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Everything posted by turvontour

  1. I was thinking that. I'd be really interested to know how many goals we've conceded with him playing because it's very few.
  2. Can we have pundits who arent ex footballers but are instead insightful and analytical when it comes to football? I dont want to listen to Ashley Cole say that the england boys weren't at it tonight and Hungary were hungry. I don't gain anything out of it being Ashley Cole if he hasn't got anything to say.
  3. Anyone who sits in the trinity lower and middle know if you can access right away across the stand? So if I was holte end side of trinity middle, could I meet my mate at half time who is north stand end? I'm thinking mainly in the concourse, is it closed off in the middle for that central hospitality bit?
  4. Great result after that first innings from New Zealand, fair play.
  5. I really cant believe that the club dont offer a view from the block you're choosing. Surely that wouldnt be difficulty, just a photo out from centrally in that block.
  6. Do we have to pay anything for these youth signings?
  7. I think that more people will be looking to move this year due to the big changes in costs, banding structure of the different stands etc. I did mine over the phone last week as thought it would be a nightmare this week.
  8. It's a really exciting squad when you see it listed altogether like that.
  9. Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Jesuuuuus. His mom is loose, his mom is looooooose.
  10. Well this is the tough decision isnt it. Personally I dont see what he gains against coming up against Rotherham, Wigan etc. Type defences next season. And also training every day with inferior players. But then equally, will he actually play for villa, no point being around if not involved in first team games. It's a tricky one.
  11. Not really sure why people have an issue with this. Recouping the money we paid for a player we no longer need is exactly what we need to start doing. Other than Grealish, I bet this is the first player weve sold for more than £10mil in years. Probably since Dwight Yorke. Haha. Seriously though is it since Benteke, that's mad if so given that weve signed about 76 players for more than £10mil?
  12. We overpaid for a lot of players that summer.
  13. Bit of an odd career hes having right now. We know how good a player he is, cost £100mil and has just won the premier league. But equally, he rarely starts games, doesn't appear to be first choice for England or Man City. He's 27 in a couple of months so this is his peak time really for him youd think these next couple of years. Huge season for him coming up.
  14. Just a completely unnecessary batting display. When you're chasing 150 you can ease along at one boundary an over. Sometimes it feels that players play t20 shots for t20s sake.
  15. Imagine being able to kick a pet cat around. Get caught doing it. Have the whole world know you were doing it. Get prosecuted for doing it. And then be able to go and buy as many cats again as you want in a few years.
  16. I think hes pretty similar. A one goal in three games type striker.
  17. It's not the list of players that's bad, there are some very good players in that side. It's the fact that they were an absolutely awful team.
  18. This one is just one too far for me on the whole Gerrard ex pal linked players. I dont like Suarez anyway which probably doesnt help. I cant see the benefit of it.
  19. I'm beginning to see why my nans season ticket has gone up £200.
  20. This I don't get, a 29 years old that hasn't featured for Brazil?
  21. Haha. Was thinking exactly this at the Palace game. Mings was marking their goalkeeper when we had a corner. Surely he should be attacking the ball crossed in?
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