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Everything posted by T-Dog

  1. Maddison is showing himself to be a bit of tit this season. He's a decent player, not as good as he think he is, but all the stuff about Cashy, this shit, wind it in you rat
  2. And penalties where the taker does that stuttered run thing. Nah.
  3. The way Vincent Kompany dresses. Just catching up with MOTD. My guy has a baseball cap that looks like it's come from Bescot Market, and Top Man blazer and a plain t-shirt. Man looks like he's on Broad Street in 2001.
  4. I'm not gonna start talking about your man sausage fella Honestly tho bud, if you're ever down the Lower look for the big fella with the gray beard and we'll have a pint or two. Top man, top top man.
  5. Hey mate - I've been looking for you down the Lower Holte for some time, after chatting for almost 15 years online it was nice to finally meet you in person last season A lovely chat about that blue and white china plate. Have followed your journey through all this and found your attitude to it all inspirational. I don't think there's many blokes out there that can make jokes about what you've gone through. BTW, you promised me you'd be coming to Tenerife, not sure if you remember Take care sir, if you ever see me down the lower, do come and say hello again, be great to have a pint with you
  6. If Arsenal (as rumoured) came in for him in the summer, what would be the minimum price you'd accept?
  7. Sorry mate, you're the wrong un here. Each to their own but crisps are pap. And I don't really like biscuits. But I'd rather have a custard cream than a Quaver. Not something I thought I'd be saying today.
  8. Honestly chief, DM me and I'll ping you my number if you ever wanna talk it thru. Again, not an expert at all, and still getting my head around it, but I hear what you're saying through personal experience. If I can help at all, I will. Take care sir, everything gonna be okay and we all gonna smash this thing called 'life'
  9. T-Dog

    General Chat

    I just wanted Wembley stripes in my lawn, it's their fault for being a mile away from the nearest watering hole. Little green shite blobs.
  10. Genuine question... What do you know more about than the average Joe and how did you get there? Personally, early house music and vinyl prices from the 2000s, absolutely no use in my current life. A job in a renowned Birmingham based record store in my late teens and many years of DJing and promoting. And spreadsheets/databases, slightly more useful in my current life. Comes from accidently becoming a corporate spiv 15 years ago. Sales was shit, spreadsheets were ace. How about you?
  11. Genuinely mate, I had three ex girlfriends all say the same thing and two of them worked in that kind of environment and I never ever got it. It took a major life event, and an episode loading the dishwasher, where I finally went 'oh yeah, okay, I see it now', and then when the GP and MH nurse diagnosed it, it all clicked into place. And, there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with it. It's a coping mechanism and a blessing, as long as it's treated right. Feel free to DM me if you want, I'm no expert on this, but more than happy to share my own experiences and knowledge.
  12. T-Dog

    Ezri Konsa

    *England's Ezri Konsa Premier League rocket polishers, throw some respect on this Kings name.
  13. Good shout that, never clicked on the timing. Great shout they might be connected.
  14. T-Dog

    General Chat

    The noise of a frog 'screaming' is one of the most horrific things I've ever heard. Honestly.
  15. What's gone on with Rashford? Granted, he wasn't World Class, but he looks absolutely terrible atm.
  16. I'd forgot so many of those screamers. Thanks for sharing.
  17. T-Dog

    General Chat

    Mate, the Vets leagues are tougher than the usual leagues, believe me!
  18. Always apologise for going to the sty to watch small heath! Nobody should ever need to suffer that kind of disease and famine.
  19. Never apologise for art! Nobody spent their whole life listening to great music, we all started with some horrendous shite, even the coolest kids.
  20. @sidcow Get well King, you gonna smack this shit like McGinn smashes Spurs players when he's frustrated.
  21. Genuine question, have you ever considered that you might have a slight behaviour disorder? (Apologies if that's not the right term) I had very similar anxiety about any kind of trip away until I left the house if there was any aspect of it that was out of my control. It's taken over ten years to be diagnosed with anxiety based OCD and I didn't even know that was a thing but it all makes sense. If I'm travelling, on my terms, on my time, I'm fine. If I'm at the whim of someone else, I really really struggle, and it's about everything, even things that aren't related to the person organising. (Where's my passport, where's my suitcase, have I missed the flight) - When it was diagnosed, everything made sense, it's not pleasant but it's very manageable. And also, I can only imagine having a wife and two kids adds a lot more chaos to your situation..
  22. Really? If Emi was in goal, don't you think that would have been very different? The wall was poor, but good god it was a grubber of shot that. We gonna be talking about the Foden free kick, well, ever again? No, it was a shite freekick. The wall should have done better, Olson should have done better.
  23. Whilst he didn't cover himself in glory, I think you gotta look at Olson - He looked surprised they'd even had a shot from there.
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