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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. Paddywhack


    My uncle actually used to let a badger live with him in his house. As you can imagine, it was chaos. The things it used to eat and the mess it used to leave around the place. He was a bit of a handyman and he started taking the badger to work with him. It was ridiculous, it would cause so much havoc. Things only got worse when he introuced a mouse to the equation a few years later.
  2. There’s a post like this every year in the kit thread. It’s the Villa thread kit thread, where people like me that are interested in villa kits discuss whether they like this years villa kits or not. I don’t go in the cricket thread to tell them that crickets boring. They should already know.
  3. I don’t like the fact that the replays in all these games so far have included the sound of the crowd. I keep assuming we’re missing something.
  4. Bread roll and butter. I was saying to my wife yesterday, when going to any restaurant as a kid in the 90s, I have memories of everyone on the table always being given a warm bread roll from a basket. I used to enjoy that more than the meal. We might be running out of things to talk about.
  5. Hmm, a 12 o'clock start time? I don't believe it, I've been hurt before.
  6. Paddywhack


    It's probably just the barriers at the bottom of the steps that these chaps are leaning on, might just restrict your view slightly. Unless they are stood there permanently, that'd be annoying.
  7. I know this is very much a first world problem and there are plenty of people in much worse circumstances but..
  8. I still think the Saudis will get him.
  9. Better than being ignored I guess.
  10. I thought he'd died years ago. I just saw his real name was Anthony Benedetto. That's a much better name, much more exotic. Tony Bennett sounds like a brick layer from Hull.
  11. I’ve been pronouncing it ‘Dee-ARR-bee’, whereas European journalists and commentators pronounce it ‘Dear-BEE’ or ‘Dee-Abby’. I’m going to call him Moussa..
  12. Phew, I’m safe. Now excuse me whilst I stand up to wipe..
  13. Dean from that series lived on the next street to me. When I got to school one morning a lot of the other kids were going loopy because they’d been talking to Bubble in the corner shop. He was up here visiting Dean. edit: I’ve just read that those pair released a song for the 2002 World Cup. Probably why he was visiting. So now I’m going to listen..
  14. So I found out that Helen Skelton is only 17 in that video.
  15. Do you think there’ll be any Lazio fans at all? Bad idea to wear one of my Roma shirts?
  16. Noooo! She’s a woman, so stop comparing her to the men!! She CAN’T be as good as us!! Waaaah waaaah I’ve a tiny penis waaaaah waaaaah.
  17. Upside down speed camera signs. There’s one at the end of my road and I hate it. It’s made me notice more of them and I’d say about 10% of them are upside down. This photo was tweeted by another sad act who gets annoyed at them. If I’m honest, I can’t even tell you how I know it’s upside down, but it is.
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