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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. Ah that’s really kind of you, thank you! I should be alright though, my brother in law is coming round this weekend and he says he’s got something for me to try (it might be decos!). If it fails, I might come back annoying you
  2. Aston Hall parkrun had its inaugural run this morning. I’m looking forward to visiting in the next few weeks.
  3. You’re right, I’ll check how much money someone earns before I call them fat and ugly next time. Makes sense.
  4. Please be gentle with me, I have very little knowledge of these things. Our wifi doesn't reach my home office and son's bedroom upstairs, but the previous owner installed 2 ethernet wall sockets. So downstairs, I've got an ethernet cable from my modem in to the wall socket in the living room and I plug my laptop in to the other wall socket in the office and it works perfectly. But in terms of getting wifi extended to the dead spots, would I need to get a mesh system like that's already been discussed in this thread, or is there something I can buy to plug in to the wall socket upstairs to extend my wifi?
  5. That has honestly got ABSOLUTELY nothing to with why I’m complaining…
  6. Unpopular opinion, but I think it’s pretty grim the way everyone’s talking about Rooney’s appearance.
  7. Do you listen to My New Football Club with David Earl? It's made me look out for Exeter's results. To make this on topic, Ollie Watkins gets mentioned quite often.
  8. Nah, this office is much more mature and professional. I don't think people would appreciate it if started flicking elastic bands around the place.
  9. I'm quiet as a dormouse in my new job, I keep my head down and barely speak to anyone.
  10. I had some waggon wheels earlier and I just couldn’t believe how small they’re getting. But that’s because I was eating them.
  11. Absolutely. Let them know early on that you’re a dickhead, saves time.
  12. I couldn’t care less if someone decides to leave a football match early. They could be wearing a half and half scarf as well, that doesn’t bother me either.
  13. Oh I see what your problem is. You’re watching F1.
  14. I moved house in August. I was speaking to my new next door neighbour the other day who said her other next door neighbour was a rocket scientist. I said "Hardly brain surgery though is it?" to quote that Mitchell and Webb sketch. It got nothing and I think she thought I was being genuine. So I imagine she's told her neighbour and now everyone on the street already hates me.
  15. "Who's the w****r on the track!?" (Sorry @StefanAVFC, I just wanted to join in)
  16. My eldest started primary school last month. We’ve got absolutely no idea how he’s getting on, what he’s doing or if he’s made friends. You get a couple of seconds with the teachers at drop off and pick up where they quickly tell you he’s been fine. I know it’s normal, I’m sure he is fine and they’d tell us if there was any issues, but I do find it strange. I asked him this evening if school was fun today and what he’s been doing and his response was “I’ve got two hands”.
  17. I really can’t be arsed with it to be honest, I’m so disengaged with this club’s nonsense away from the pitch.
  18. It took me far too long to see that. I was thinking "hmm, it's good, but I don't think it looks like Ronaldo". I saw this.
  19. Even if castore don't design or produce the kits, this looks bad on them too. I can't imagine they're very happy about their logo being on this mess of a shirt. Surely they're just as to eager to resolve it?
  20. I had stuffing yesterday and the aftermath has been absolutely horrendous.
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