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Everything posted by Eidolon

  1. Happy New Year VT! I hope everyone wakes up with clear heads and it’s a good start to 2022
  2. https://www.img2go.com/compress-image#j=5b630123-09b0-475f-b847-b16de711eaeb i find this place is useful for free image compression when you don’t really know what your doing without sacrificing too much in the way of picture quality. for example here’s what I wore to New Years, which started way too big but I got it down enough without it losing much quality.
  3. Betty white to be switched out for Mitch McConnell
  4. Technically happened on 1/1/2022 in my Timezone but I’ll get to it
  5. Congrats to your niece I’ve been in that exact situation a couple of years ago (forced hospital admission at 42kg) but I wouldn’t say I’ve beaten it yet and still have a way to go. It’s awesome to hear about your niece and helps a lot to hear a story with a happy ending
  6. Had my annual Xmas bulemia relapse tonight even though I barely ate by what would be any normal non-anorexic person’s standard. This time of year is a dang nightmare
  7. From the previous page Juicy J is proper rapper’s name, you can tell he gets jiggy with it
  8. He better not! The god awful end to Game of Thrones CANNOT become the only ending to ASoIaF
  9. Oooooh my first Deadpool entry, time to get that low hanging fruit and left field .05% changers 1. Queen Elizabeth II 2. Vincent Kennedy McMahon jr 3. Betty White 4. Da Baby (could be any of that breed of mumble rappers but he’s the only one who’s name I actually remember because it’s so stupid) 5. Joe Biden
  10. these should keep this coming twilight zone week between Christmas and NYE as a pleasant unremembered haze
  11. I think I’m about to recreate the John Hurt Alien scene with that last veggie sausage roll. A bridge too far
  12. They’ve had an inexplicable renaissance here and I can’t stand it. Grotesque hair style
  13. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! It just hit midnight here and I feel like a 10 year old all over again not being able to sleep
  14. Yeah nah, 100% honesty I’d keep a bag or two I like to think I’d hand it ALL in but I know myself too well
  15. Being specifically a situation ABOUT Christmas IMO, it’s all very subjective but for me Die Hard is a movie set at Christmas whereas something like IDK A Christmas Carol is a Christmas movie.
  16. Got roped into my girlfriend’s Christmas tradition of watching Die Hard with her friends last night and honestly I don’t get the fuss at all. It seemed like your pretty run of the mill action flick for me, a solid 6/10 but I was expecting a lot more, also do things just need to be set at Christmas to be a Christmas movie now? I couldn’t see any other thematic connection in there.
  17. It’s so unremittingly sunny all the god damn time I know a lot of people would kill for a bit if sun right now but I just do not like the heat
  18. I’d love to know if that mirror strange is the same one we saw in the What If? Disney+ series. Would definitely make them feel a whole lot more significant all of a sudden
  19. I’ve quickly learned in my time here from the various music threads that taste wise this list is a bonus Xmas gift there’s lots in there I have never heard of
  20. Taking my girlfriend to big bells and whistles, all the sides Xmas dinner with the family, my folks love her so she’s looking forward to at least getting SOME family stuff this Xmas after the drama she is having getting kicked out. I’m helping my mum with the Ham even though I don’t eat meat any more so I’m hoping I remember what I’m doing, I wanted to do all the veg but she’d rather have help with the meat
  21. Googled Ladbaby, could have been worse I guess but jeez that’s uninspiring
  22. Yeah pretty standard call centre stuff, the base salary is pretty low and you make it up by making sales (it’s our countries biggest teleco so nothing sketchy btw although they don’t have a great reputation…) but everyone’s commissions are pooled and split into performance tiers rather than you just getting what you get so really unless you are in the top few tiers you are really losing out. I’m fortunate to usually live in the top two tiers but it’s just a pain to lose the top bracket on the last day (couldn’t get it back as of yet ) I hate it honestly but it’s a relatively honest (so long as you behave ethically) way to make money that is safe for a transwoman that I’m actually good at so the stresses are relatively few on the whole.
  23. Love love loved No Way Home! My favourite non-spider verse spider movie by far. Seeing it on IMAX was amazing, Marvel certainly know how to create an experience.
  24. Fell out of the highest sales commission tier at work on the last bloody day after being in all month I wanted to take it easy the last day before breaking off but now I’ve got til the end of the day or it’s a pretty big difference to my incentive take.
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