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Everything posted by AJ

  1. Hopefully not another SAF cameo at Stockley Park.
  2. I thought we played well. Mendy was looking unbeatable, and against any other goalie, we would have scored two or three. Just for comic relief, I watched the Arsenal/ Norwich game, and such a contrast between the two games. If we played like we did against either of those two, we would have won 5 - 0.
  3. The actress deserves some kudos too. She reacted so well after seeing his dick pic.
  4. At least we still have Souttar, who always seems to tear Villa a new one whenever we play Stoke.
  5. I really wanted to say "when", but I didn't want to get too cocky and jinx it. We should win, but y'know, football.
  6. Australia play Vietnam in the morning. If they win, that is 10 wins in a row.
  7. AJ


    And how would you rate your Uber driver for this journey?
  8. That referee was beyond turdlike, and probably the worst " decision" he made was not giving C*ntos a yellow for simulation when he tried to get Anwar sent off. It was an opportunity to make an example and draw a line in the sand, but no, the soft cock approach he thought would suffice.
  9. Before the game, I had some respect for Brentford. They are filthy bastards. I want to say the ref was shit, but I can't. He was well beyond that.
  10. Australia is quite diluted in its favour for football codes, you have rugby union and league, AFL, and soccer fighting over pieces of a very small pie. ( Because of the numerous codes considered football, we have no choice but to refer to football as soccer in this context). * Interesting fact- The sport in Australia with most members? Netball. Being from north QLD, I grew up playing League, and later playing Union for the Army. I enjoyed playing both games, but I don't follow either. As for Aussie Rules, I played the odd recreational game in the Army. I didn't really know what I was doing, but I didn't mind it. It was OK.
  11. AJ

    Being late

    A few years ago, between where I lived and where I worked, timing was a weird bloody thing. Without traffic or any stops, I was about 6 minutes away. In reality though, it depended on the minute I left. Which minute that was, that was randomised on a daily basis. For example, I would try to be at work at 0715h. If I left home at 0655h, I would get there at 0728h. However, if I left at 0654h, I would get there at 0705h. This was a constant daily game that would drive me nuts.
  12. AJ

    Being late

    It annoys me getting somewhere too early, but I hate being late. I try to work out my journey so I am getting there no earlier than 10 minutes. I don't want to sit around twiddling my thumbs, thinking there was probably better things I could have been doing other than getting to where I was going.
  13. She has to take care of it, or she will end up as a malamute.
  14. I think it's an average. Ollie is great, SJM is good, Conor is about socio.
  15. Maybe we should put in a cheeky bid for Toney? No intention to buy him, but just to mess with their heads and unsettle them?
  16. AJ

    Cameron Archer

    A real life Alex Hunter.
  17. The ones that look like they are wearing jail pyjamas. Newcastle.
  18. We go again. Every time, my team looks good on paper, but then it gets all mussed due to injuries, suspensions, and rotations. It is like my innocent selection of a player in my team is a curse upon them. So, I am doing my bit. No Villa players.
  19. I agree. Young at LW while Bailey gets some time to embed.
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