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Everything posted by bannedfromHandV

  1. He does a lot of the commentary on the football league highlights too
  2. Just been announced he’s had his contract terminated and he’s posted on Instagram about his livelihood not meaning anything in comparison with what’s going on in Gaza.
  3. Wow, would never have thought United would blame a kit for their poor performances………………
  4. Great news! Just need Ramsey back now too and our squad depth will be significantly better.
  5. It’s a massive opportunity potentially, Newcastle have Arsenal at home, United are away at Fulham and Brighton away at rejuvenated Everton - good chance at least 2 of them will drop points which means we could open up a significant gap with a win ourselves.
  6. So firstly, nice to see the beeb putting is on ahead of Liverpool. Secondly, Murphy is such a pillock, conceited little gremlin. Thirdly, disappointed they didn’t acknowledge Charlie Aitken’s passing at all.
  7. Really wasn’t, maybe depends on where you’re sat?
  8. Just got home from the match. Solid performance with some good quality at times, barely broke out of first gear and had we been more clinical would have scored at least 5. Thought McGinn was very good today, along with Konsa, Torres, Diaby and Digne. Special mention for Bailey too who just looks a different player now. Jury very much out on Zaniolo, we were evidently better with him not on the pitch second half. Thought the atmosphere was pretty good all things considered, seemed like the Holte made more effort to break into spontaneous song than I’ve witnessed the last few times I’ve been (first visit this season). Only annoyance is the goal conceded, which sums up how good we are at the moment because if that’s all I’m getting annoyed at then things are really going well.
  9. That additional pause he takes after the ref blows the whistle for a penalty - wonder if that’s psychology and Luiz going when he’s ready, not when the ref is?
  10. Generally speaking he’s been excellent and more than warranting his spot in the first XI irrespective of Moreno being out. But man I reckon part of him can’t wait for Moreno to come back just so he can get a bit of rest, has played a lot of minutes this season already.
  11. Yep nice and composed tonight
  12. Oh and that cat and mouse passage with Emi just standing on the ball and the AZ strikers saying nah mate we’re sticking to the instructions, pisser
  13. Could have easily given the motm to either Bailey or Tielemans, both excellent. In many respects I don’t think we played all that well tonight but what we did do was keep it tight for the first 15 mins and quieten down the crowd which is what we didn’t do in Warsaw. But we were absolutely clinical tonight backed up in the stats, 5 shots, 5 on target, 4 goals and the shot that didn’t go in resulted in the assisting the third goal. Tonight felt like the kind of Emery masterclass I expected to see in Europe. I’m finding it hard to take in how good we are at the moment, it feels like we’ve scored what would have been a season’s worth of goals in the past and we’re in October still. Someone pinch me.
  14. 2 shots, 2 on target, 2 goals - clinical. That said, we haven’t been great and I’ll be shocked if we don’t gift them at least one goal with the risks we’re taking at the back, multiple times Kamara just about got the ball away to cash, aside from the one he got caught on and they should have scored. McGinn and Digne haven’t been great, Luiz so so, Tielemans and Bailey have been superb for the most part. There’s a goal or two for Watkins here if he switches on fully.
  15. Bit worried at CB given they have a striker on fire, Lenglet had very little defensive work to do in his last outing so it’s going to be interesting to see how quickly he gets up to speed. Other than that it should be good enough to get a result, need home form Bailey to show up tonight.
  16. Is it not just fear? It’s not like they can go out and have a ‘peaceful’ march, they’ll get shot, en masse.
  17. Detained in Horley, wonder if we can assume that’s their constituency?
  18. We’re watching the wire now for the first time (deep into series 3 currently) and it cracks us up every time!
  19. The lesser spotted Matt Targett getting 20 mins in the champions league
  20. I understand Hamas do not represent Muslims but the wider Palestinian population might, in time, at least to some degree. I’m not an expert, just my opinion based on what little I know
  21. I guess the big worry is this extends into an all out war of religion, at the moment it’s based largely on territory with a subtext of the two rival religions. If Israel do commence a ground invasion the numbers of dead Palestinians will be horrifyingly high, it will almost certain be tantamount to ethnic cleansing and if that spurs on the wider Muslim community both within the Middle East and beyond it could become highly volatile, not just for Israel but perhaps also for the likes of Saudi Arabia who just want things to quieten down so they can continue making obscene amounts of money. Unless Hamas transfer all the remaining hostages back to Israel now and Israel agree to cease hostilities there’s just no end in sight on this. Israel have more than made their point in terms of retaliation.
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