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Everything posted by choffer

  1. I saw him years ago playing a reserve game at Fulham (well, at Motspur Park to be precise) on a wet and windy Tuesday night. He took a slight knock in the first half and spent the rest of the match begging to be subbed. It was clear that all the staff knew he was putting it on so they refused to sub him off. He basically stopped working and kept griping all through the rest of the match. I think it was around that time that KMac said that he had all the talent in the world but that Andi was more likely to make it because even though he was much less talented, he was prepared to put in the effort. Looks like Nathan only has himself to blame. (A similar version of the above might well be found much earlier in this thread)
  2. I've never had a pair of headphones that lasted more than 18 months. It's almost always the jack that goes. I think I'm on to a winner now though as RHA gear comes with a 3 year warranty. I got their MA600i and apart from sounding great, they come with loads of spare buds. I'm not expecting them to last any longer that any other pair but I've carefully stowed the receipt and will be expecting to replace them free of charge before too long. Edit - possibly one for the boring thread, that one?
  3. choffer


    13? That's not way too many. I think at current count, I have about 65 pairs of footwear.
  4. choffer


    Eclipse, innit. Might just get a pair of them myself. *edit: page break fail
  5. ^^ very much this. His story about the time Clough tried to sign him is about the funniest tale I've heard from a footballer.
  6. Button is a very good shot stopper but his distribution is Bosnich-esque. There's not way he's an upgrade on Guzan. Pritchard is very, very good and I'd be amazed if Spurs are willing to entertain offers. If we're looking at Brentford players, Jota is definitely worth a look. Had a slow start to his first season but by he is mustard just now. Having said that, he does remind me a bit of Grealish on the ball and although Jota tends to play out wide (very wide) I think they might be too similar.
  7. In America the phrase has become more well known in the (incorrect, as you you rightly say, of you want to recall Chamberlain) 'peace in our time' version due to it's incorrect usage by various public figures, notably a bunch of presidents. I think that's what Whedon was chasing, the American pop-culture take, however wrong it is. He's not stupid so I think he'll know it's wrong but works for his purposes. Common book of prayer pre-dates Chamberlain and contains the popular (of its time) phrase "Peace in our time". [\pedant]
  8. Treating myself to a Waitrose weekly shop full of lovely treats only to return home, unpack it all and then remember I'm in Edinburgh for most of the week. Most of it'll be out of date before I get back. Looks like I'd better get stuck in today.
  9. choffer


    Latest additions to my collection:
  10. The sudden realisation that you made a big mistake:
  11. The guy behind me at the Brentford match last night who valiantly kept trying to clap along to the various chants but whose timing was so off, he didn't hit a beat all night, much to the amusements of us all around him.
  12. 100% this. I was deeply concerned by his appointment but if he wins us the cup, I might consider revising my opinion
  13. Almost couldn't watch the second half but delighted with the result. Cleverley was fantastic, Grealish very good. Almost everyone else was fairly solid. I'm actually looking forward to next season now.
  14. choffer


    Sanuk Scurvy, I think I have this in at least four different colours:
  15. choffer

    Hell Is...

    ...the next 5 years?
  16. I've got a pair of his shoes somewhere. Therefore I'll be the nominated ITK on this one.
  17. What would really annoy Heather Mills today? Nick Clegg.
  18. choffer


    Tapatalk? 10/10. WB.
  19. Not sure when it appeared on Netflix but this is excellent.
  20. 100% This ^^ You have a contract with them to work however many hours per week in return for your pay. You owe them nothing more than this. Even if your boss is a mate, he, as a boss, should be pleased if you're bettering yourself elsewhere. That means he has done his job as a boss - get the most out of you (from the sounds of it, he's achieved on that front) and then let you go on to something better. If you leaving drops him in it, it means he hasn't been doing his job properly. Fix yourself up with something concrete, then tell him soon-as. That way, you can play the old "I respect you, so I wanted you to be the first to know" card. With a bit of luck, he'll have already handed over the cup final tickets by then.
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