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Everything posted by Sid4ever

  1. Mate Next you will be signing off with KRO
  2. Exactly this. As a Cestrian by birth dislike those sheep over the border. Nothing at all to do with you @HanoiVillan
  3. Swaffham must be twinned with Doncaster then, same experience in 1988/89.
  4. Anybody here have experience of the Hyundai Ionic 5? Potential new car so would welcome thoughts.
  5. Look forward to @CVByrne’s letter to Football365 tomorrow, unless he’s stopped writing they have missed him.
  6. Lucky you, I was in a bar in Tenerife with 4 bluenoses and 3 toffees
  7. What time do you think @JAMAICAN-VILLANwill join the thread. Wonder what refractory period he has.
  8. In Relation to the stand up/sit down and the travel thread, I’ve just found out that my wife is a sit down kind of person. I’ve been married to her for 30 years and never knew before.
  9. Well never watched it but got to download something to watch for the holiday. Did watch the 1st episode today and it’s right up my street.
  10. Who did you book with? Normally most companies offer advice about what to do. Make sure you pay attention to the timing of the PCR some countries it’s 72hrs before departure some 72hrs before arrival. antigen test is just lateral flow but you normally can’t use NHS ones, ours we just took a picture of the result and uploaded it and we were good to go. Same on the one to return to the UK, I think @tonyh29 and @SuperTed had to do a video call.
  11. So jealous should have been there next week as well celebrating our 30th Wedding Anniversary, damn you red list, we booked it 2 years ago.
  12. He's too busy driving his lad to the new church.
  13. Not surprised their Nationwide BS adverts were rubbish, didn't think they would stretch to a big stage.
  14. Only if the tax payers in Mancheater agree to it, or Mancheater hosts another games, commonwealth or olympics.
  15. I’ve got all 16 of mine on the patio doors
  16. Maybe he just didn’t fancy JWP as the DCM, not enough height.
  17. 70's humour like "Are you being served?" and "It ain't half hot Mum", wonder how they would be viewed today, in the latter case probably not at all.
  18. Excuse me it’s my 30th Wedding anniversary, oh wait I see what you did there
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