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Everything posted by S-Platt

  1. Pretty Strong line up that produces nothing so how does he change it? Answers on a postcard please.
  2. Or it's come to Villa get rid of all the stars on big wages and you have to build a squad on a pittance! Cardiff however he might actually be able to spend on proper players and not have to worry about balancing books? Young manager first job in the Premier League I know where I would go if I was him, jumper tucked in Bond baddie or not as chairman!
  3. Obviously Fergie told them for over 20 years if you feel contact go down the Ref will give a penalty. It's not something they are going to stop doing straight away it will not compute with the players or fanbase that just because you are losing you get a soft pen! Moyes losing the plot to the cameras is funny and the longer they struggle the better. Top 4 is gonna be very tough to achieve without the big boys Webb and Dowd to bail them out!!
  4. Ask NRC if he is the mystery midfielder to bail us out the shit!? Joking aside I was always a fan of his not the greatest footballer but a definate leader on the pitch and that is what we are sorely missing right now someone to tell these young pups what to do out there. Probably not even that old? As for Lambert and his plan I wanted him from the beginning I doubted him this time last Christmas and I am again now but I so want him to succeed as I think the idea is the right one. Just want to see us take a decent throw in or corner and I will see the green shoots of recovery! HH is great for this forum so whoever you are buddy keep up the good work!! Up the Villa
  5. Tonev can take a decent corner left or right footed well he did pre season anyway! Next goal is key.
  6. Fulham have been advertising tickets all week on talksport. Pretty sure you will get one in the so called neutral end it's normally full of Villa Fans.
  7. Just to play devils advocate for a minute. If I was Red Bull and wanted to invest money in the Premier League i would just buy the naming rights next time they are up for tender. The Red Bull Premier league that gets beamed across the globe they could have any of the 20 teams badges on cans and merchandise and would not alienate anyone in particular. All this would cost a lot less than buying one club and trying to make it successful. I would love Villa to compete at the highest level again but not by selling our soul. You can say Chelsea, Man City et el have sold their soul for success but I disagree they will still be in the history books as winners like we are. There will be no footnote got lucky with a windfall and you can see already the next generation of fans, the kids of today not caring one iota how they achieved their success but just that they are winners. Yanks the crank of older fans like myself that remember football pre Sky but it's progress just in the eyes of the older generation unfair progress. I guess what I am saying is its Aston Villa FC Mr Mega Money or do one. You don't mess with 139 years of History. Any name change would kill our soul. You can't rewrite history to say Red Bull Villa won the European Cup in 1982 and all our other honours. Because any buyer is buying all that. Remember Doug Ellis tried to forget we won the highest honour because he was not in charge at the time! Randy for all his failings does get the history. I am sure he would not sell us without certain criteria. I am sure he would want us to challenge again but only as Aston Villa Football Club.
  8. It's frustrating for sure but if you don't concede you have a base to build from. Last year we had to score twice to win this year once we click we should start picking up 3 points home and away. It's frustrating like I said but we are still a work in progress lets see how we do against Cardiff before slitting our wrists!
  9. Talking of the defence which I agree has improved overall but defending set pieces with zonal marking is going to cost us points. We got away with it against City although they scored from 2 corners. In theory I don't have a problem with zonal marking you in theory have equal chance to run and jump at the incoming cross just like the attacking player does. The problem is our starting position is the 6 yard box and as the attacking team you just aim your cross there and your players can run and jump whereas we can only jump from a standing position. Man Marking is always better in my opinion as you can stop the run and jump or if it's to be zonal why not have your starting point staggered some on the goal line some on the 6 yard box. They must have lots of faith in Guzan to claim crosses as it is at the moment but it is still way too risky for my liking! Hull and Curtis Davies will be looking forward to corners that's for sure.
  10. Don't worry mate they will name a suite after him and he will be in their top 5 players of all time after this! That's the difference between class and shite!
  11. Annoyed the hell out of me but to have that many shooting chances he must be making space that is the only positive I can think of right now. Woeful though made Ormondroyd look like Messi
  12. If you tender for something in any business and the winning bid then changes what you were all bidding for the courts would be involved!! If World Cups are to be held in winter then that should be in the tender process. I don't have a problem with a winter World Cup if that allows other football countries to hold it but many would not have bothered last time and they along with those that bid for a summer World Cup should take Fifa to the cleaners. In England alone cricket and rugby league will be competing with the premier league and championship for paying punters through the turnstiles and on TV if we have to start a season early or finish late. Obviously football rules but I am sure other countries like USA will have TV deals with the NFL and so on in winter that won't be too happy that a 4 week tournament might affect its advertising revenues. Joke decision by a joke organisation!
  13. Got what we deserved F-All. So frustrating because you know we are better than that. If only we had a player like Ben Arfa someone to run at a player and take him on creating space for his team mates but the players we have for that today were piss poor Gabby and especially Andi. Crying out for that playmaker in the middle of the park
  14. S-Platt


    Back in the day Kent Nielsen near post flick on from a corner was deadly! I don't know why we don't stick Benteke there to flick them on to whoever running in. Anything but floaters please!
  15. There is a book called Aston Villa Tours, Friendlies and Testomonials by Bryan Sheppard that might have the info you require my friend!
  16. If the Premier League kicks off the same day as the Championship we will be away as Wolves are away to Preston and we both play at home the same time on West Midlands Police orders.
  17. I have been in The Masons loads of times with Villa related clothing on, never struck me as a Blues pub infact last time was a Saturday when we were playing away at Arsenal and Soccer Saturday was on think there was just as many cheers when Weinman equalised as when Arsenal scored obviously even less cheers for when Blues scored! Strange lot and Forever in our Shadow.
  18. S-Platt


    It's all about confidence for Wigan if they somehow manage to beat City today and win the cup it's not beyond the realms of possibility they could beat Le Arse. Today is important for us who are playing with confidence get the 3 points to send Stan off on his new journey. Impress 42000 fans that next year we have what it takes against any team and put everyone in a fantastic mood for the summer. Record Season Ticket Sales and a party next week at Wigan.
  19. We have to take care of our own results its as simple as that! Big game tomorrow and it brings Norwich into the fight if Wigan win.
  20. Everytime you want Utd to win they play like this!! You can bet they turn it on when we play them rocket polishers!
  21. Lets hope there are a few more sly digs at Nike then!
  22. Fair enough I just remember seeing all that thanks we just did it stuff by Umbro on the advertising boards at Wembley against Brazil!
  23. Poyet would be foolish to leave Brighton they are a club going places and Reading well without jinxing it look doomed but I guess money will decide the day.
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