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Everything posted by PongRiddims

  1. Didn't gym it as got asked to play five a side instead. Can't remember the last time I kicked a ball. Really going to regret this in the morning.
  2. I'll do the tourney but depends on time and date, put me as a maybe
  3. Stevo luvs rocket league 4eva
  4. I've not played it before, I hear good things about it
  5. I'm over it, he's an average football but a world class word removed
  6. Rumours he's just been spotted at Man City training ground for a medical
  7. CEX wanted £40 sheets for a copy that looked like it had been used to make jam sandwiches with, so grubby. Opted to get far cry and battlefield instead
  8. £50 - Which I have no issue with at all. I think it's rrp is £45? But I'd rather spend a couple of extra quid and support an independent shop that i've used for 20 years. Independent shop round here? Is it a slash em up type game or does it require careful thought?
  9. I'm sure that's a song off the first Streets album?
  10. I'll be on later, I know a few have added me but it's trimpong if you haven't [emoji106]
  11. After a successful few months of hard training, followed by a few months of not being able to train due to doctors orders and consequently a few months of being on the piss eating kebabs and that, I'm thoroughly looking forward to hitting the gym again tomorrow and packing in the booze and cake for a bit
  12. If it ain't Grealish I'm gonna bost VP up.
  13. Don't be, you lose a lot in everyday conversation as there are more film references used than you would imagine.
  14. Playing at club level should involve no national ceremony, no acknowledgement of religious occasion, no concerns of colour of creed, it should be 100% to the team and the community you play for. McLean's behaviour, at club level, shouldn't be highlighted like this as he shouldn't be in this situation in the first place. When you're playing for country it's an entirety different kettle of fish, but the ceremony at club level has gone too far
  15. Since he signed he's been mostly shit anyway, one, at a push two, decent seasons, definitely not excellent seasons, I think the fact that only Citeh that have lost a couple of HG players have come in for him speaks volumes, no one else cares, he's not that good.
  16. I've completely under sold myself, I've also seen Searching for Sugar Man which was very good too
  17. I'm in and out, just filling my boots with whoever online atm
  18. I can also verify this story, and got a signed picture of him put through the door a couple of months later, he could've been on the blag and done it himself but he was hardly a superstar for us!
  19. FFS Spoilers mate Yeah shit sorry I can only possibly ruin three other films though on the plus side, American Pie he **** the ginger one, ET he goes home and Scarface he goes bat shit crazy. ****spoilers above please don't read if you haven't seen the films mentioned above****
  20. Right I'm a rocket leaguer now, trimpong please add me and I'll show you the true definition of Heskey Skills
  21. trimpong add me and recommend me some good games to download please
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