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Everything posted by ferguson1

  1. Bailey, Buendia, Traore and El Ghazi all the bench. Everton’s 3 best players missing today. I think we’re showing them far, far too much respect. Be brave Dean during half-time and replace Axel and Ings for a couple of our wide men.
  2. ferguson1


    Could be a season of struggle for them? I also wonder if Jimenez will be the same player post injury?
  3. Sell out crowd, then surely time to unleash this fella from the start:
  4. Does anyone collect these or look out for a special release of a movie or TV series? I have a few Blu-ray Steelbooks mostly bought before the kids arrived and when I lived at home. Still have a soft spot for them when I see them and have a few on display in the study/office area upstairs. The Walking Dead ones with artwork on the front by Jock are great, I have series 1-8 still unopened and the James Bond 50th anniversary boxset, I like. Some are going for silly prices now but just wondered if there is interest in these amongst VT friends?
  5. Really hoping Leon starts on Saturday. He’ll just adore the crowd and I’m sure we’ll start to adore him.
  6. Will he fancy the Forest job? No idea if they’re run well but wouldn’t be the worse place to start your managerial career surely. Always had a little soft spot for Forest since I was young and since their early Premier League days. edit: sounds like the chairman and club would be a nightmare for Terry, so doubt it’s for him.
  7. Are you in a union at work? If so, best place to start. If not, try obtaining some information from your HR dept and then perhaps consult citizens advice? I think there is also redundancy rights information on gov.uk.
  8. Unfortunately not, he’s at blues academy I believe. Would be fun to take him though.
  9. Slightly off topic but wonder if his 15 year old brother (Jobe) is just as talented? It’s a shame he’s not part of our academy.
  10. ……………but I’m alive and well and certainly not a turd.
  11. I do think this is very much a winnable game. DCL is definitely out for them. Yes, they have a front three of (Townsend, Richarlison, Gray) that are dangerous but not unstoppable. Keane is usually awful for them, especially against us and Watkins in particular. I do also think that there opening fixtures have been kind. Back to 433 for this please and can see us winning 2-1 or 3-1, but be nice if we could keep a clean sheet.
  12. which is why I mentioned his manager as well in the same paragraph.
  13. It’s a really nice place. Like most places, it helps if the weather is kind to you. The University and College buildings are stunning and well worth a walk around. Castle and prison is very interesting and of course the river. Shopping and places to eat very good also. I’ve personally only spent odd days visiting the place, so have been very time limited but have always enjoyed it.
  14. It’s shameful that Deano’s job is even being discussed at this moment. We’re four games into a season. Four games! He lost two of his backroom team this summer and may not have even known it was coming. Lost his best player and again, may not have honestly believed it would happen. Had covid and preseason injuries to contend with and ridiculous international schedules. All of which has severely hampered his preparations for each game so far. By all means people can judge him but give him a fair crack of the whip. Judge him after 10 or 15 games surely? Do we hear of any player discontent? Don’t believe so. Just no patience in the world. Everything has to be right now and immediate. He’s doing a very good job and I firmly believe in him.
  15. Watching the Greatest Showman with the kids at the moment. All of us have seen it numerous times and we still enjoy it every time.
  16. Some defenders still have that old school mentality of “hit em hard” and win your individual battles. Mee clearly wanted the ball in that tackle on Wesley but was happy to take the man as well. If that then means he injures the opponent, so be it. He’s won the battle effectively. I’m sure that’s how he sees it and probably his manager ta boot. Thankfully the game has largely moved on from this type of mentality. It was a very ugly tackle to be honest and should have been punished.
  17. Hi Steve, has your mom or better still yourself thought about writing/emailing her local MP? The relevant MP is obligated to assist their constituents when help is requested. MP correspondence takes priority, usually a quite stringent deadline is set to reply (30 working days or less?). Depending on how the error occurred and length of time passed, it may get written off (best case scenario) or at least a reasonable repayment plan agreed (worst case scenario). The fact that your mom is retired and depending on her age/health, the MP can stress how this matter is now affecting her mentally and physically. The MP is much better at fighting these things and can even involve the Parliamentary Ombudsman is they’re not satisfied with how your case is handled. Personally, I would go down this route as the MP can insist the case is put on hold (no more fines etc) until the case is fully investigated. Hope it gets sorted quickly and you get a positive outcome .
  18. Hoping for 7-9 points. Anything more fantastic, anything less probably means we’ll only be averaging a point a game which isn’t so good.
  19. It’s a bit early for this I know but I’m genuinely excited to see a couple of our new boys playing together: Martinez Cash Konsa Mings Targett Luiz McGinn Buendia Ramsey Bailey Watkins Subs: Steer, Axel, Hause, Young, Nakamba, Sanson, Traore, El Ghazi, Ings Just look at how strong our bench can be compared to last season as well. Genuine competition for places all over the team.
  20. Waking up after 3-0 defeat usually means I’m in a terrible mood but there was plenty see yesterday to be upbeat about. Some of our first half play was the best I’ve seen this season. Some really terrific stuff against a genuine title contender. Was never a 3-0 game. Been said numerous times on here but Lukaku was the big difference and probably got them that 3-0 result. Two chances, two goals but that’s what you pay the big bucks for. He’s very clinical and Werner just wouldn’t have scored those goals. I liked the 352/532 formation and for large parts of yesterday, it worked. Our high press was very impressive and only when the second goal went in did we start to flatten a bit. Will be useful to possibly use again against the very best sides. I’m genuinely excited for what’s ahead. Bailey, Traore, Buendia is a frightening forward thinking three in compliment Watkins and/or Ings. Strong options. I’m also less concerned by our midfield after yesterday. The standard has been set by them now and they need to continue showing that kind of performance. Final note, Konsa is a very talented centre half and has a very high ceiling. Just oozes class. I would just like him to show a little more composure/confidence on the ball and that is only a very slight negative I have on him. Should have an England cap already and criminal that he hasn’t.
  21. Could be wrong here but isn’t Konsa with the same agency/agent as Mr Grealish. Needs to be tied down to a big contract. At least then a top club would have to pay serious money for him. Every player has a price, I would hate for us to be short changed.
  22. Anyone who thinks Luiz, McGinn or Ramsey didn’t play well today need to give their head a wobble. The new Chelsea fella didn’t kick the ball first half and got hooked at half-time. It was Lukaku that made the difference for them with clinical finishing. Plenty to be positive about and proud of today.
  23. We were second best over 90 minutes but we had some decent play and had our chances. Just silly mistakes cost us something. Lukaku clinical and the difference.
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