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Everything posted by desensitized43

  1. If true this government has well and truly stitched up the next one and the people or NI and Gibraltar. I wonder what the Spanish price would be if they had a veto over the economic future of the country... When the process for this began I used to think that May's "No deal is better than a bad deal" line was complete hogwash and that No deal was the worst possible outcome...but we're all being sold down the river here.
  2. Scientific research by NASA is never money wasted but the payback is often slow and sometimes difficult to quantify. Smoke detectors, Solar panels, LEDs, Velcro, Medical monitoring technology, Water purification systems. memory foam. All either invented or advanced significantly as a result of dollars spent by NASA.
  3. Went a couple of years ago for Christmas. Fantastic city. Make sure to visit Hoffbrauhaus and Augustiner beer halls. If you have the time it's well worth making the trip out to Dachau concentration camp as well. Very eerie in the cold winter.
  4. OP agrees this was the gist of the post . She's seemingly an expert at putting her fingers in her ears and repeating the same lines over and over.
  5. I think we're seeing a rerun of "election maybot" where someone somewhere has come up with a soundbite and no matter how many people cringe, how many people snigger, or decide to make it into a sad bingo/drinking game she'll continue to shout "strong and stable" / "it's this deal or no deal" as often as possible. How, in a country of nearly 70 million, is this the best we can do?
  6. When all other arguments fail you can always weaponise hate and fear of the other...
  7. Exactly! I don't at all object to foreign aid for the less fortunate. It does slightly aggravate me that it gets used to grease the wheels of industry but that's the world and it won't change because we're in the EU or out. We will still need to pay it to make things happen.
  8. Bloody money to tanned foreigners less fortunate than us! Take it all back.
  9. Comments like this really annoy me. They're not anyone's "pals"...there are no "pals" here. When you say things like that it implies that people are by implication more loyal to the EU than they are to this country. It's not and has never been a binary "you either want us out or you're a traitor" argument. You can both want what's best for the country and want us to be in the EU. You're also making wild assumptions that the EU would both be able to stop/punish us if we decide to stay (that court case is ongoing, results tba) or would make demands of us to stay. I heard a quotte from the leader of one of the main parties in the EU parliament the other day where they suggested we'd be "charged the cost of the negotiations as we'd caused the problem". Sounds pretty reasonable to me. I've heard no mention from anyone on "their" side in authority that we would be made to accept demands giving the EU more powers. Please try to speculate based on facts rather than wild opinion.
  10. I did for fear of rocking the boat too much. Atmosphere from management isn't great right now and I didn't feel it was wise to pick a fight over it.
  11. They may never enforce it although they probably will as they need another person to certify now and I only went a month ago. I just wanted to see if anyone knew exactly how enforceable it was given the document is dated after I went on the course. I wasn't aware of the costs and terms etc before. If/When it comes up I'll probably see if I can talk them down on that basis to a lower figure and if not just pay it.
  12. I haven't checked my generic contract. I know it's a fairly standard practice and I've signed similar agreements in the past with previous employers. I'd thought as the whole thing was about achieving the desired discounts with suppliers that they were making their money back that way. I did sign the form and didn't express my thoughts at the time as I didn't want to be seen as a "dissenter" as others had been labelled when they'd refused to go along with the management.
  13. Hi All. Need a little bit of advice on how to handle a delicate situation at work... I went on a training course provided by the company in January which I'd originally asked for in June last year. The company needed a certain number of employees with this qualification to achieve their desired partner status, with a handy discount on a product we sell. When I got back after getting the qualification I was asked to a meeting with my manager to be asked to sign a form stating that the company would charge me £1200 if I left within 6 months, then halving and again after another 3 months. At no time before this did they mention this to me. I've been contacted in the last few days by a former employer and offered a lot more money and a step up in terms of seniority to go back. I'd like to go. I do have the £1200 so it's not like it's going to wipe out the bank balance but how enforceable is the agreement I signed? Can I contest it on the basis I was only made aware of the cost AFTER they sent me on the course? Thanks in advance.
