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Everything posted by Eidolon

  1. Can confirm Congrats to him though, after all that build the test must have been such a big mental thing to get through
  2. Ahhh crumbs, I missed out on the baker puns
  3. Thank you that’s always really reassuring to hear from people.
  4. All good! I don’t look for things to get bent out of shape about if the intent is clearly friendly and genuinely interested So yeah, Male to female, started hormones and stuff a number of years ago and was pretty lucky to not be the most masculine looking person to start with so I’m pretty privileged in how easy it is for me to exist as a trans person. It’s a lot harder for people who transition later in life than I did or just aren’t lucky enough to have a certain body type and facial structure so don’t see quite the same success from hormone therapy as I have been privileged enough to have gotten.
  5. Changed my name from my birth name to my preferred name so from a traditionally male name to actually more of a unisex one but the intent being the female version of the name
  6. yep, cats and dogs are great in theory but just unremitting grossness in practice.
  7. I’d assumed it was live service like The Avengers game and not given it a second look. Good to know it’s a different type of experience. Recently fell back into the old Warhammer 40k strategy games on the PC. Very enjoyable and I had forgotten how broken you can make the old games with Orks and few exploits
  8. Woopwoop! Got my legal name change approved today and an appointment set to get it confirmed pretty stoked about it and this seemed to be the appropriate thread.
  9. We’ve sent all the non double vaxxed people to work from home since we opened our borders to the plague states (VIC and NSW might not seem too big of hot spots on a global scale but my state which shares a border with Victoria has been mostly completely COVID free or single digit case numbers for virtually the whole pandemic but for the very start) it’s still an alarmingly large chunk of people missing which is disappointing, we should be using our privilege of relatively low case numbers to be getting as well prepared as possible for when one of these strains inevitably eventually cracks us but even amongst people who aren’t non vaxxers there is a disappointing level of apathy and ‘I’ll do it later’ about their attitudes.
  10. Hawkeye is generally really well received then which surprises me as I wasn’t going to bother with this one and was probably just going to end up looking up the major developments to have a break and arrest my increasing marvel fatigue but I might give it a watch now
  11. As he’s not the brightest boy going around it’s entirely likely he misunderstood why the crowd were singing VTID at him and took it as a show of support? Either that or he doesn’t write his own social media posts
  12. Less said about the first half the better, I think a bit of the fear and hesitancy that The G Man had seemed to have dispelled maybe crept back in a bit until Ollie’s goal. Second half very encouraging and overall I think we take as much away from this as we could realistically expect to at this point in time. Side note, what a bunch of classless rocket polishers they have on Blue Moon (I like to get a sense of how the opposition rated us, just lurk though) completely irrelevant without ludicrous oil money and most likely to be wearing black and white in 3-5 years time. Also moved on from former players and outside of that I don’t think a late late sub warrants naming or special mention.
  13. You are right of course but I just can never bring myself to not do the synthesis ending and ignore the claxons going off in my head about it. Just cannot wipe out the AI after the Geth storyline and EDI.
  14. This has grown on me the more I have thought about it. I wish him all the best and hopefully it's the start of something beautiful, there will be a fair deal of attention on him from the media I'd imagine, could do wonders for rebuilding our profile if he is a success.
  15. There's currently a lot of spam txt messages going around over here where the message will say you have an unread voice mail with a dodgy link to click to 'check it'. I'm not gullible enough to click on the links but its comfortably 4-5 times a day every day for the last month or so and it's really starting to work my last nerve
  16. I for one drink Coke (well Pepsi Max but you know, Cola drinks) when I need a bit of a caffeine boost, I cant stomach hot drinks at all and Energy drinks are horrific so my options are pretty limited in that capacity.
  17. Agreed, I couldn't believe it was so low down the list. There's a few on their that make my inner contrarian bristle but if everyone had the same tastes as me that would be very boring indeed
  18. Gaboon Vipers, they are the snakes with the highest venom output in the world and the longest fangs but they are also one of the most docile snakes towards humans often not even needing tongs to be picked up in the wild by trained snake catchers. They also move like they have tiny people marching inside them which I think is just the best thing ever.
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