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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. I've signed up for the beta. I really want to like it, but I doubt I will. I would absolutely LOVE multiplayer Skyrim, as in 2-4 player co-op, but when you have hundreds of people all running around being the dragonborn, and the village you just saved is still being attacked so ArthasLichKingDK123 can save it as well...It's just not the same. Every time a new MMO comes along, I'm really excited, hoping for something that can hook me like WoW originally did, but it seems once you've played one MMO, you've played them all. Get Boot Camp and Skyrim, it's worth it.
  2. Is a 20 year old honestly lecturing us on the problems of modern football?
  3. You shouldn't rest the most influential player on the pitch when you're 1 goal up in a local derby away from home. It's madness.
  4. I think his substitutions are pulled out of a hat at random.
  5. It was late, high, and studs first. N'Zogbia would be out for a while if he'd had his weight on that leg.
  6. I don't know how Lukaku stayed on the pitch after that tackle. Disgusting.
  7. I was quite looking forward to the new Dead Island game, then I saw what the sick **** are putting in to their collectors edition. Not something you want to click if you're in decent company. I can't imagine what made them think that was a good idea.
  8. I think the Amazon/tax issue is a red herring. Even without online businesses, HMV would hit the wall. Supermarkets' stock isn't much different to HMV, at a much lower price. HMV is a shit shop and was going to fail at some point, no matter if it was Amazon, or Tesco and Asda.
  9. Amazon provide the best prices that they can. If there's a problem with this, it's the government remit to adjust the law. Capitalist organisations have never, and well never, act with morality as their primary object. As it happens, neither will consumers.
  10. Agreed. There's one way for physical stores to compete. They either need to stock products that can't really be mailed (such as supermarkets), provide excellent customer care (See John Lewis), have fantastic depth of products (see Boots), or have fantastic levels of staff knowledge (see tonnes of independent stores, no national chains spring to mind). There's no room for shops on the high street to compete on price these days. the internet will always undercut them, but there are still ways to compete.
  11. You do need to say more. Clearly consumers don't care. Amazon is incredibly successful because they provide a decent, legal, service,
  12. I actually haven;t used them in a couple of years so have no idea about exactly how they run their business these days. I prefer to pay Amazon a little extra and use paid postage. The rest of the point, disregarding Play, stands though, I think.
  13. If there's a single business you expect the internet to make redundant, it's HMV. They take no risks in terms of stock, it's obvious mainstream chatt and classic music, a handful of console games, and some TV series and popular movie DVDs. Amazon does all of this better. The only way for a movie/music shop to exist is by being a business that it's worth visiting for high levels of customer service, product diversity, and product knowledge. HMV does not provide this. There's not a single thing that they do that Amazon and Play.com don't do, for a much lower cost.
  14. I don't give a shit about their little competition. I just wanted to let people know that the peanut butter chunky Kitkat is the best thing in the world, and I love it more than my family.
  15. Hell, it's about time. Next up, WH Smiths.
  16. Davkaus


    How long does a typical game last? I can play at around 21:00 but probably not for longer than 2-3 hours.
  17. Pretty much the only game I've played for the last 2 weeks has been Natural Selection 2, a sort of RTS/FPS hybrid. It's the first competitive FPS I've enjoyed in a very long time, and I think it's due to the lack of tacked on XP systems and unlocks. You carry absolutely nothing over from game to game. You get upgrades, and different types of weapons (and lifeforms for the alien team) depending on how each specific game goes, but at the end of the game, it's gone, you have to earn them in each specific match, every player starts even. Experienced players already have an advantage, they have tonnes of practice, they don't need to be given better weapons and skills than newbies as well. More of this sort of thing.
  18. Unless they've moved in the last 2 weeks and not told me... Still, it was a nice day out of the house.
  19. I started a new job today, I got there on time to find out that my boss wasin a meeting that day, and the only experienced member of staff was keen to do his job without me being in the way. So I sat there and read all day, with nothing else to really do, having no access to our systems, and no contacts available to help me actually do anything. I'd not been told working hours, so I sat there until around 17:00, hoped it was good enough, and went home. Okay I'll be paid for it so I guess I can't moan too much, but I don't really have a great first impression about this place...
  20. Con: You'll start having to spend part of your day picking up dog shit.
  21. It feels like choosing which of 2 STD carriers get to slip my girlfriend a length.
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