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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. They were in their mid twenties, when it happened 25 years ago. Now don't get me wrong, rape is rape, and if it can be proven and he can be punished, great. But there seems to be no reason at all to tie this in with "Operation Yewtree". The remit of this investigation seems to get larger every day. I have to wonder how much they'd have given a **** about the Davidson offenses if they couldn't tack it on t o the back of the Savile stuff and make it look like they're doing something productive.
  2. Men who wear ties that only go half way down to their belt. They look they're meant to be in school.
  3. I'm at work at 7:00 tomorrow, and it's my last day in my current job. I wouldn't even mind if it was 6am, but not only will I have to get up early, I don't finish until16:00 so I'll miss most of the Villa match too. As it's my last day, I'd love to call in sick, but my new role is located approximately 20 metres away in the same office, so it probably wouldn't go down well.
  4. The kop is silent, and the bestest fans in the whole wide world are heading for the exits. You'll never walk alone? Bwahahahaha.
  5. I'm equally appalled, but not surprised. The press as probably just disappointed they didn't catch live footage to air. "Headshot, zoom in on that shit, people will LOVE it!".
  6. I've been discussing this with a few American colleagues. Three of the four insist that the only way to prevent things like this occurring is for even more citizens to start carrying guns. Absolutely insane.
  7. That's far from universal. It's true there's been a lot of noise about L4DN having a better framerate, but there have been other games that are terrible, and most are pretty much the same.. OpenGL vs DirectX is going to make very little difference one way or another, performance will be pretty similar give or take a few percent, I think the biggest obstacle to gaming on Linux is going to be decent driver support for graphics cards. Hell, ATI haven't got the hang of releasing decent drivers for Windows yet, never mind Linux. Hopefully it will come, gaming on Linux is much more viable than it was even just a year or two ago, and much more user friendly thanks to things like PlayOnLinux, but playing most new releases on anything other than Windows is a nightmare.
  8. I don't think that's something tied in to the hardware, rather something that specific game devs would tie their game into, but they could use OpenGL.
  9. You may also need to stop them going to cinemas, supermarkets, streets, and Norway.
  10. Does she also panic on New Years Eve every year because the Gregorian calendar is coming to an end? What the **** is wrong with these people.
  11. Why do you think that is? The current gen is causing so much stagnation, there's not much more that can be done with the current hardware. While it may seem like a good idea for Sony to wait a little while, then release a machine with slightly better specs than the new Xbox, it means that in the gap, current PS owners will get to look at tonnes of examples of how awesome their mate's new Xbox is in comparison to their shitty old PS3 and may jump ship. Very risky strategy.
  12. I disagree, it's not like your grandad making slightly off-colour remarks because he's not au-fait with the PC terms of the day. He was unashamedly a bigot, homophobe and misogynyst. He did some great things, inspired countless people, he'll very much be missed, and his programmes were excellent, but lets not pretend he wasn't a bit of a word removed. But above all, he was an excellent xylophonist.
  13. I strongly suspect that there's far more to this than we know. The timing could well be coincidental, she's not even the person who gave out any information, she just picked up the phone and forwarded a call.
  14. A team full of journeyman and kids, and he brings on even more, leaving 2 of our only decent players on the bench. Clinging on for all we're worth for a 1-1 draw against the worst team in the league. If Lambert had had a honeymoon period, it'd be well and truly over now, **** this guy.
  15. Agreed. Audiophiles will argue for bloody hours about which phones get the best of of each type of music, others will argue about which are the most durable, or which are the best value for money. unfortunately, I suspect your lad won't give a toss, and no matter how much better Sennheisers, etc, are, it's a bit like asking for a stylish Ferrari, and being given a Peugeot because it gets a better MPG and it'll be easier to get parts if it breaks down. Just get the Beats.
  16. Our attack has the vigour and penetration of a eunuch who's been on the sauce.
  17. Wigan put three past this bunch of clowns, yet we look...about as good as them.
  18. I think the offerings at Tamworth's ground would make this game look a bit shit.
  19. Promising signs, about being 0-0 and having 2 shots on target after 45 minutes, against the team 19th in the league. During a season in which we've scored 10 goals in 13 and a half games. We've needed bite and composure for 2 and a half seasons. This isn't good enough, how long are people going to kid themselves about this relegation battle. We are going to be relegated if there aren't significant changes in the transfer window, because this team is shit.
  20. Ah come on. We can't get relegated twice this season.
  21. Seriously? This has to be a trolling account, surely. On further thought, there is no **** way this guy is serious.
  22. Dinner, a few beers, and a job-lot of mouth wash and I'm anyone's.
  23. Maybe if clearings in the woods weren't celebrating it over a month early, people would be less inclined to hate it. There's been decorations up in my office for 2 weeks, and they're playing Christmas music throughout the day. Since early November. They're lucky that we have such strict gun laws, because if I had easy access to some sort of assault rifle, their days would be numbered.
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