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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. Someone standing behind you when you're insulting them, assuming that they aren't in fact standing behind you. So now my boss knows I think, and loudly proclaim to all, that he's a useless cum-slurping word removed. I think I might call in sick on Monday.
  2. Not twice in a week it doesn't, you dozy bastard.
  3. I've failed my youthful self. I'm applying for a job, and had to check my Nationa Record of (non) Achievement that has all my certificates and crap in it, because my potential empoloyer wants to know my GCSE grades, which is a big WTF in itself. I'd forgotten all of the crap they made me write at school, such as an overview of my past achievements and goals, one of which, apparently, was to get a job which didn't suck. My favourite quote, which is proudly written by a young Davkaus, in this peice of shit, under "things that might prevent you hitting your targets" is "Well, if I initially get a really shit job, I just won't do it, I'd rather sell the big issue.". I'm sorry young Davkaus, I have failed you.
  4. You have some ridiculously high standards. There's not a team in the world who plays football as well as this.
  5. It's not that terrible an idea. It's not much worse than having the World Cup in Russia.
  6. Don't you know, Steam cheapens intellectual property with their massive sales. Which is why EA will never do the same. 2 weeks later on Origin....
  7. Mothers doing nothing wrong if the child is eating a healthy balanced diet. It's not relevant to the debate. it isn't a Healthy balanced diet... children raised as vegetarians will not get enough nutrients, especially iron (1), zinc(2), copper(3), Vitamin D(4) & Vitamin B12(5) ] 1) Soybeans, tifu, quinoa, lentils 2) Most seeds and soy 3) "Although copper was less efficiently absorbed from a vegetarian diet than from a nonvegetarian diet, total apparent copper absorption was greater from the vegetarian diet because of its greater copper content. " 4) Milk, eggs, soymilk 5) B12 is the only one you've listed that isn't available as standard in certain food tyypes, it's easily possible to have the recommended intake via fortified foods. There are plenty of vegetarians/vegans who have shitty diets that don't intake adequate nutrition, but probably either a similar or lesser proportion than the rest of the general population. Eating meat gives you a greater variety of food to choose from, but there's a metric fucktonne of people who eat meat with shit diets. Eating meat is neither necessary to have a balanced diet, or indicative of being more likely to have a balanced diet.
  8. Yep, its playing out as expected. Rangers have to spend a year in division 1 as a token punishment and then before people know it they are back in the SPL and its like they never did anything wrong. It is probably the best result for all parties. Not for the **** taxpayer it isn't.
  9. Playing Space Marine, as it's only a fiver on Steam this weekend. It's alright, I guess, glad I didn't pay full price for it but can't go wrong for a fiver. If I had to pick one word to describe it, it'd be bland. It's the sort of game you get when every member of staff is told that innovation is banned on this project.
  10. Couldn't happen to 2 bigger words removed. **** Young, **** Cole, go Italy.
  11. The two worst teams left in the tournament for taking penalties, up against one another. I reckon Italy will win 1-0 on pens after 48 are taken.
  12. Well that's a grand down the shitter, **** Italians.
  13. It was probably a mistake to bet on Italy. They're slowing down a bit now, can see England getting it with a late goal.
  14. I started watching for the football, but it was Lawro's 12 year old topical references towards wrestling brandnames that kept me interested.
  15. I don't know, it's a tough one. He's been shit, but there's always a chance he'll create a goal from nothing and win you the game.
  16. Surprised Milner has come off, Young has been hopeless.
  17. This is what happens when I bet on Italy, ffs. Should be 3 or 4 up.
  18. The pending extradition of Richard O'Dwyer. In particular, our government being more than happy to hand over British nationals to the American government, for doing something in Britain which wouldn't be prosecuted for in our own courts. **** Theresa May, the yanks, and everything about this case.
  19. The TV show Mad Men. I ws lead to believe by the media clearings in the woods at the Guardian that it was one of the greatest shows of all time, up the with The Wire, or Breaking Bad. After 4 episodes (I nearly fell asleep after the first, but I was determined to give it a decent chance), I have to conclude that it's the most boring show I've ever seen. And I've watched Emmerdale FFS.
  20. The game world probably is, both in terms of the visual qualityand the scope. The story line is up there with the best. The one aspect which lets it down, I think, is the rather bland combat and inverted difficulty curve. You can't really do a lot with the weapons in a setting such as this, I don't expect to ride on horseback through a western setting, armed with a handheld tesla coil, but the enemies don't get any harder, their AI is pretty poor to start with, and then you get bloody bullettime, making it a walk in the park. I'd rate the gameplay as solid, I'd play it again, but it's the thing that let it down, everything else is brilliant, the actual game bit was very much GTA on a horse. Very good overall experience, but the definitive best game ever? Nah.
  21. Over the line, but it should have been offside anyway, this linesman is a **** joker.
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