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Everything posted by S-Platt

  1. Nobody has mentioned much on ticketing on this thread so for your info season ticket holder can buy tickets for £25.00 non season ticket holders £30.00 not sure on the alloction as yet. To those that are worrying about safety i have been enough times and had no bother. Aslong as you dont advertise the fact you are a Villa fan you should be fine. The only place where it becomes obvious is the entrance to the away end. The Police will be out in force and dont be surprised to be kept in for half an hour this might not happen on a night game i guess it depends on the result as such.
  2. I don't wear colours to derby games, never have so I suppose I'm a knob as well :winkold: Jokes aside thats probably all it was but it seemed like there were lots involved, a lot of baiting going on and a lot of police. I'm dreading the LC game...
  3. Well it was confusing when i walked out loads of knobs with no colours on so you could not see who was who but it was all just mouthing off really. One rather large bald guy got carted off by the fuzz again no idea who he followed and then there was another guy that pushed someone to the ground then did a runner into the crowd with the police chasing him. A flare was thrown from the Villa Fans into what must have been the Inbreds but no one was hurt and the flare was soon in the gutter with a mass line of police seperating both sets of fans. We just pushed our way through eventually and walked up Witton Lane towards the Holte.
  4. We were without key players and in the circumstances with what was at stake i think that was a fair result. Lets put it this way they had a full strength team and could still not beat us! With Gabby back it will make a massive difference to us in the cup game.
  5. There is a reason you hate it and it's because we can't win! What I mean is if we do win it's expected but if we lose you never hear the end of it from the inbreds! 5-1 spankings apart of course that was one to go overboard over!! I am nervous for this reason alone!
  6. Kevin Richardson in the last 5 mins 1993, 2nd Round, 1st Leg after Bossie saved a penalty happy days! We went on to win the Cup that year too its an omen. So question is would you take defeat tomorrow to win this one?
  7. so we will get the whole of the Railway End thats what 6000 of us? Shame i am in Thailand will have to stay up for that one!
  8. Utd at Villa Park we have to play them in a cup at least once a season!
  9. Well every dog has its day mate but even if they are they will always be Forever in our Shadow!
  10. NRC was quality today and if only he had someone alongside him that was any good! Ultimatley the difference between the two teams was VDV and he should not even have been playing having signed 2 days after the transfer window! OH well i can take defeat when i see positives and Gerard is learning all the time hopefully when Jan comes he can make the adjustments needed.
  11. Kappa for me too something about their shirts that oozes class would love to see a mock up for Villa if anyone can oblige. The larger fan would not be too keen though as they are tight fitting!
  12. Dunne is out for the next couple of weeks got a muscle strain somewhere according to his relative i spoke to in brum tonight so sub him from your fantasy team!!
  13. At times we played well tonight and with some tinkering could be a good team for 90 mins! Ref cost us bigtime there how can that be a freekick but then i guess it was a Penalty first half so it evens out. I said it at the time 50p head Ashley Young has cost us 3 points with that miss and so it proved! Anyway onto Saturday and hopefully we can play well for 90 mins for a change! Oh and as i normally slate him i am gonna eat my words and give Downing some credit tonight played well but i dunno if it was him or NRC who also played well that failed to track the runner for the 1st Stoke goal. Up the Villa
  14. Just got in - is that the general concensus? Well considering the team and the fact we are away in Europe i would say we have done ok the onus is on them to attack and us to try and soak it up and ok we have been lucky on occassions but the ref has done us no favours but if it stays like this i will be estatic!
  15. Maybe he aint given MON any cash to spend coz he has lost faith in him and has been negotiating his replacement for a while and only just got the green light. Maybe MON has known this and that is why he has come out with he is staying around to negotiate the handover. I trust Randy to know what he is doing he seems like an honest and upfront kinda guy and that might have been why MON has looked abit moody the past few interviews. As for who the replacement is well its gonna show if Randy still has the dream or not so lets hope its someone exciting its just hard to know who really. My choices would be Hiddink, Jol or Van Gaal.
  16. Went down the shop at Villa Park today and i have to say Villa have had a mare with the Training gear this year its all purple and absolutely minging and its a real step backwards from Nike! Whoever had the idea of having purple needs shooting its like a cadburys dairy milk colour cant see much of that selling! Gutted really as i like the polos and t shirts normally
  17. Milner is a good player and he works his bollocks off but i dont think he is anything special its a shame Delph got injured because i think he would have had a great chance to shine pre-season and show what he can do. £30 million would be very very good business for us but i think players in exchange instead of the money would be better. We need a right back if Luke Young is on his way and i trust Martin to make Micah Richards a very good one, Santa Cruz was another he was interested in before City paid stupid money and if they do take Milner thats Barry back on the bench so i for one would not mind seeing him back in Claret and Blue. Not sure how much that lot would be worth if you bought them so lets have one other player say Bellamy or SWP and make the deal!
  18. If you are gonna be posting on a message board think logically about how far it could go. Obviously the ladies on the message board are gonna be attracted to the english guy that supports their team and invite you over so think about which is the easiest to get to from Brum!!! Or ignore that rubbish and support Dortmund as mentioned previously the team that resembles us the most i think!
  19. Played well today i cant knock them for that the difference is the forward line they have to ours but i have faith in MON to put that right next season and i am proud to be a Villa Fan. Just hope we can finish 6th now so come on Chelski tomorrow!
  20. All I have say is the BIG teams always get the decisions so blart all you like noses you played aswell as you can but still could not beat the BIG team in your cup final. Have it you inbred tossers!!
  21. Small Heath Allience my Red Friend, its the name they were called before bringing shame on the city of Birmingham by hijacking its name!
  22. Surely they will wait till the squads are announced before releasing Panini albums? no point having players that are not even in the 23!!! or missing players like Milner that might just make it!!
  23. Funny you drop Cueller and we concede 7!!! Blowing out their asses for weeks i can accept defeat but 7-1 Jesus i dont even think my Sunday league team has ever lost by that many!! Anyone that wants a ticket for the Semi now will have no problems me thinks!! I dunno why though but i think that by some bizarre footballing quirk of fate it might just mean we win that Semi or am i dreaming!?
  24. First Half = rocket polishers Second Half = Gods I hope all those that missed out on Wembley last week get tickets this time i dont care who we play really just chuffed we are there again!
  25. i think the view from my £38 seat was fantastic i was impressed to be honest. To think i paid £45 to go and watch us at St Andrews too!!!
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