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Everything posted by AJ

  1. That article lost all credibility when it said Sanson was out of favour. Stupid turdmonger cant get his facts straight.
  2. Signing Josh King is the sort of signing you make on the 31st of January after the news that Ollie, Wes, Louie and Bertie have either been injured, arrested, or kidnapped. Premeditating a signing like Josh King in the summer is craziness.
  3. Just rechecked and stand corrected. What they said was they will pay the Super League exit fee out of their own pocket.
  4. Gutless. Without a doubt, they will try again.
  5. It wont. The owners of these clubs have said that they will pay any fines out of their own pocket.
  6. Levy currently in renegotiations. 12 million pound fine plus Josh Onomah.
  7. Kind of felt that was the situation, but I was hoping in vain that something more balanced would come out of it. We all knew that the PL was going to do FA about it. These POS clubs will maintain their sense of entitlement, and as @tinker, says, they will try again, but with lessons learnt from this attempt.
  8. The hate I have for the scum 6 just keeps on soaring.
  9. Vice versa. If the Premier League doesn't show balls, then the lunatics really are running the asylum.
  10. Just saw that the Premier League and Scum6 are negotiating what their punishment should be. How the **** is that a thing?
  11. Flightless? Eat roots and leaves?
  12. AJ

    Dean Smith

    Couldn't disagree more with this.
  13. For Matt Targett's backup/understudy/competition, I would like to suggest Noah Katterbach from Koln. He has been at Koln since he was a kid, 20 years old now and has regularly featured in the German national youth teams. He has skillz, seems strong, and has room for development. His contract with Koln runs until 2024, but with the right cash, maybe we can turn some heads. We should get this guy.
  14. Yes, I agree, will we really get bang for buck value? I dont believe he will just walk into McGinn's position. We also have Sanson, who I am expecting and hoping to kick on next season. In Smith I trust.
  15. I am not too sure about this one. I like him, he is a good player, but do we really need him? Whose position is he going to take? Will he just be another squad player in an already strong midfield?
  16. AJ


    Miyajima. That place is well worth the trip. and you can use your JR pass for the ferry across. ( If you dont have one, tickets are cheap anyway) An interesting thing my Japanese GF said. All the souvenir shops there are "owned" by the yakuza. She mentioned this post trip, so I didn't get a chance to ask any of them if this was true.
  17. Apologies, I do see your point, and if back then, Jack did go to a club that was not going to provide him a leap forward in his career, it would have left us questioning alot of things, such as the sincerity of Jack's loyalty, and why we would shoot ourselves in the foot if we wanted progress. It would be regarded as madness to sell him to a club not guaranteeing him European football. In saying that, I think you may have missed my point. Things have changed. If Jack was to leave this summer ( For the record, he is going nowhere), I would be more disappointed if he did go to a Scum6 club. Since they pulled their bullshit, myself and many others look at those six clubs in a different way. In my opinion, if we are talking now, I would rather Jack go to a club that is on the verge and has the vision and resources to break up the hold these shitbird clubs have on the Premier League. I would rather Jack go to Everton, Leicester, or West Ham, rather than help prop up Manchester City, Arsenal or Manure. That was then, this is now. As the season progresses, I believe the Norwich fans will come around, and start to see patterns emerging, as we have done. Dodgy VAR decision? Questionable penalty? Free kick imbalance? Some things they may notice when they play certain teams that make them go hmmm. In summary, all the clubs that signed up to ruin football can all go do one, and I hope Norwich fans will come around to feel that way too. Also, apologies for the late reply. Time zones.
  18. And a purple unicorn would fly through my window and give me midnight lessons on the accordion. None of what you said was ever going to happen.
  19. AJ

    Norwich City

    I get the vibe that they are just visiting the Premier League, and safe to call them relegation candidates. The Canaries will be cannon fodder. Canonary fodder.
  20. To be fair, they knew that the moment they realised they were going up..
  21. I really don't get the saltiness of Norwich fans. They expected Emi B to go to a " proper" club? They would rather he go to a club that signed up for plans to ruin football, rather than a club whose intention is to break up the hold the self entitled 6 hold on the Premier League? They are silly.
  22. AJ


  23. AJ


    You are right, shinkansen tickets are expensive. It depends on how long you are staying to get the best value out of it. @villa4europe recommended Nara, and I do too. It is on the way to Kyoto. The cool thing about Nara is they have hundreds of wild deer just roaming the streets. They are wild, but you can feed and pet them. * In Tokyo, if you have the JR pass, it makes things easier. To get on a train, you just flash your pass at the gate and on you go. It saves buying tickets. Whether to get a JR pass, you just have to do the math. Kyoto is only about 2 hours away, so if that was the only trip, it probably wont be worth it. * When I was in Nara, I saw a dickhead tourist put his hat on one of the deer for a photo op. The hat slipped over the deer's eyes, and the poor thing panicked (the deer, not the tourist, f### him) , and ran away through the crowd without being able to see. Some people some distance away managed to grab the deer and take the hat off it. I just hope the experience made that guy feel like a dickhead, because in fact he was a dickhead.
  24. AJ


    The JR pass is actually quite helpful. You can use it for the Tokyo city circle, which is effectively the major places you want to get to in Tokyo. You just cant use it for privatised train services which take you to the fringes of Tokyo. If you are staying for say, like 10 days, the trick is to activate the JR pass as close to your first shinkansen trip. If you are staying in Tokyo for a couple of days first, it is cheap and easy enough to just buy one trip tickets, which are about 120 to 180 yen. As for staying in Japan, we usually stay in Ikebukuro. It is central, pretty much has everything you need, good nightlife, and not as touristy.
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