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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. Maybe if clearings in the woods weren't celebrating it over a month early, people would be less inclined to hate it. There's been decorations up in my office for 2 weeks, and they're playing Christmas music throughout the day. Since early November. They're lucky that we have such strict gun laws, because if I had easy access to some sort of assault rifle, their days would be numbered.
  2. Oh **** off. We were still in with a shot until the officials turned out to be a corrupt bunch of scumbags.
  3. The linesman is a word removed and I hope someone breaks his nose.
  4. They get away with it either way, and no one gives a shit about your spoiled ballot. Feel free to keep on doing it, but it accomplishes about as much as staying home.
  5. You're the first person I know of that's bothering to go. Not only a waste of money but a waste of everyone's time.
  6. The BBC 'reporting' what some dickheads on Twitter think. Right now, their football live reporting is full of what some Manc scum think of the game. I thought I was on a news site, not whatsomeclearinginthewoodssthink.com.
  7. Why is it when you loudly and correctly declare someone a lazy work-dodging word removed, they're not the one that gets pulled up on a disciplinary. There's no justice in the world.
  8. Single-occupancy discount usually applies if there are other occupants but they're all in full-time education. I think this can change depending on your local authority, so you might want to double check.
  9. There wouldn't be wire fences at the front of the stands. There would be rails all of the way across, separating rows of fans. With the recent ruling, it seems absurd that of all people, Liverpool fans are the only people (except politicians) objecting. Standing never killed anyone. Despicable policing and poor stadium design did.
  10. Is this the post that you're looking for? Edit: Ok, I've just realised it's been days since you were looking for it, oh well.
  11. I strongly suspect that it was the victim of a girlfriend-lead wardrobe purge. The inquisition will begin when she gets home from work.
  12. I have lost my favourite t-shirt. For the last 2-3 weeks I'd assumed it was in the laundry pile that I have finally conquered, but I have discovered that it is gone forever. Objectively speaking, it wasn't that great a t-shirt. It was fairly mediocre in many ways. I'd had it for 5 years or so and it wasn't that brilliant when I got it, but it just fitted perfectly. I'd come out of the wash and I'd wear it as soon as it was dry, knowing that on that day, no matter how bad things got, I could always fall back on the fact that I had on a very comfortable t-shirt. But no more. My life will never be the same.
  13. Let he who is without sin...
  14. How many managers need to fail before Lerner gets knocked off his pedestal? If you systematically sell all of your best players that got you to a cup final and consecutive top 6 places, and only allow resources to replace them on the cheap, guess what, the team turns to shit. There's only one man to blame for the state of this club. Bright future my arse.
  15. When was the last time we had a squad this shit? I actually think I'd take DOL's squad over this lot.
  16. You may be right about that. I'm playing on normal, because I'm terrible, though my next playthrough will be on classic, hopefully it won't be too painful, plus, my memory is bloody awful
  17. Once again, I can't help but think I got the wrong phone. I knocked my One X off the coffee table on to a wood floor (drop is maybe a foot, at most). The screen has a crack all of the way across it.
  18. Never bought one. I did buy one lottery ticket on my 21st birthday. I'd never played before, it'd have been a great story for the tabloids. Unfortunately the world doesn't work the way I thought it did, I didn't even get a single number.
  19. There's no time limit, you don't need to worry about it being unavailable. The longer the game goes on, the more UFO invasions will occur and the more panic will rise, so that is a concern, but it may well be worth it if your squad is not up to it yet, in terms of weapons and armour. Spoiler, not sure if you'll want to know this for your first playthrough, but it's useful to know: The alien base mission will reset panic of all countries (apart from those who've abandoned XCOM), to the lowest rating, so it may be worth delaying it until you have countries at max rating, gearing up and leveling soldiers, then doing it to reset panic. Just be careful not to wait to long as you'll lose them.
  20. Oddly, every time I speak to them, it's someone in Scotland. This may be because it's on a business account rather than normal consumer support though. Sadly, I think I'd be more likely to understand someone in India.
  21. As good as some parts of this game are, I think I've just had enough, I may wait for a patch. In any UFO mission that had multiple layers, the camera is genuinely awful. I'd go so far to say it's the worst camera I've ever seen in a game. I've had to reload a few times on a single level just because instead of going to the square I was trying to click on, my assault abandoned the rest of the squad and ran up to the roof. The camera spazzing out when you go to the edge of the map is one thing, but the problem in any multiple-layer structure is just ridiculous. If it's not making it incredibly difficult to select the right floor, it's refusing to even let you see the floor because it thinks what you really want to see is a roof. It's a disgrace that the camera got out of alpha testing in this state.
  22. Just kitted out my most experienced soldier, Colonel Ernertso 'Doomsday' Chavez, with a heavy plasma rifle. Not much stands up to that sort of firepower.
  23. Bollocks. It's nice to be able to pick and choose your jobs, and I'm sure no one in the world wants to spend 40 hours a week cold-calling people on behalf of BT, but that doesn't excuse screaming abuse down the phone at them. A curt 'No thank you', tends to get people off the phone with minimal fuss. People have to pay the bills.It is a shit job, but sometimes it's a choice between that, and sitting at home on JSA.
  24. If you played the original, play classic. Modes are: Easy: If you struggle to turn on your PC in the morning. Full on idiot mode. Normal: I'd say for people fairly new to turn based strategy. Classic: If you've played other similar games Impossible: For masochists There's an optional ironman mode that is to stop you constantly reloading when you fail - it only lets you have one save file. I do not recommend this, as it adds nothing to the game unless you completely lack will-power, and there have been some people who have lost their game and had to restart over, because if you encounter a bug, you can't just reload an old save. Not that common, but there's no reason to risk it, imo.
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