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Everything posted by cheltenham_villa

  1. In Sam's defence, hes 66, a pretty at risk population, similar for Roy Hodgson. While an extended break will suit his team (let's not chuck stones here, I seem to recall we benefitted from one of these) he will I'm sure have his own health in the back of his mind.
  2. I agree and expect that how we will go, with Barkley and Trez injured though, I think its safe to say we found the next best formation.
  3. i watched his "You Know the Drill" from Forest earlier, he can also hit a ball well. He needs to have a look at some of those free kicks.
  4. thats what i was most worried about, VAR would go back and spot a use of the hand in the run up to the goal, it wasnt a deliberate handball but was enough to scrub the goal off. Rudigers clearance meant that they didnt go back that far thankfully.
  5. disappointing for the chelsea goal as he just switched up, made up for it in the second half.
  6. I've heard many non villa fans make similar comments about Jack.
  7. I quite like the attitude tbh and undeniable quality. Would be interesting to see him in a strong side. At 28 though, it could be a lot of money with no resale.
  8. Trying to find players that improve the first 11 and take us to the next level. I wonder if we could afford saha. Palace would likely sell to us.
  9. But still achieved more than the current regime. I hope the progress continues.
  10. Correct, but not during peak MON times when he broke into the england side. The original statement was that the current setup was better than at under time under MON. That's simply not true. If Dean goes onto achieve 3 top 6 finishes and challenges the top 4 then he will have done very well. That is what MON achieved though, we cant simply ignore it.
  11. Not for me, at the time we had a team challenging the top 4, Gabby, Ashley Young, Milner, Downing, Barry. Most of which went on to have careers in teams challenging for titles. We also had Randy spending money and engaging the fans. Clearly some of that unravelled buts let's not kid ourselves, MON had built a very good team and if we get back to a side that consistently challenges year after year then the current regime will have done very well indeed.
  12. im sure i remember a 4 2 win against spurs. 2 for draper and 2 for collymore including a 35 yard free kick.
  13. my hero as a kid, i met him once when he opened the academy at Evesham United. Id bunked off school with a mate expecting it to be Brian Little. He pulled up in the car park, no one was there to meet him and he gave us a couple of minutes for signings and photos. I could not speak a word to him, i was utterly star struck. the time he gave me and my mate though meant a lot and the football memories i will never forget. he doesnt seem a great bloke, some terrible stories outside of football and inside football after he left us, but i will always think about the 95/96 season with very very fond memories.
  14. agreed, were very obsessed with it. reality is theirs no formal interest and the price theyd have to pay is quite competitive for players in that position of which they have several.
  15. what makes you say that? i want to remain positive but are we really better off than the start of his final year. strong squad, majority internationals went on to challenge top 4, both cups and europe. lets not get carried away and rememer how good we actually were at that point
  16. I agree, the beauty of Watkins is he provides options to us. Such a team player. Deano has also highlighted that he allows us to defend 10-15 yards higher up the pitch, arguably we may lose that if he plays right side.
  17. Should also be praised for his intelligence. For the second goal he wins the free kick well, nowhere to go, just wait for the foul. I feel line Anwar of old would not have done that.
  18. Yeah and maybe other internationals. But the reality is he will probably play less games this year than in a championship season. If you're not in Europe, it's tough but less of a worry
  19. It was more the comment that they had split into a left and right hand side. It's more usual to split the centre backs and full backs. I just wonder if this approach is one of the small tweaks that is helping.
  20. i wonder if our recent injuries and suspensions will be a blessing. It feels like the same team every week but in reality, Cash, Konsa, Luis, Traore, Barkley have all had breaks. Mings will now miss a game as well and I think Target and Mcginn are also close. Were not actually playing that much, second string in the cups and and no europe so actually this year i dont think we have to worry about fatugue to much.
  21. i think Barkley will be straight in when fit, unfortunately its very hard to leave out senior players like him especially on his wages. Will be interesting if so to see who gets the nod out of AEG, Trez and Traore on the other side.
  22. interesting comment on bbc that Terry was working with the left hand sided defence in isolation as opposed to splitting full backs and centre backs. weve certainly seen a huge improvement, in the organisation and link up play on both sides respectively. Targett was one of my favourite players last season and i think hes just getting better and better
  23. I like Conor but look at Traore, AEG and Trez to see where the bar is now. When you get a chance, you have to seriously up your game and impress.
  24. I hope Deano felt that we didnt need him and we had enough to beat our recent opponents. Surprised he wasnt on the bench.
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