of addictiveness rating.
  18. lloydxmas


    Quite probably, but I bet that person dies from something alcohol/car accident related rather than a drugs overdose? Unless of course they are injecting with unknown/cut substances which increases the risk 100x. This could be avoided with proper government controls in place Luge/bobsleigh etc are pretty dangerous recreational activities? Is it responsible behaviour for a parent to be hurtling headfirst down a hill at 90mph? Or is it ok because there are safety regulations in place?
  19. Nothing quite like that split second of panic when your wallet (and passport even more so) isn't found on first pat down
  20. lloydxmas


    LOL at the mushroom stories, great idea at the time. but as soon as those bad boys kick in you want it to end. Looking in the mirror or your hands is an odd experience! Mad how time seems to slow down when under the influence. Making a cup of tea/rollie literally seems like it's taken 3 hours and is one of the most complex problems in the universe. Acid = Never again! 1st/2nd times were fine, but the 3rd time turned into 15 hours of full blown hallucinations, burst blood vessels in my eyes and all sorts, then my big toe nail fell off for no reason. Think it took me 2 months to feel normal after that. But i'm glad I experienced it in general, amazing how something so small can alter the human mind to such a degree.
  21. lloydxmas


    I'm quite fortunate as it's difficult to get cocaine where I come from, the quality is so bad and it's 80 quid per gram. But for a sustained period there was some top grade stuff and I developed a pretty bad 'soft spot' for it.Started Friday nights, then went to Fridays/Saturdays, then a few cheeky lines during the week "for a laugh" I never used to get completely shitfaced and could stop before having to finish the bag off, I mainly used it to enhance the alcohol, my thought patterns and cure hangovers. Definitely not a sustainable hobby to start though! I ended up getting arrested about 7 years ago with a small amount at a music festival. Almost lost my job (finance), but they judged me on my work performance rather than my private life and let me stay, I pretty much knocked it on the head after that, bar a few occasions Blessing in disguise that conviction ? My cannabis addiction isn't going anywhere though, I still hold down a high pressure job and can give up when required. The only side effects being 3-4 days of insomnia and increased tobacco & alcohol consumption. I like relaxing after work with a beer and a joint, I'm a fully grown adult and know what is right for my body. Some politician, who has never met me, has no right to tell me what I can or cant do in my own house!! I'd recommend a documentary called 'The Culture High' , some very well respected people giving their views on this. I'd challenge any anti-drugs people to at least watch it to hear the other sides view presented sensibly.
  22. The other use for a selfie stick I imagine
  23. Surprising how quickly Gin & Tonic can grow on you, used to hate the taste until I re-tried it a few months ago So lately I've been nailing the .......Gin (Hendricks is the one I was recommended), tonic, slice of mango, 1/4 of a lime, loads of ice......Refreshing ! Served with a slice of cucumber is pretty decent too
  24. Been thinking about what the future holds for Grealish, if he keeps up this form (and especially if he chooses England) it wont be long before the top clubs come sniffing. If he actually does turn into a 40m+ player, do you think he'd leave us? By all accounts he's Villa through and through and perhaps he'd actually want to spend his whole career with us? I know I would as a fan. If I was earning 5m a year (100k per week) I dont think an extra 100k would sway it for me, because Villa is my club and it's sort of a dream come true. What I do know is that clubs remember the home grown players that spend their whole careers with them, go ask Gerrard and Terry, they will be remembered in the history books. We could be saying the same about Gareth Barry now for instance, but his name wont be found in our hall of fame. So Jack, if you read this, and you're actually as good as we think you are. Do you want make your grandpappy and parents proud and take your place next McGrath and co, or do you want to be a 'Gareth Barry' ?
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