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Everything posted by bannedfromHandV

  1. The fact we can finish 5th and likely qualify for champions league is very intriguing, still difficult, still unlikely but tantalising nonetheless.
  2. Superb performance, great result. That Bailey goal was a thing of beauty. Gave Watkins motm though could have given it to a few, Luiz and Konsa both excellent and Cash was good too. Didn’t give it to Luiz as there were 3 or 4 really sloppy passes which was frustrating but it’s nitpicking after a game like that. Be just like us to go and lose to Luton now after obliterating so many better teams in the sequence of 11 straight home wins - let that sink in. For most of my villa supporting life I’d be delighted with 11 home wins all season long. These are halcyon days, truly.
  3. We’ve done really well in finding players in the middle of the pitch and getting them on the half turn quickly, suspect Moyes will seek to put an end to that somehow. Feel like we should have scored more and that always concerns me for a second half. Oh, and how on earth can they spend a minute checking if the handball was in or out of the box to then put the ball down 3 yards back for the free kick, sometimes refs just don’t help themselves with a basic lack of logic.
  4. That’s why he’s been an abject failure as a manager himself
  5. Was really hoping we’d see Ramsey or Moreno back on the bench today
  6. When was the last time we beat them? Feels like a long time ago unless I’m forgetting something. Feel like it’ll be a draw again today.
  7. Thank McGrath for the ignore function, seems to be my biggest takeaway from this thread over recent weeks.
  8. I spent a few years in my younger days on the clubbing scene and partook in all that came with it, if you know what I mean. A little later in life I was down in London on a stag night and drank pretty much only vodka redbull all night, I felt far worse than I’d ever felt during my clubbing days. It’s some heavy shit man for sure.
  9. It’s not necessary to pick a side, despite what the media tell you.
  10. Israel say it’s a failed Hamas rocket, I see no reason not to believe them……….right?
  11. I don’t think he’s a big enough name to negotiate that and I don’t think we’re small enough to accept it any more. Could be wrong of course.
  12. I think we have to take into account the conditions, it’s easy to overlook because it’s a World Cup and not a test series but we rarely do well in India in general.
  13. A price they’re familiar with, at least these particular Arabs.
  14. Curran and livingstone have to be dropped, sad to say but Woakes too, all three been awful. Rashid’s looked ineffective, Buttler offering nothing, absolute dogshit.
  15. Only Brooks has shown ANYTHING here, this has been an embarrassment of a performance.
  16. England are in trouble against Afghanistan, poor bowling in the main and struggling now with the bat.
  17. The entire ‘thing’ is embarrassing, can’t understand why anyone who isn’t a 12 year old prime drinking, tik tok using, man bag wearing tit would watch it.
  18. just need to cut out the handling errors and improve the lineout, we’d be miles ahead if not for that. Adams was a bit fortunate but there wasn’t much in it at the same time
  19. I wonder which Jack Grealish would fit better into Unai’s Villa, our old Jack or the new Jack
  20. NZ are not the team they were, South Africa and Ireland are the two best teams in the world currently.
  21. Thought he did well tonight, should keep his confidence flowing for West Ham
  22. Channel 4 talking Watkins down big time, the presenters awful as it is anyway but the tone of her questions to the ‘panel’ is a joke.
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