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Everything posted by Villadevon

  1. The project in tatters, best players heading for the exit. Fecking grim!.
  2. Because the media have a hard on for SG. When he does get the boot, it'll be ' Villa didn't live up to his high expectations/standards' 'Villa too small a club' Anybody's fault but SG.
  3. Is he not listening to his coaching staff? or are they also totally inept?
  4. You can bite the opposite corners off a Penguin bar for a similar experience.
  5. Still waiting for Horlicks tablet sweets and Potato Puffs to make a re- appearance.
  6. Think I'll be sticking with my Johnny Dixon 10 shirt.
  7. No way Phil is hanging around for another season of this shit.
  8. For comedy & eye candy Kingpin has to make the list.
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