  14. I think my manager is just worries about being seen to have poached all the staff. Like me he doesn't do conflict well and there will be a massive row but neither of us are employment experts and he's said he's concerned about legal blowback. I'm leaning the same direction as you guys of "screw them“. Tell him I'm going but not where, he'll find out eventually no doubt and be supremely pissed I haven't told him though.
  15. Not posted here for a good while but need some advice from people who might have been in my situation before! A couple of weeks ago my manager was offered and accepted a job at a competitor in Birmingham. He's wanted out for a while as the atmosphere at our place is pretty toxic. Lots of changes and decisions being made by the MD and his "business advisor" and soon to be partner in the business that no one else agrees with. He's currently working his notice period but a few weeks ago he asked if I would like him to send my CV to his new employer as they know a few others are looking to leave and are on the look out for new guys. I said yes. They've made contact with me and are making me an offer in the next few days. Here's my problem. The current MD is best described as being something akin to bipolar with ADHD. I think he has a problem, personally. I'd like to move for various professional reasons but if my manager and I both jump ship together it will get very ugly. My manager has suggested trying to get the new employer to hold the role until he's gone and then I'd hand my notice in immediately after (potentially leaving my with 2 months still in the crazy house). I'd rather not burn bridges and I don't do conflict particularly well being a pretty laid back guy. How would you guys tell the boss in a way that would allow me to leave on amicable terms? Has anyone ever been head hunted by a competitor and had to deal with an upset current employer while you work a notice? Are they allowed to make your life difficult? Thanks in advance!
  16. Holt needs 2 chairs!? Damn, how fat has he gotten!?
  17. lol reading this makes me visualize my face at the end of Halo 2
  18. Interesting topic this thread and I think on whole he will get a respectful reception. That being said I know for a fact there are those who are determined to undermine him from the start and force him out already. I was at Fulham last saturday and the gentleman in front of me turned round when McLeish walked out the tunnel and saw me clapping and said to me "it just aint gonna work is it?". I said that you need to give him a chance, that he's here now and there's not alot we can do about it now and that he would lose nothing by getting behind the man. At the end of the day the way I see it the fans lose nothing by giving him a chance, if he fails then they get rid of a manager they never wanted anyway. If he succeeds (the definition of success for this football club has been a subject for debate recently I know) then the club as a whole will benefit presumably.
  19. How is that anything to do with the Premier League? Are we now praising talents on lower leagues? Is that how low we've fallen? Didn't Alex Ferguson go from Aberdeen to Man Utd once upon a time? I assume if we'd have been in for him all those years ago you'd have been one of the people claiming he was beneath us
  20. Valhalla has a mate ! (or a fake account) I just don't get the anger mate...if you don't want him then that's understandable and a fair reaction (I think it would be a mistake aswell). I just think some people on this board at times get what I call "Angry Nerd Syndrome". It's easy to sit behind a computer and launch quite personal and unjustified attacks but alot of people seem to not be able to back up these claims with a valid reason and just spout tabloid slogans about him being "wally with the brolly"
  21. Am I the only one who feels a bit sorry for McClaren? I didn't feel he was the right fit for the job either but some of the comments about him have got quite personal and regardless of what people think of him it must be difficult whenever he is linked with a job in his home country to get the kind of reaction he does.
  22. Oddschecker now showing Schteeeve as favourite...shit just got real!
  23. General, Just a couple of things (kind of related). First of all the last couple of games the half time entertainment has been just that, extremely entertaining! The guy with the throw in against Fulham was particularly funny and please pass that along to whoever is arranging this. Secondly, at half time against Fulham while the guy with the throw ins was top notch the quality of the sound from the tannoy system was definately not. Sitting in the Holte End the sound was little more than a muffled inaudible noise (one of the guys in front of me who was a neutral from what I overheard also commented on how bad it was). I know this has been mentioned before so maybe plans are afoot to improve this or perhaps given the configuration of the stadium this is simply the best we can make it but is it possible we could get an update on what is going on with this? Many Thanks for yours and everyone behind the scenes hard work!
  24. You get to put 2 attachments on 1 weapon instead of standard 1 weapon, 1 attachment set up
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