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Everything posted by icouldtelltheworld

  1. 1st choice: Bacuna Okore Clark New LB 2nd choice: Hutton Baker New CB Bennett ? I'd get rid of Lowton, even though I like him I just can't see him breaking into the team past Bacuna and Hutton. I'd keep Richardson because he's a useful back up for a few positions. I wouldn't offer Vlaar a new contract. I'd be tempted to go with Hutton as first choice when were likely to have our backs against the wall, and Bacuna for games where we'll be on the front foot, and I think Okore and Clark have shown enough this year to be our first choice pairing going forward. And I completely forgot about Senderos! Keep as back-up, I guess.
  2. Clark and Grealish. I really hope Clark wins, he fully deserves to, although I'm fairly certain Benteke will edge it.
  3. I'd love to see us have a proper go in the Europa League, I'll never see us winning the league nor qualifying for the CL, let alone winning it. Therefore, after we've won the FA Cup () the next thing on my list would be the Europa League. However, I don't think our squad is anywhere near ready for the demands and it could really be detrimental to us next season. I certainly don't agree with some of the scathing hatred for the competition that gets posted on here, to be regularly competing (and competitive) in the EL would be brilliant for the club, and should be the aim for the next few years. Next season is probably just a wee bit soon for us, though.
  4. Brummie Villans without tickets might be interested in this. It's a screening of the cup final at Boxxed warehouse in Digbeth. There's about 150 free tickets left and you can book up to 9 of them I think, there's just a 50p transaction fee to pay. After that it's £5 per ticket
  5. When we play the final, my son will be (give or take a few months) the same age as I was when Villa last won a trophy (I was about 3 and a half in 1996). I'm taking this as definite proof that we will win, all will be well and the big bet I put on us winning will help me to celebrate all night long...
  6. It's nice being English and Irish, I'll get to enjoy him whoever he plays for
  7. Clegg wins, but looks a broken man "you're getting sacked in the morning"
  8. Labour fail to take North Warwickshire or Worcester, both key marginals. Conservative won't be far off a majority at this rate, propped up by UKIP and the DUP? Sounds a recipe for five years of fun...
  9. They've already been in charge of Holyrood, albeit as a minority government, and it looks like they'll have absolutely no say in Westminster - it might be that there isn't a single Scottish MP in government or opposition. I'm sure they've already proved to the people of Scotland that they are up for running the Scottish parliament, or they wouldn't be winning across the board. It doesn't look like their role in Westminster will be any different to what it was last week
  10. £8 billion worth of cuts to come, and they've refused to give any details about what those will be. I don't understand how anyone could feel comfortable voting Tory on the basis of that.
  11. Going to be an expensive night for the Lib Dems if they keep losing their deposit. Shocking results so far
  12. What ward in Sutton you live in mate? although highly unlikely, depends on the ward, but as Pocock showed the Labour vote might not be insignificant. I'm Four Oaks ward so it's highly unlikely to make any difference. I have a lot of time for Pocock though, I respect the way he's campaigned around here with the odds stacked against him, and he seems more than worthy of a place on the council. Was the main factor in me voting Labour for the local election.
  13. Voted Green for the GE and Labour for the election to Birmingham City Council. I live in Sutton so neither will be of any significance, but hopefully I've helped the Greens get their deposit back and maybe even beat the Lib Dems, as they did in the Euro elections here. Two elections in a row (presumably) with no-one winning a majority has got to be a step towards reform of the voting system IMO. 23 years since the Tories last won a majority, will they ever win one again? Without the Scottish vote you can't see Labour ever managing it either.
  14. First time I'm going to a home match since Sherwood took over. Really hope we win and score a few, but have a sneaky feeling it might be a disappointing score draw. 3 points would be huge, and would allow us to start thinking of next season (and the final!)
  15. Of course, but we're talking about our 4th choice striker here. I'm not sure how much better quality we could get for that role. Weimann has been pathetic at times the last 2 seasons, but he has shown he can score goals at this level. Depends on what the manager and player want, it does seem Sherwood doesn't rate him so I wouldn't be surprised to see him gone, but I think as back-up to our back-up, Weimann is just fine. Where we need to be ruthless IMO is right back and left back, the amount of players we've collected in those positions is ridiculous.
  16. I'd keep him around as a squad member and last choice striker. I'd put him up front ahead of Darren Bent and he does put in a shift when he's on the pitch. Weimann can be a useful player to bring on late on to close down space and make a nuisance of himself, and I certainly don't think he's anywhere near as bad as some here are suggesting - I've seen people claim he's the worst player they've ever seen play for the Villa which is just pure hyperbole IMO. That said, I guess it depends how much he's on after his new contract a few years ago, but our finances shouldn't be so much of a concern now.
  17. Just back. A weakened Villa team dominated Liverpool who looked clueless and nervous from the very start. Villa fans completely out sang the Liverpool fans from start to finish (best fans in the world...) Thought everyone played well, but particularly pleased with our midfield who were astounding to a man. Delph with a captain's performance, Cleverley was just tireless - so vital to the win and I would now be gutted if he doesn't sign in the summer. Westwood had a brilliant game as well and got stuck right in physically. That's the midfield three I'd like us to play with and it was so effective today. Absolutely thrilled by the way Grealish played, the ball just sticks to his feet and he looks like he's not trying. If he maintains focus and keeps on developing he really will be some player. Nzogbia always looked a threat, and Benteke was at his intelligent, powerful and unplayable best. Has everything required to become a top, top striker. Top marks to Tim Sherwood and every single player. A day I will not forget for the rest of my life. Thank you, AVFC - I love you!
  18. Financially I'd decided against this, and my auld man's just told me he bought us both tickets so we can see the mighty Villa at Wembley together! Looks a weakened team, but I don't care. We have and can cause this Liverpool team problems and you know all our players will be doing everything they can to be back in time for the SF. Just beating Liverpool, and preventing the media wankfest over Gerrard in the final (on his birthday, don't you know..) would feel like victory to me. Feels like we're getting OUR Villa back. UTV!
  19. I didn't like the 2012/2013 shirts, but I've liked the rest of the Macron shirts. I'm a big fan of both our kits this year
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