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Everything posted by myko

  1. Don't understand how people can play football in tracksuit bottoms...
  2. What is wrong with this bloke? N'zogbia was looking like starting to repay the 10 million last season, so to completely bomb him just makes no sense... I can't believe that he was never injured, as if this was the case other teams would have been interested in him. But I really cannot fathom why he isn't allowed to train now? #fuming
  3. Bertand, Bennett, Baker, Clark and Bacuna have all player left back and can quite easily do a job there. So why the **** has Lambert wasted a bench place on Luna in oppose to someone like Helenius or Graham?? Losing my patience with this guy. This team is the gashest XI I personally have ever seen for Villa. Will need a bad game even by Fulham's standards to get anything from this one.
  4. Genuinely think the 6 a side team in my league who had a goal difference in triple figure negatives last season after eight games would keep a clean sheet again Gabby and Weimann at the moment. Worrying times... let's hope Lambert remembers Helenius exists and/or gives Robinson a chance (won't be holding my breath).
  5. Why you are attracted to certain people more than others? Obviously there's the whole breeding thing so you're mind is going to put you off people with undesirable qualities (bad hygiene, etc), but like why do you find one person attractive and your mate not so much so for example?
  6. myko

    General Chat

    Forget formations. They'll go out the window from minute one. You don't need them in 6 aside. Get your defending sorted and you'll be OK. Doesn't matter how good you are attacking (to an extent) if you can't defend in 6 aside you'll get torn apart. Everyone marks someone at all times. If you're not marking someone and the other team have the ball, then you're in the wrong. Its a great laugh either way. But in play on 2 teams. One team is good and we win a lot and we're just about to win our league. The other team is **** dreadful and we lose pretty much every single week. And let me tell you, the novelty of playing soon wears off when you're shit Yeah, with the formation we just tended to have one person at the back at all times, one person up at all times, and everyone else did whatever in between. We lost 2-0 against a team who have been playing for a few years apparently so worked quite well together, but were utterly awful and we should have won the game. (I sound like Lambert I know ) Was a proper good laugh and looking forward to next week. #WeGoAgain
  7. myko

    General Chat

    Couple of weeks ago me and my mates started a Leisure League 6 a side team. Our first official game tomorrow, however have had a few games against uni students but the local league has just started again this weekend so we can go into that. There are a few teams our age from what I have gathered but for the most part we're the youngest team in it so bit of a double edged sword really. Think we're going to be on the end of a few rapings. Proper good laugh though! Anyone else play in it? Any tips? Think my tactical genius has settled on the 1-3-1 formation...
  8. If this "he doesn't fit into the system Lambert wants to play" stuff is true then he really is as limited a manager as this season has made me fear. Plan B is plan A with this bloke. You need other options and who else in the team is even slightly like Marc in terms of the way they play the game? ******* ridiculous (if true).
  9. Sounds like he's probably injured as well, did the club even say anything?
  10. Exciting news, feels like a new signing. Could be a decent shout at right back (in the shorter term) if we continue to struggle in that area.
  11. Grealish and Carruthers will have developed more by being out on loan playing competitive football than they would have warming our bench. If having Bowery on the bench meant we had the squad to be able to send them on loan then he's helped, not hindered, their development. Was mainly referring to last year. And also Carruthers and Grealish were just examples of players from our youth setup. Please tell me how Bowery has helped the development of the likes of Robinson, Burke, Johnson, etc. Again, Burke and Johnson I think have both spent time out on loan. I'm not sure Robinson is ready for the first team yet so by not having to rush him in to make up numbers it may have been beneficial. Both of which were one month long deals, and Johnson's was in October 2012. Oh and Bowery is ready for the first team? Never will be IMO, and I'm fairly certain you feel the same - just arguing for the sake of it.
  12. Grealish and Carruthers will have developed more by being out on loan playing competitive football than they would have warming our bench. If having Bowery on the bench meant we had the squad to be able to send them on loan then he's helped, not hindered, their development. Was mainly referring to last year. And also Carruthers and Grealish were just examples of players from our youth setup. Please tell me how Bowery has helped the development of the likes of Robinson, Burke, Johnson, etc.
  13. Is there any back story behind this I don't know about? Haha
  14. Mel is quite possibly the most uninspiring manager I have ever seen, just seems like he's given up already.
  15. Weird to see Robinson on the bench ahead of him today. Unless he's injured? Or more likely, Lambert has given up with him.
  16. Turning into one of my favourite players. Nothing to dislike about him, works hard and is technically still probably one of our better players despite not being the most naturally gifted player in the world.
  17. Quite a strange one, hope it's nothing serious. Seen someone put on twitter that he went AWOL in Portugal on the training week
  18. In the premier league era, would we be the biggest team to ever go down? Or is that me seeing things through a claret and blue tinted glass? Stadium wise, we'd be the biggest club to go down surely? (I know that doesn't mean much but still)
  19. From this squad, Bowery, Hutton and Sylla would all be in contention for me as well.
  20. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Marshall_(footballer) Scott Marshall, the first team coach? Reading his Wikipedia page I wouldn't be surprised if he supported Celtic, him and his brother both played for them.
  21. Why humans are able to think freely and question things (e.g. their existence) but other animals aren't. What's the gain of us being able to? Why have we evolved into it? Or is it just an experiment gone wrong by Mother Nature?
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