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Everything posted by jonno_2004

  1. I never want Utd to do well, but such incompetence from the ref now makes me want them to win.
  2. Didnt see the goal but from what I've seen after that hasn't been bad. Enjoyable game really. At least we're giving it a go.
  3. I don't know how he could return to a room where his fiance is apparently sleeping to retrieve a gun after hearing a noise in the bathroom and not notice her lack of presence; surely your first reaction would be to locate/warn your fiance? A quick 'stay here/get out' or something along those lines.. Ignoring that.. surely you'd see someone else in your bed regardless as you were going to retrieve the weapon?
  4. I'd love him to go to Arsenal, I just don't think they'd pay a stonking fee. Hopefully Mancini sees him as a replacement for Dzeko between now and the end of the season. I'd hate for him to go to Spurs, I just despise them.
  5. Auditor. Speaking of which, it's a Saturday in mid-February, best be off to work
  6. Any one got a picture of a bloodied Baker? Typified his performance today.
  7. Got the defense right today which is the most important thing.
  8. If he can stop knocking his second touch about 2 feet further than it should be then he might realise the potential we all hoped he would achieve.
  9. As far back as Scandinavian on my father's side; he has a genetic trait to match the blood line. There's a good story, also on my father's side, about our great-great grandmother being the illegitimate daughter of a well-to-do lady and an Irish gardener...
  10. He's always come across as a reasonably intelligent bloke and that is a good interview.
  11. I hope we go down and he loses his millions. That'd be the only thing that could make me happy - forget relegation battles for the next how many years if we some how manage to stay up.
  12. The first time I have ever seen Aston Villa, or any team in fact, field a formation as follows: --------------------------------------x -------x---------x-------------------x ------------------------------------x--x x----x----------------x--------------x ------------x
  13. Very lucky to get out of there alive - in regards to both men. Imagine if he had family there, it would have taken more than one man crouching over him to stop them pulling his eyes out of their sockets.
  14. If that £20m or so he spent in the summer is viewed as an investment, then it looks a good one. I'd say all the players bought except Bennett, Bowery and El Ahmadi will have seen increases in their value. Only 3 weeks ago I was seeing comparisons with Benteke and Drogba, Lowton has looked decent as has Vlaar and Westwood. If those players were to be sold now Lerner would receive more than the original £20m regardless, so I don't buy the cautious approach to transfer spend - where we've hemorrhaged money in previous years is due to paying over the odds for players we'd never see a decent return on and putting them on high wages. We even recouped all of the original transfer spends on Downing, Young and Milner and then some. Providing we can get the right player in on decent wages then the initial outlay shouldn't be an issue - after all, the man's just sold something for $1 billion, liquidity is not a problem.
  15. Pretty much everything I read on the Guardian about Villa is negative - two memorable quotes from this season being 'Swansea committing the mortal sin of losing to Aston Villa' after our 2-0 win, and something else about us becoming 'worryingly fashionable to like' after the Liverpool win.
  16. The only silver living to this is that we drastically need investment in January (if it wasn't already painfully obvious). The only thing.. where the **** are we going to get players that will drag us out of this mess?!?!
  17. Looked one of the best of a bad bunch on Boxing Day. Bit of an enigma really, seems to be an easy target of criticism too when there have been far worse performances by other players.
  18. Lowton and Clark at CB is a must, keep Herd away whatever the cost. Holman has been looking useless, partly due to the fact he doesn't seem to be pressing as much in the games he's looked marginally effective. He has nothing else to his game, so if he doesn't harass then he shouldn't be on the pitch. Potentially Ireland to play instead.
  19. Probably the only time I've agreed with Ferguson in regards to those comments
  20. Just unbelievable. Turned off at half-time hoping for perhaps a 3 or 4-1 but to see **** eight?! Jesus. Last time we got a thrashing we went on a good run but man alive, getting beat like that is inexcusable. Seeing Holman walking around in the first half made my stomach turn, the only thing he has to his game is his endeavour and without it he might as well not be there. I just hope boxing day isn't going to be ruined in a similar way. At least last week was fairly enjoyable but come on Villa, this just isn't on!
  21. Sitting an exam which is unlike anything I have seen before, quite possibly failing then having to go in and do another solid exam 45 minutes later. It has been One. Shit Day.
  22. Yep, the 'Welsh wizard' was very good indeed, shame about his constant knee injuries.
  23. Best post of the thread. People who wonder why we get the reputation we do need to look no further than this thread.
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