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Everything posted by delboy54

  1. But on the Cameron Archer page loads on here think he is too young/not ready and Archer is 21.... I would have thought any player of 21 years old is ready to step up if he is good enough, otherwise how are they getting the "experience" that they need?
  2. Yeah makes my 4 hour round trip from Suffolk easy!......hats off to you @GeordieVillan
  3. I dont know, I think Kane will stay at spuds, I reckon he likes being the big fish in a little pond. In addition he can do no wrong in the premier league officials and his media friends eyes, Kane dive? NO...Kane faking an injury? NO......is Kane a cheating **** ? NO
  4. With my ST in row 132 K5 we all stand. I have been told that my seat is going to be converted to safe standing. Does this therefore mean that only spare non ST "seats" in upper Holte will be given to those buying terrace view tickets?
  5. Good question! Not seen Sinisalo play though. Can we keep and develop both? Both are surely better than our current no. 2
  6. I rate Filip and if he becomes 3rd choice that's great news.
  7. I am not sure about Starmer, but I get the feeling that Labour are being very careful not to score an own goal before the next GE, as well as not announcing any new radical policies as they could be hijacked by the Tories. Hopefully nearer the GE Labours plans and policies under Starmer will be clearer. It's just that I don't see Starmer as a person to get enthusiastic about anything, he seems just a bit dull and uninspiring to me. There is so much to repair that has been ruined over the last decade (or two) in our Country, I am not even sure that any of the political parties know where to start to be honest
  8. My journey to VP is about a 2 hr drive and as I don't normally buy a program nor will drink alcohol as I have to drive back after the game, so other than being able to access some fancy place pre game is not going to get me to upgrade from my ST and part with another £450. Plus the fact I don't get to attend every game. To be honest I may consider the option as a "pay as you go" now and again if it was available... I think I will stick to my cup of tea and chips with curry sauce pre match slap up meal !
  9. Thanks I am not sure I would feel comfortable singing "my old man" and doing some sweary shouty stuff standing next to a bloke wearing a top hat and tails who purchased a terrace view ticket
  10. Got a picture of the seating plan/choice? I better not be kicked out of my seat to make way for a "terrace viewer"... I hope that it will be as OutByEaster suggests....the purchasers of terrace view will be allocated the seats that are not taken up by ST holders that are scatterecaround the Upper Holte. This might mean the seat next to me could be a terrace Viewer, probably recognise him as he will be wearing a dinner jacket, or if it's a woman, she will be wearing a cocktail dress
  11. Any idea where on the Holte upper are these terrace view seats located?
  12. I hope those more enlightened about this than me can clarify. There are supposedly 500 empty seats in the upper Holt for this "Terrace View" thing, I guess these are not in one block or area but scattered around the Holte. Where have these 500 seats appeared from? is it because safe standing generates more "spaces", I assume that the majority of existing ST holders in the Holte Upper renewed (like me). Next to me is a seat that last season was not sold to a ST holder, and was occupied by different people throughout the season, is this one of the seats reserved for a Terrace View person with £1600 is going to buy? and do I need to bring a picnic table, candelabra, canapes and a bottle of wine to fit in with this new gentrification of the Holte Upper? Come a long way since rivers of piss ran down the Holte terrace at halftime in the 1970's, opposition scarfs burnt etc etc...........
  13. Some would say that this is the price of success, but we haven't actually won anything yet. It does feel like we are being wrung dry though, but with 30 000 in the wings waiting for a ST or a seat to come up on general release that will get snapped up, I suppose its supply and demand. Its ironic when the song starts to opposition fans "where were you when you were sh*T"...........it wasn't that long ago when Villa closed the top half of the Trinity stand and could not give tickets away. Ultimately is Villa going to end up like the rest of the "Elite" clubs where basically the only fans that go (or can afford it) are the corporates or tourists? Football (and Villa) is changing, we better get used to it or just go and do something else...
  14. One for the older members on VT Do you think Cameron Archer plays in a similar way that John Deehan did for us? I hope that he get his chance but UE knows better than us...
  15. I was in there somewhere underneath the clock halfway down with my old man...... I think there were 70 coaches laid on plus trains and it was turn up and pay on the day at the turnstile. I will never forget that day, so glad that I was able to share it with my Dad (Holte Ender in the Sky 2003)
  16. Its one of the DIY jobs that my wife has banned me from. Any types of tiling, floor, ceramic etc and carpet laying......too much swearing she says .... We got a guy in to tile the bathroom, he did it in 2 days, would have taken me weeks of frustration coupled with the silent treatment by the wife giving me the "I told you so" look.
  17. Swap shop????? Nah TISWAS was the best
  18. * Roller skates?....you were lucky, when I were a lad we used to dream of having roller skates......we had it tough in our day * (Credits to Monty Python "the 4 yorkshiremen")
  19. It includes, your own personal butler for the duration of the game, unlimited canapes and champagne while you can watch the great unwashed Holte end fans swearing and singing from the comfort of your plush heated padded seat...
  20. Turned 65 last month, I go out running 3 times a week including a parkrun on Saturdays, I dont think of myself as a 65 year old...until I look in the mirror when I was in my teens, people over 50 were old codgers, and those over 65 years ok were, well, ancient....
  21. My cat caught and killed a grey squirrel last month it was nearly as big as him!
  22. Just been on the official site and read this... Season ticket holders are urged to read the accompanying letter that will advise of further information including changes to the terms and conditions, these are relating to penalties for passing on and/or the sale of both home and away tickets. I wonder what changes they mean? I know that letting someone "borrow" your ST and seat for a game and they pay you back is not allowed, but interesting to see if there are other restrictions, such as if you cannot attend then you have only one option that is to release your ticket for the game back to Villa and get a proportion of the money back (is it 80%?). If your ST is linked to your mobile phone then its more difficult for you to let a mate use your seat for a game if you cannot make it... Yes they do mention mobile phones entry on the official website. I cannot make every game so I am intrigued by these changes to terms and conditions...
  23. I am a ST holder in the upper Holte and they can stuff the stupid "terrace view"
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