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Everything posted by PongRiddims

  1. You brown-nosing bastard [emoji38] Haha tis true RJW
  2. Put the new DJ Yoda album on yesterday, massively underwhelmed. Some of his past production is fantastic, but I'd say 75% of the album is Mark Ronson Lite rubbish, really disappointed.
  3. To follow my post, I might add I think the Mods do a fantastic job and there are some excellent posters in the On Topic forums too, it's not all bad.
  4. Absolutely. The amount of comment on Amavi, Ayew and Gueye on here is astonishing given I'd wager 95% of VTers (including myself) have probably never seen them play. I don't mind the odd comment but the sheer volume of nonsense ruins the thread! If I can't see quotes or pictures as evidence after a minute of reading I leave the thread and wait for the news instead. I'm not sure if Designer 1 introduced you to VT or not, but as (I could be wrong here, but from seeing a couple of posts) he's your mate in real life, he should have warned you about "on topic". I get the impression that Aston Villa has a large percentage of supporters who are regular self-harmers. Haha, nah I was a poster on here a long time ago under another name and it was similar (not as bad) back then too. I love VT as a site, but not for On Topic discussion, sadly.
  5. Ah man that is the worst. Everyone wants to look like their hero, Kieran Richardson obviously! Haha what an aspiration to have
  6. I honestly did that on my lunch. Took like 25 minutes! But yes, Friday afternoons are always slow here You could've spent half hour doing it and hid the gridlines #excelart [emoji1]
  7. After 9 works for me fella, I'm alright on it, still finding my way around though, glad I have an experienced warrior on my side BTW great video GRDR
  8. And any accompanying YouTube videos that show how amazing a player is, stop it now.
  9. Yep, in agreement with this. It won't help anyway, if they wanted to show solidarity it should've been before now. Good luck with future endeavours anyway, you're better off out of there.
  10. Absolutely. The amount of comment on Amavi, Ayew and Gueye on here is astonishing given I'd wager 95% of VTers (including myself) have probably never seen them play. I don't mind the odd comment but the sheer volume of nonsense ruins the thread! If I can't see quotes or pictures as evidence after a minute of reading I leave the thread and wait for the news instead.
  11. In fairness, that was 2014 surely? Also, they forgot the undercut side parting.
  12. The amount of amateur scouts and professional rumour mongers on football forums, not just VT. I can flick through 100+ pages of opinion on why someone would/wouldn't be a good signing, with no evidence the signing is going to happen, from people with experience that goes no further than Football Manager and the occasional game of football at Goals with the lads from work.
  13. That sounds terrible. I've had a beard since November. In the early days of growing it I kept having dreams I had shaved it all off by accident. I used to wake up so relieved. I don't use settings on my beard trimmer. I shape it myself on the tightest setting. I've quite the Mellberg at the moment so it can be slightly uneven and no one will notice Freestyle beard trimming?
  14. I got better ways to spend my time brother, I only came in here to see if we signed anyone, had a laugh at an unexpected Ade Edmondson gif, don't cry about my posting history fella, have a lovely day xx
  15. My vote for post of the year So what has a man to do to get a like from you? Post something I like, largely evident by the nature of the button being discussed, one would have thought?
  16. My vote for post of the year
  17. Any of you train on your lunch break from work? I was gyming straight from work before but a lot has changed with work/uni/home life so considering using my Flexi to the best possible extent and taking a good lunchtime session in. Biggest concern is whenever I've trained in the mornings before I've literally eaten all day long after, I seem less inclined on an evening workout
  18. Thanks for the memories big man, definitely gotta rename the dog now FFS
  19. You're at a tricky age in your 30s where you're too old to go up town without looking like a feckless idiot. Everyone is either early 20s and having a great time or in their 40s and freshly divorced. It's like the 30 club are on lockdown
  20. Or, as a designer you'll probably give it a trendy moniker like D(esig)NA1 Or even D(Si)NA1 **** hell someone get me a job in marketing I've cracked it
  21. Yep, must say my first car (Mini Metro) could tell a few sordid stories too Ah man I've been in your car, could've been sat in D1 DNA man uuuugh!
  22. People playing short with absolutely no desire to be playing sport and thus letting everyone else down.
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