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Everything posted by choffer

  1. You need to find forgiveness in your heart, Rev
  2. I'm still slightly puzzled that people are still so mad about this. I do wonder if nobody else in this thread has ever made a mistake or changed their mind about something.
  3. Why does the The Hudsucker Proxy never get mentioned when talking Coen films? Possibly my favourite of them all.
  4. I listened to the K&M podcast (and occasionally the live show) religiously for years but I knocked it on the head last year. I just got to the stage where as much as I enjoyed hearing about new movies, I just found Kermode insufferable. Badum and indeed tish Tab A slot B 30% light loss The good lady 'er indoors I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed Rinse and repeat every week. Of course, I'm now missing out on hearing about a bunch of movies that I would have picked up on from their reviews but I'm fairly sure if I listened to another one now, it'd be to the same formula.
  5. I will. I've seen him doing keepy-uppies on that Quorn advert.
  6. and Surely someone can use their MSpaint skills to mash up the two?
  7. One of Richard Herring's favourite questions on RHLSTP is to ask for best ideas for terrorist atrocities. Seems you and he have something in common.
  8. It does in retrospect but at the time my brain was just trying to process what it had seen.
  9. Seeing a car literally fly past me over the weekend. Totally took me by surprise and I've still only a vague idea of how. I was stopped, waiting to turn right. He clearly didn't see that as he was doing a fair old speed as he flew past. He obviously clocked it at the last minute, cut up across the kerb and took off. How he didn't hit me I've no idea but he bounced off a brick wall, almost tipped over and ended up facing facing me on a grass verge about 50 yards down the road. If it weren't for his quick reflexes, I'd have been rear-ended (ooh-er) at speed. As it is I've still no idea how he managed to get past me with clipping me. I got out to see if he was OK as he hit the wall pretty hard. By the time I crossed the road, he'd driven off. All very bizarre but no damage to me and I got to see a flying car. What's not to like
  10. "if I can't make it work, I will do what the others did, move on and let someone else try"
  11. It's no wonder you're such a good shot if you put your targets that close. Even I could hit that, probably with the hammer.
  12. That'll just serve me right for not reading the small print.
  13. Shame today didn't work but kudos for acknowledging that. £20 on its way.
  14. Gents, as an infrequent visitor to VP (due more to location than desire) I was just checking to see what the protest plans were for Saturday. It didn't see it clearly on your website and I've had to go back a few pages in this thread to work it out too. I don't want to knock you guys as I think you're all doing a great job but I am a wee bit concerned that the message for tomorrow isn't loud or clear enough.
  15. It was a trap after all. Eric Bauersfeld gone at 93.
  16. I think you'll find they're full of illegals who are only in the country for the healthcare and free housing these days.
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