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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. I have a problem with any art, where the alleged artist spends more time airing their poncy explanations that justify it being called art, than creating the piece itself. If it needs an essay explaining why it is, in fact, art, it should probably get out of the gallery.
  2. This stupid statue in Ilfracombe. http://blogs.artinfo.com/artintheair/files/2012/10/hirst-verity.jpg All words escape me, apart from...What the **** ****?
  3. You buy electronics from an actual shop? In the high street? I bet you even pay with paper money! Because they're a shit company who pay their uneducated part-time staff close to minimum wage to get overpriced goods from point A to point B. This usually involves being thrown as hard as possible. Unless a purchase is urgently needed same-day, I can't see any reason to get any product from the likes of Argos/PC World/Comet/Curries. They're all irredeemably shit. Especially the last 3.
  4. what?! It's all of the joys of spending hours on the M6, with none of the petrol costs. For just 30 euros you can spend your evenings stuck behind some clearing in the woods in a BMW, from the comfort of your own home.
  5. Davkaus

    Ice rink

    Can't let this fall off the first page.
  6. So, XCOM is pretty good. Taking a break after playing since about 8am...Best game I've played this year, easily. I do not like this. Those who died were at fault and have only themselves to blame, no memorial in my command centre thank you very much.
  7. Adverts that say each of the number in the price, rather than the price. "This piece of shit laptop, now only three eight nine". It's not three eight nine, it's three hundred and eighty nine pounds, you see you en tee. You wouldn't be a journalist, you'd be a writer for the Sun. And frankly, what do you expect if you select a comic as your news source?
  8. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words shall never hurt me. Unless the words are on Facebook, in which case bring back hanging.
  9. Also, why isn't Frankie Boyle in prison by now? Is television subject to different laws than the internet? The answer is sadly yes, but I can't figure out for the life of me why saying something on Facebook is worse than saying it in real life, or over television/radio.
  10. I had to pay in a cheque last week. An actual cheque. Printed on paper. I felt like I'd been asked to calculate something using a abacus.
  11. It's not about being 'above the law'. Would you be jailed for telling 'sick jokes' to a few mates? What about to a few mates in the pub? What about if you're in the pub and someone records it and shows it to more people? At what point does telling an inappropriate joke become criminal? There's thousands of people who post on Sickipedia who should be jailed. Is Madeleine a fair target? What about 9/11? Unnamed dead babies? Or is it just when the lynch mob gets big enough, with no set rules? If you think a joke is disgusting, the correct punishment should be shunning the people telling them, not putting them in to our already overcrowded prisons. It's ridiculous.
  12. Living in a country in which posting offensive jokes online is a criminal offence. There's something seriously wrong with the law when shouting "**** black word removed" at a random passer by results in a £100 fine, but you tell some distasteful jokes on the internet and get a 3 month custodial sentence. One is targetted racial abuse, the other may "offend" people's delicate tastes. When did it become the case that we have some sort of inalienable right to not be offended?
  13. Expected result. There's not a single Villa player who'd get in to the Spurs first 11.
  14. Agreed. I have a One X, and I'm fairly happy with it (apart from the shit battery, and the occasionally flickering screen), but if I wasn't comfortable putting a custom ROM on it, I'd be pretty pissed that they're dicking around with making a slightly better One X, when their current 'flagship' product is still on the previous version of Android. My next handset will definitely be the new Nexus device, it seems to be the only way to get any sort of after-sales care for the handset.
  15. Davkaus

    unblock us

    Because traffic-shaping sucks, and so does your ISP being able to monitor and log your internet history.
  16. Really looking forward to this. There's a demo on Steam if you want to try it out and see what the mechanics are like (it's a bit dull if you know kind of what to do as it's just the tutorial). For people who want to get it for PC, it's current on Green Man Gaming for £21.50.
  17. Davkaus

    unblock us

    I've been using https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/ for a while, which is a bit cheaper, and it routes all of your traffic through their VPN servers, not just certain streaming sites. It's only cheaper if you buy several months at once ($40 for a year), but if you have any problems with Unblock Us I'd try it out, it's the only VPN I've tried that I can get my full download speed (100mb) on.
  18. In essence, he is accused of being a paedophile who preyed on pubescent girls but it wouldn't surprise me if the gender didn't matter to him that much. It's not bad enough that he molested children...he might have also been gay? That's the last straw for me! :shock:
  19. You don't, and when you do, you make a section of your audience want to throttle you.
  20. You can remove anonymity from casual net users, but the kind of people who abuse anonymity find it trivial to keep hidden. I can't see any realistic way to remove the ability to be anonymous online, if it's so desired.
  21. If you enjoyed BL and wished it were longer, get it. It's not much of an evolution on the first game, it's just more of the same. The only significant change I've noticed is that the enemy AI is less stupid, they'll now flank well, and try to surround you. Well, it's Diablo with guns. Depending on your point of view that's either incredible or tedious. The PC version is actually a proper port with PC features built in to it rather than the first game which had a really poor job done. With a game like this, I guess the main factor is what platform your coop buddies are playing on, but you're not going to feel punished for playing on the PC this time around.
  22. Even the Taiwanese and the Hong Kongers are up in arms (figuratively speaking) You've just given me a fantastic idea about how to get them all to see sense and make peace. We should gatecrash the protests and start crowd surfing.
  23. Davkaus


    My CD player is designed for one task, my computer is designed to do lots of things. The CD player should sound better, and it does. It depends on your specific kit though. If you've got a decent cd player, but your computer is using a standard on-board sound, the CD player will win. Stick a decent sound card in your PC and it'll compete with the best CD players out there, though.
  24. Davkaus


    Didnt read the full article but wasn't there a headline that Bruce Willis is challenging Apple through the courts for the right to pass on his i-tunes music collection to his kids when he dies ? Currently they are non transferable or something ? He moaned about it a bit, then the Sun claimed he was going to sue Apple, he said it was bullshit though.
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