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Everything posted by AVFC_Hitz

  1. Absolutely. Nailed on bimplebomple job. Pavel Srnacek.
  2. Brentford are our bogey team. They bum otters and video it on an old Sony viewcam. It's a fine result. Under Gerrard we were losing this game 3-0. German invasion of the Rheinland.
  3. AVFC_Hitz


    Currently only made to order with a choice of British or swiss movements. Probably out of my reach, sadly.
  4. Can't you do it for him and then send him a very passive aggressive, patronising email explaining to him why he's a pipe to pipe bushman?
  5. They're heavily reinforced after Shaq O'Neal broke many of them doing exactly that.
  6. Yeah, I'm just assuming because you're in Eastern Europe bet365 went a bit jippy for you. Mine did last week. Couldn't put a bet on and I'd missed a message saying you need to download the authentication app. Works fine now. I could be talking about something completely different though...
  7. Have you downloaded their authenticator app?
  8. Put her stapler in jelly and throw her shoe over the building.
  9. There was a south African bloke called Zuma who had an insane shot. I used to love volleying in off a corner with him.
  10. You never know with Dem, he could have just misspelt Bridlington.
  11. In Bulgaria bacon is eaten raw. Like ham, just strips of bacon laid on bread. I strongly considered handing back my residency.
  12. Mine doesn't either. I'll just stick to walking into Our Price and humming it to the girl behind the counter.
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