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Everything posted by KenjiOgiwara

  1. Not even remotely the first game I played, but Might and Magic MIandate of Heaven was absolute class. That and Heroes of Might and Magic 3 was something I spent waaaay too much time on.
  2. Happy for them. Well run club, and for that alone they deserve this. Pretty shite fans though.
  3. Resign Stefan Postma too and make them live together.
  4. Is he pacy and direct? Does he hug the chalk, i.e. not a cut inside winger? If so I'm all for this. Sign him up.
  5. Personally I'd say it's beneficial. Extra fat is a huge deal in avoiding injuries. I've tried both bodies and it really is a massive massive difference. Goalies also can be exposed when picking down balls, so having some extra kgs can do wonders.
  6. The visuals of the cover and such was more important back in the day wasn't it? You sort of had to use your imagination before playing to get into it. These days the games are so well made, you get all your senses triggered in game so to speak.
  7. I wish this happens now, cause it would make reading Pinkun absolutely marvelous.
  8. Important to remember how much players, and especially young players can develoo from one season. A player can look absolutely lost one season and look brilliant the next. I'm all for giving Ramsey a loan, but I wouldn't be surprised if looked the part next season.
  9. Can't say I've watched him and noticed it. Seems like a midtable signing, but then again that's what we are. Whatever Deano wants I suppose.
  10. Traore's finish against wba (?) was pretty filthy.
  11. Wish creatine did anything for me. Had I my first workout on Wednesday. The last two days have been absolute murder. I am so sore it's unreal. You know those pictures of the human body that shows what muscles are worked during squats and deadlift, i.e. pretty much everyone? I feel that. I feel it so bad. I did some lateral raises as well, and my deltoids are so **** sore it's funny. Can hardly walk. I'm way off though. 30-50 % off where I was I suppose. But nice to be back. Supposed to be back today for a new session. I will give it a try, but I'm not looking forward to it.
  12. Some may have, but the large majority thought he was one of our best, if not the best, that season. Nakamva is fine in the squad, but I'd look for someone more comfortable with the ball.
  13. I keep seeing so much talk of strikers, playmakers and wingers, but how about the DM position? What can we look at there? I like McGinn, Luiz and Sanson, but to me they are all fighting it out for the same position. And I've seen enough of Luiz and McGinn to know that partnership isn't what we need.
  14. He could be touted for a toblerone and packet of maltesers. I'd still pick Buendia.
  15. This. I remember watching him and thinking he looked pretty complete as a midfielder, then he just turned into complete shit.
  16. Don't see the problem with a text personally. It's a job and privilege, not a relationship.
  17. Does anyone think he should be there? I honestly don't know. Holland normally have very very good attacking players. But maybe the depth is weak enough for him to be a viable option.
  18. Eresdivisie. Jesus. With that defending I could score double digits. If he doesn't dominate there, then there's no hope.
  19. Is that a BREEAM certified building?
  20. Jesus. No wonder Hugh Grant struggled finding his assistant
  21. Well, maybe you should subsidize 1 m2 from the municipality to landowners to establish charging points, assuming the landowners can cover the digging costs themselves. I dunno. But yes, that would be a practical issue. But I think with time charging at home will be done less and less. Might as well have charging stations, just like you got petrol stations. On the new cars a 0-50% battery takes about 10-12 minutes.
  22. I don't even know what that mean. Are you saying you are parking on the pavement or on the shoulder of the road?
  23. You are talking like I've said otherwise.
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