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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. Davkaus


    Microsoft marketing team:
  2. I generally wish our youth players luck, but I hope this prick treads on a plug every day.
  3. He didn't, apparently. The gardners are a pathetic pair of words removed who'll say whatever it takes for people to like them. Embarrassing.
  4. Makes me miss the days of Hummel. That shit used to just fall off in the wash.
  5. You want to give a 34 year old a massive contract until he's 36? Have you, until recently, been in charge of the club's transfer policy? I'm sure he was a cracking defender in his day, but the last place you want an old bloke is in a position in which you expect him to be bombing up ad down the touchline all day. No thanks.
  6. Yeah, they've always been on there separately, though, and they're listed as our official bloodsucking vermin partner, sorry, I mean betting partner. That's probably a separate agreement to the shirt sponsorship deal? In other news, Talktalk no longer appear to be our official broadband partner, so that's nice. I've felt like a bit of a sellout ignoring them in favour of an ISP that's not a shower of incompetent words removed.
  7. Could have got it up to 2 minutes with some slow-mo shots of the norks from various angles.
  8. In the words of Dem, gert readyh nfor actiopnkm
  9. Gary Megson. Pardew didn't just moan about it, he actually complained to Megson about it on the phone. Anyone else, and I'd assume it was a joke, but this is the guy that thinks he can take other peoples' dinner because he's "the king". One of the biggest words removed in football.
  10. Interesting, I hadn't noticed that, it used to be category 2. https://www.avfc.co.uk/club/villa-park/visiting-the-stadium/seating-plan I can only think they've bumped it down as it's right next to the away fans and people weren't too happy about paying £535 to have abuse hurled at them every other week?
  11. https://www.independent.ie/sport/soccer/international-soccer/i-just-had-real-madrid-on-the-phone-glenn-whelan-bears-no-ill-will-after-being-released-by-aston-villa-38177864.html Got to say, I thought better of the people at the club than that. Wouldn't have hurt to give him the courtesy of letting him know face to face, or at least keeping it back from the **** media until he found out. Very poor form.
  12. This is just revolting. The rich get richer, it was ever thus, but quarter of a billion pounds? The step up between the championship and premier league money shows just how big a job any promoted side has, trying to build a squad good enough to stay up with such disgustingly imbalanced funds.
  13. I disagree wholeheartedly. The 'analysts' need to stfu, how often is there any genuine insight? I'd rather see far more match footage and dial back the tedious gobshites sharing their expert opinions with the crisp salesman.
  14. There's not been such optimism around the club since the first Lerner/O'Neill season, I think we'll be packing the place out easily. How long it stays that way is another matter. We need to be realistic and know we're probably going to get a damn good hiding by some of the top teams. We need to be picking up wins and playing the kind of football we know Smith likes to when we're up against the mid-table to bottom teams so that we keep bums on seats.
  15. I don't think there's anyone other than my gf and immediate family who know when my birthday is. I make a point of not telling people at work, partly for that reason, partly just because I'm a miserable bastard.
  16. I'm sure that's true, but it's a bit of a silly point. Assuming we balls up strengthening the squad, I think we'll be in big trouble.
  17. To be fair, this was back when the wildlings weren't just ridiculous love-struck comic relief. Tormund and his crew had spent years looting and pillaging their way around the north, murdering then eating their victims. The wildlings are brutal savages, and they'd slaughtered the entire village Olly came from. I'd probably want to kill the bloke who allied with them against the wishes of the rest of the watch, too. He probably could have said something like that instead of just staring sullenly at Jon like he was having a tantrum though. The shit writing really was evident years ago, wasn't it?
  18. There must be something to him, to play for Liverpool and England as often as he has, but every time I see him play, I wonder what competition he won to be allowed on the pitch.
  19. I can't believe Jordan Henderson is about to lift that trophy.
  20. Tottenham fans will be ruing this for years. it's like our FA Cup final against Chelsea, but on a bigger stage. Absolutely toothless.
  21. It was a foul, but Rose needs a slap for that reaction to it. Having your knee clipped doesn't disable both of your legs. Ridiculous theatrics.
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