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Everything posted by desensitized43

  1. For me he would give us the option to play with wingers. At the moment we're playing an extremely narrow formation and all width is coming from the full back positions. When you play a back four that asks an awful lot of those players. I'd like some kind of plan B option to go to a more traditional wider system.
  2. We can't allow Hause to leave now without someone coming in at CB. Would have loved to see us in for Conor Gallagher and use the Chuk tramsfer to get a jump on others, but I think he'll end up at Newcastle now. I'd be looking at Sarr from Watford with maybe El Ghazi going the other way.
  3. He might not be stupid enough, but he sure is arrogant enough.
  4. I know about a dozen people who’ve already swapped out Kane for haaland after todays result. I suspect that everyone who has Kane is looking at it. Might be worth holding firm if only for the differential.
  5. The difference is that when SAF was there it was run like a football club. At the moment they're being run from the accounts office. Cutting their losses on Maguire will cost money that the owners won't see in dividend. They've basically become Arsenal when Wenger was in charge. They don't have any ambition to win things anymore as that costs too much money.
  6. Glad we’re getting something for him. Leaves a real sour taste this though. Can’t help but feel he’s being proper ungrateful and greedy. He won’t get games at Chelsea and he’ll be next on the permanently loaned out roundabout.
  7. It's a typical Brexit-y argument. The reason why Brexit isn't working is because we need more Brexit. Nothing to do with it being a stupid idea to begin with.
  8. Regarding missed GP appointments. 18 months ago I had crippling back pain that had developed over a couple of days and got steadily worse. I could not stand straight and getting out of bed was a 2 person job. Called the GPs office on the Wednesday and told them my situation and was told that I couldn’t have an appointment until the next Tuesday. It was also a telephone appointment. Could I be referred somewhere without one? No. Tuesday rolled around and I was a bit better. Still pain but could walk (well hobble like someone 50 years my senior). Maybe people wouldn’t miss appointments if they didn’t have to wait a week or more for them. They’re probably getting over what they had, genuinely forgetting because it’s so far in the future or just getting so pissed off that they want to inconvenience the surgery - not my position but I could definitely empathise with the feeling of being pretty pissed off with the way things are working (or not) right now.
  9. Latest from planet dorries is a retweet of a picture of Johnson as julius caeser while Sunak is depicted as (I guess) Brutus knifing him in the back. Absolutely bonkers.
  10. It's inconsistent as well. My 2 year old is going through a phase of crying for mommy or daddy in the night having been sleeping the night through pretty much for the last 10 months or so. It hits harder when you think you're over it and it starts again.
  11. Given it’s all but inevitable he’s going to have found to have lied to parliament with all the consequences that will bring for his status with the Tory whip and his status as an MP, I’m not sure it’ll matter how many fines he can picks up.
  12. Anything below 10th is failure this season. 8-10 is decent 6-8 is very good. Above that and I think we're in dreamland.
  13. Nah not having that. I despise the guy as much as the next man but he proved how good he is in his later years when he won the league with a god awful team.
  14. They won’t do it in the same way again. They’ll learn lessons from the last time. The next time they move you won’t hear about it until it’s a done deal.
  15. It’s all bollocks. If all he wanted was first team football he wouldn’t be pining for the likes of Barca and Dortmund. It’s part money, part impatience, part arrogance and 100% shitty advice from his agent. At this point I’m pretty much fed up with the whole thing. I don’t want characters like him at the club anyway. Even if he signs we’ll be right back here in 12-18 months with him chasing a move and generally being a distraction. Withdraw the offer and get him gone. Allow him to train alone and use the facilities but shouldn’t be part of the squad at any level.
  16. I really really hope it's Truss. Purely for the comedy value. She's unbelievably stupid and will be utterly embarrassing on the world stage. Like putting a Chimpanzee in office.
  17. Some but not all. There’s still plenty filling young impressionable minds with total rubbish that has no place in a modern education system. This coming from someone made to pray every morning in primary school.
  18. Mentioned closing the VAT exemption for private schools. A shitty half measure. All they’ll do is pump up the fees and you’ll have an even more exclusive system. Close the lot of them or take them into state ownership. And while you’re at it do the same with the religious schools too.
  19. Let’s just hope he follows in the footsteps of big Olof the Viking.
  20. Just seen there’s a video doing the rounds on Twitter of bassini engaged in…well make up your own minds…with someone of “questionable” gender and let’s just say Bassini’s man hood is about the size of the blues fan base. Won’t post the link as it will no doubt get me some kind of ban. Feel free to search yourself…if you dare apologies just seen someone had already mentioned earlier…sentiment still stands
  21. There's clearly going to be an element of this however, just because the fat incompetent buffoon has gone it doesn't mean the problems the country and the Tory party faces have gone away. The economy is clearly going to get worse and we'll have to see whether whatever government we get after this is able to mitigate it while also creating a narrative that "none of it's our fault". I think that'll be very difficult. The last election was fought along Brexit lines, the next one will be fought on the economy and cost of living.
  22. This is what you get with someone who, from the moment he emerged from the womb, has been told he’s special, better than everyone else, entitled to anything and everything he wants. Johnson’s time in government is the only evidence you need that we need an actual, defined, written constitution to ensure we have a framework politicians have to work within and that someone can be removed when they’ve gone off the deep end. We also need a reform of the voting system. A party that only received 43% of the popular vote can’t wield 80 seat majorities.
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