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Everything posted by imavillan

  1. A strong character is required in the Championship
  2. One things for certain.....he is without doubt the worst owner Aston Villa have had the displeasure to have to oversee the clubs fortunes in its entire 142 year history. That for me, sure makes him enemy number 1
  3. The so called take over.....zzzzzzzzzzzz
  4. club is sold and new manager installed who can put some discipline in place, then we have a chance club not sold and some ''mouth piece yes man'' put in place as a manager and its no chance, more like another relegation fight boy oh boy, i do hope we are sold and soon
  5. He reminds me of that German international Stephan Kuntz.......and not for the first name !!!!!
  6. you have the disease Villanitous..... its in the blood
  7. Newcastle fans and intelligence just do not go together. Delusions of grandeur maybe, but intelligence, nah.
  8. i would not trust anything The Sun has to say......unfortunately the same applies to anything that comes out of Villa Park or Bodymoor Heath at the moment. If they said it was raining outside, i'd have to go out there first to check before i picked my umbrella up !!!!!
  9. i think you'll find it was A taxi for take me to a beach somewhere as i'm a waste of space dirty rotten to the core Nzogbia, but heh, i dont give a shit cos i aint got to work again as long as i live. A taxi for take me to a Merc dealership so i can take the weight off my shoulders so i can buy another car, but i really am a Villa fan honest and i am hurting Le$co££ A taxi for take me to Ajax, i am playing in the Champions League next season not the Championship Mr Deluded Bacuna
  10. Sky @ The Sty jeez, i'm watching this pile of dung against Boro at the mo and what a toilet full of knuckle dragging neanderthals that place is.
  11. right, because he's not going to play !!!!
  12. how about embarrassment, ridiculed in the press, playing as shite Richardson, Le$$co££, Bacuna, admitting it was a big mistake
  13. Come back as part of the club again for inspiration, motivation etc yes, but to play again, no, no, no and no. I do not want to see the images and memories i have of Stan being tainted. In my mind i see him as a top Villa player. i want it to remain that way. Please Stan for your own sake dont do this, you have been through hell and have been out of the game too long and old father time will take its toll. You will have the press all over you like a rash and it will only end in tears. Join the club as an ambassador, coach or any other role that gets you involved where you can have an influence, but please not on the pitch.
  14. understand and agree with this but in this most turgid season i am struggling to find the few....please help
  15. he now has 3 relegations to his name....another ''name'' who has made a more than decent living skanking off football !!! names look after one another in football he has only been there a short time and has turned ''native'' to the rotten clan
  16. a letter to the fans...utter bull shit he obviously thinks we are all stupid and clearly is treating us all with contempt with out doubt the worst ever ''custodian'' of our institution, an utter disgrace, putting that letter out has just made me feel more angrier than ever if he didn't really want this to happen, he could have made it so . I will never forgive him.
  17. Bristol Rovers v Exeter - Both Teams To Score X Yes @ 4/5 Estimated Returns : 0.00 Accrington v York - Both Teams To Score X Yes @ 23/20 Estimated Returns : 0.00 Oxford v Hartlepool - Both Teams To Score X Yes @ 23/20 Estimated Returns : 0.00 ? Accumulators / Multiples Double(s) 3 Bets? Treble(s) 1 Bet? Win @ 7.32/1 Estimated Returns : 249.61 Trixie 4 Bets? Patent 7 Bets? Total Stake : 30.00
  18. then our new shirt sponsors would be webuyanychicken.com
  19. this Manchester is better than Birmingham shit is utter nonsense and has absolutely jack shit to to with any takeover. Its like my dad is bigger than yours playground stuff !!!!! The takeover that our chairman is ''in extensive negotiations to sell'' imo its utter bull shit and yet another Randy (the worst owner we have had) Lerner smoke screen. Its like me trying to sell my house. I have a for sale board in the front garden. I am in extensive negotiations to sell. People have looked but nobody has made an offer. But i am still in extensive negotiations to sell, or so the estate agent tells me.
  20. its simple, even if the club keep him on his Villa career is over.....
  21. Lescott has lifted the weight off his shoulders and finally sold his Mercedes
  22. Really??!!! i'd take Stan Collymore, Fred and Mary West and even Billy McNeil every single time above that word removed coming back
  23. You can listen to what Collymore had to say here He sounds like an impassioned fan to me and is only saying what i or many others would like to......anyway back on to the thread. The new manager whoever he is will show massive intent on what the club intend to do in there attempts to get back into the Premiership. It will not happen but as a long shot i would get Neil Warnock and put him on a big bonus to get us out and then when he has say thanks and then get the right person. Anybody that can do what has done with Rotherham, well. He also has the pedigree that gets teams out of the Championship and puts some discipline in clubs. What the club needs is a manager who can put the discipline back into the dressing room and training ground as this is clearly missing as the players are doing what the heck they want.
  24. best bet of the w/e is both teams to score No in the Manure Villa game....whatever the price is, and i've not looked. But on Corals goals, goals, goals coupon its 6/4 that both will !!!! So it will probably be 8/13 they wont. I cant see us scoring. Can you?
  25. banners are great..... proud history, what future? proud fans always Villa....
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