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Everything posted by PongRiddims

  1. There's a lot of pressure on our opening order now, the Aussies shouldn't even have lost Warner in truth.
  2. Excellent I've synced a couple of Mungo Hifi albums and that Trojan Dub on my Spotify to listen to at work today thank you dubfriends
  3. I got a mate (genuinely, not me) that needs to empty it five times a day
  4. Once upon a time I was a social media whore, loved it, no lie, as a part time writer considered it a bit of a testing ground for jokes and ideas. After a couple of years, realised the amounts of time that was spent reading either 'copy and paste ideologies' or looking at people's pets, babies or dinners. Facebook is dead, Twitter is borderline, a life without is a very nice life indeed. I don't mind forums, the aim is very different, the conversation is mostly relevant, the people (most of) have similar agendas and don't need to force anything home, it makes more sense, it's an optional service.
  5. I've done Lent before just to see if I could. It was tough. Serious?
  6. Great thread. Anyone into dub reggae? Any good news artists to check out?
  7. If my contract was up I'd probably back twenty but the second I sign a new one I'd be a three goal a season wonder
  8. I might be wrong but wasn't he playing with some 7th tier team before Southampton? As for position to play, centre forward, managed it for a good ten years without being sussed Last meal, starter would be chilli and garlic prawns, main full English, no mushrooms, bbq sauce, all the breads (toast, fried and bread and butter) and pudding would be bread and butter pudding with custard and a pint of Guinness yes boy
  9. I never disliked the bloke as a player, steady 6.8/10 all in, but his view of himself as player far exceeds my own, he's a bottom half premiership player, he's either genuinely taking time out (if so, respect) or he's punching way above his weight with his next team
  10. I haven't partaken in one of these events before, is it a couple of massive discounts and loads of overpriced tat to make the price up?
  11. You'll wanna be checked the friendlies out, I had Fulham to beat us at 9/2, plenty of goals, plenty of weakened teams, the bookies still support the favourites but you can pick some butters bets still
  12. From someone that got completely shafted by a previous employer and consequently became a rather militant union rep, you have a lot a very good advice here. Ultimately, you can be dismissed for very little because the process of tribunal and dealing with ACAS/CAB can be expensive and ridiculously timely, but if you value your work and can prove you've done nothing wrong you're entitled to continue working. The problem you have at that point is you are the person that went down tribunal, effectively the trouble maker in their eyes, and your career their will be tarnished whether right or not. If you've done wrong, you've done wrong, you might escape, you might not, but it's certainly not the end of the world, suck it up and consider the future 12 months from now and where you want to be. Good luck.
  13. If you enjoy the lower league football experience, AFC Wulfrunians are worth a visit mate, they play on the old England Rugby training pitch in Wolverhampton, lovely venue, decent team, cans of Red Stripe at the bar
  14. Lee Hendrie is out of contract, maybe bring him back?
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