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Everything posted by choffer

  1. Billy Ocean (Colour Scene) is currently singing Carribean Queen over my garden fence. It has annoyed me more than the Leicester equaliser.
  2. David Cameron doesn't like this.
  3. Think you've spelt something wrong too, Stefan:
  4. Quite. I am increasingly amazed at how these stories keep coming up. First, it was shock over a dead child. Then it was the outrage that he was dead because his father wanted new teeth. Then it was he needed new teeth because Assad had taken out all his teeth. Now he's a people smuggler. It's almost as if people are making stuff up to suport their agenda.
  5. Reports (unsubstantiated) doing to the rounds at the moment that Alyan Kurdi's father was the boat captain and a known people smuggler.
  6. That's what I don't get about the debate. It's almost as if we present enough straw-man arguments, the whole thing will go away. Muslamist rapists / The country is full / We've done our bit by sending them bags of food and bottled water / They should look after their own / We can't afford it / It's all a media conspiracy / Most of them are Pakistani or from somewhere else, just pretending to be Syrians / They aren't poor, they've got mobiles / Ze Chermans are only taking them because they need people to sustain their economy / They all want to take over more of our cities than they've already done /They're economic migrants / We'll all be living under Sharia Law / They wouldn't do it for us if we needed help It's all nonsense to divert away from the matter at hand. There are people who will 100% be killed if they stay where they are. We have a moral obligation as a 1st world power to help people who are less well off than ourselves. By saying we won't take more than a handful of refugees (and even then, only on our terms) we're basically saying that we don't care enough to intervene, that we're content with you dying where you are or that we believe someone else should take responsibility because it's too much to expect us to do it. As for the argument that we can't afford it, that's the biggest amount of hooey I've ever heard. We are all having this debate on smartphones, tablets, laptops, sitting in our nice homes, wasting vast amounts of food, energy and money as a nation every day. We've had a string of Governments who waste resources on vanity projects and we let big business off their tax liabilities while demonising those that take "hand-outs". What we're really saying is that we don't care enough about the problem as a nation to inconvenience ourselves.
  7. Sterling really is a selfish player.
  8. I did wonder if it was a poor attempt at subliminal advertising. ladbrokes must be delighted though.
  9. That's going to be one hell of a venn diagram
  10. Interesting though how the story has always been that drones over Syria were never armed and only there for reconnaissance. Not that we'll ever know the details of what happened here but it does appear to be a change in policy.
  11. RAF drone strike killed two British terrorists in Syria. I'd love to know how an unmanned drone acts in "self-defence".
  12. 20,000 over the next five years? Way to go PM.
  13. I dunno. I normally have mine turned up to 11 so there's no chance of me forgetting it.
  14. What else can they do now? Even Lineker eventually caved and started joining in with "shat on" when he realised he couldn't compete. Some people take football too seriously - it's just "bantz" innit?
  15. I went for Swansea because I go there quite often and it's one of the best atmosphere's I know. I know it's a lot to do with the layout of the stadium but their fans are still in that honeymoon phase of just enjoying where they are (as they all remember where they were just a few years ago) and there doesn't seem to be a hint of getting too big for their boots. If it were purely down to which fans create the best atmosphere, I'm not sure who I'd vote for but Swansea would certainly be in the top 3 or 4.
  16. I actually quite like that. I'd drive around pretending I was in a 1950's cartoon or something. On the subject of Kia, I had one in Mozam about 8 years ago. A big 4wd thing. Absolutely awful. Most uncomfortable ride, sloppy steering and no poke whatsoever. How I ever got done for speeding in it, I'll never know. 8 years is a long time though when plotting the evolution of Kia - I'm sure they're a bit less detestable these days.
  17. Reading an article on the Telegraph site made me a bit cross. The article itself (The 'refugees welcome' fad will do more harm than good)is of some concern but the comments underneath it, truly staggered me. I genuinely do not come into contact with people who hold these sort of views. I know it's the internet but I felt ashamed that people in this country could even begin to have such beliefs. As few selected lowlights:
  18. Surely if thats the rationale, they'd be changing a lot more than just the badge?
  19. I don't like change. I like this one though (so far).
  20. TL;DR warning...... I'm sure the veracity of these facts will probably be debated but having seen the various conversations about refugees so many times in the last few weeks (both on here and elsewhere) I thought the below might be helpful. (Sauce)
  21. Not sure this is quite the right place to post this. Could just as easily have gone in the cheer you up thread.
  22. I voted Veretout but mostly because I like pronouncing his name as Verrytoot.
  23. http://www.avfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10265~4972909,00.html Is Sherwood tall or the keeper not so? On a box. Helps for facials. Speaking of on the box, from the looks of the picture, Sherwood is taking his inspiration from Neeson today.
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