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Everything posted by AJ

  1. Watching my team playing Egypt, it is a painful watch. Like watching a toddler trying to do stand up.
  2. New season begins The sun shines on Villa Park Grealish is staying.
  3. Awesome. But aren't you supposed to mention a tree or something?
  4. Yep. Course it would. It would be nice to have a little transfer suspension in place until it is clear that there is no wrong doing. They could continue to do alot of damage to football if they were allowed to conduct business as usual. Of course there is the slightly niggling issue that, by a very long shot, that they might be innocent. A nice written apology should cover it. It's $hitty, so f*** em.
  5. Just another thing. With the current investigation undergoing $hitty's transfer budget doping, how are we sure that the funds used to try and buy Kane, Jack, or any player are on the up? If they are found guilty of illegally inflating their transfer budget, would that make any transfers they make be gains made by rorting the system, and therefore shouldn't be allowed to stand? The powers that be need to act quickly on this if that is the case.
  6. Please maintain the bearing point of sanity by posting these messages every day. I will give you a like for each one, but that still undervalues the appreciation I have for your efforts. Love your work.
  7. Sorry Dave, I am going to pass on that. I would give Bluemoon a wide berth. I have nothing but absolute hatred for everything to do with that f***ing club. Especially their fans. What $hitty fans need to do is pull a cow's tw*t over their heads and get a bull to f*** some sense into them.
  8. Totally agree, Dave. I also believe there are other things to consider. With the current hooha surrounding $hitty, they could cop a points deduction. Yes, they are $hitty, and they belong to the scum6, and therefore are entitled to get away with it, but it is a possibility. Would Jack be happy about walking into that? I remember early in his career, watching a reporter follow him around post game, and Jack did not have a good game. He sat there reading the fans comments on his performance on his phone, and he was very gutted. Some here have said that they wont hold hard feelings and would wish him the best, but I strongly dont believe all fans would be reacting like that. He will cop hell from some of the fans, I am sure. How is he going to react to that? I don't believe Jack is going anywhere, but where Jack is going to be this season, I believe is the most important question in football right now. If he signs for $hitty, then football is dead. With the possible inclusion of Kane, $hitty are looking at having a choke hold on the Premier League. They will be nailed on Champions for this season, and probably for future seasons too. This club was also at the forefront of a group of clubs who wanted to ruin football. May nobody ever forget that. *If (when) Jack shows his intent to stay at Villa, it shows everyone what is true value in football. It would be like giving a big middle finger to the face of the scum6, and telling them that there are some things that you can't offer, because I already have it at My Club. Its the love from the fans. It is walking out on the ground in which he used to wish he could do one day when he was a kid. It is seeing stuff with his name on it being sold in the Aston Villa shop where his Dad used to take him after the game. It is seeing his shirt on a kid, who would have been him when he was his age. It is the pride he feels when he slips on that arm band, and leads a bunch of great players, who are also his mates, and love the Villa just as much as he does onto the pitch while his heart is trying to punch its way out of his chest. These are the things that $hitty cannot offer, and they are not for sale. * ( What I hope Jack thinks). They are a soulless scumbag plastic club, but they have money. At least Villa has a soul. They also have money and ambition too.
  9. So if they have taken the posters down to increase the load of his junk, does that mean that is a rumour?
  10. Not sure who you mean. Their team is full of Cheating F***ers.
  11. Every window. Bullshit rumours abound about Jack leaving, and people start punching their tits over it.
  12. Judging by the number, maybe she just wants to invite him out for dinner for two?
  13. Depending on the band, it should allow freedom of movement albeit some resistance. Unless it's One Direction. Then your ears bleed. And it would serve you right. Stupid Harry Styles.
  14. AJ

    Emile Smith Rowe

    Signature For Smith-Rowe Gains Interest Arsenal have successfully fended off approaches from Aston Villa for the prized signature of their rising star Emile Smith-Rowe. To achieve this goal, which has been of paramount importance to Arsenal, the club have personally approached Staples for the purchase of a pen. Commenting on the pen used for signing the new contract, Smith-Rowe had this to say. " It's light, fits in my hand easily, when I lightly press down ink stuff comes out of it. Also, if I just push down on one of these things at the top of the pen, I could use black, blue, red, or even green ink if I felt feisty, depending on which colour thing I press down. It is an amazing piece of techonology(sic)". The purchase of the pen has certainly raised eyebrows in the North London club, as it is believed that the purchase of the pen would be paid in annual instalments over the next twenty years. The annual instalment payment is believed to be in the 40p per year range. Some sections of the Arsenal fanbase have reacted angrily towards the pen purchase, claiming that the interest paid over the twenty years may be too much. The pen, believed to be valued at 2.99 pound, would incur a total payment of eight pound. Arsenal TV, the fan managed Youtube channel, has spoken out against the purchase quite negatively. " This club, man, wasting money. You have to wonder if they really care. They are going to send this club broke" an ArsenalTV spokesman has been reported as saying. It remains to be seen if the purchase of the pen will push Arsenal into further financial turmoil. A representative from Staples has so far been unavailable for comment. There you go. Clickbait.
  15. Southgate is a chancer, who, to the FA's delight, a better politician than a manager. I would even rate Steve Bruce over Southgate.
  16. AJ

    Ezri Konsa

    And then some. He just gets better and better.
  17. It wouldn't surprise me if UEFA was considering " special invitations". Oh wait. We don't have any money.
  18. Since my country stumbled at the first qualification hurdle by failing to be a part of Europe, I don't care who wins, as long as it is a good game and not won by shithousery.
  19. Since Jack is being minimalised, I at least hope Tyrone has a good game( If he plays). That being said, I will support whoever is playing England. I am sorry, but they are awful to watch, and I would rather see how many thumb tacks I can shove up my nose rather than watch them play.
  20. Jack did this last time. He said F all and just signed the contract.
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