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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. I stuck a couple of quid on him scoring a header at some point today! Think i got 17/1
  2. Jefferson montero linked on twitter (i know, i know) A yes from me if true
  3. Pretty much this. We keep him to fit in at number 10 position now that Grealish is out, with a view to selling him in January when people are desperate and willing to overpay on what they may perceive to be a guaranteed goal getter. By which time Grealish should be back and raring to go. Best case scenario is that McCormack knuckles down and plays well as he wants to impress potential suitors so he can get out of Villa. Worst case is that he doesnt do the above but Grayson still believes he can get the best out of him.
  4. As a defender i'd rather play against Hogan, but as a keeper i'd rather play against Gabby
  5. its quite ironic that I would happily pay £6 to watch a game I couldn't otherwise get to. However, as I am in the UK, albeit across the sea, I will have to source other, free alternatives which the club will not benefit from and I will feel marginally guilty for doing
  6. An iFollow FAQ Why do fans in the UK and Republic of Ireland not have the same access to iFollow as international fans? Under the EFL’s existing broadcast agreement with Sky Sports clubs are unable to offer fans in the UK or Republic of Ireland the same access to iFollow as international fans.
  7. just throwing out a big boooooooo from over here in Northern Ireland. A game being streamed/ televised or not does not affect my attendance at Villa Park. The Irish Sea does. Stupid Sky Sports and their stupid rules
  8. there are some quality squad numbers up for grabs if we get rid of some of these numpties. I bet half are players are willing them out the door just to get their hands on them
  9. Its all just an elaborate gamble for clubs buying young players tbh. Sometimes it works out - Gareth Bale for example was bought as a somewhat promising left back but I very much doubt anyone thought he would become the wolds most expensive forward within the next 5 or so years. Spurs have dined out on that sale ever since and the gamble has paid off. I'm sure the number of failed gambles far outweigh the successful ones
  10. unless done as part of a carrot and parsnip mash
  11. To play devils advocate I think that between running with the ball and/ or making overlapping runs, full backs nowadays probably do more high speed running than other positions. Plus it is understood that once fullbacks break forward the other players should fill the gaps left behind. Which I think explains why he isnt always sprinting back to position. Mind you I have no stats or studies to back this up whatsoever - just an opinion really
  12. Dunno about vintage Gabby. Maybe i'm being harsh I personally never thought for one second he was going to score that goal based on the fact that he had time and options. Vintage Gabby for me is swift counterattacking where he has to react on instinct alone.
  13. Lots of people will join in. Explains why people call Villatalk a bunch of Mass Debaters
  14. ahhhhh was that Hourihane?, I thought it was that young un with the double barreled name that we were playing cos I was sure that he passed it with his right foot. Fair play
  15. Sod it. Im calling it. Grealish is going to have an excellent season this year. Another year older and wiser, hasnt been up to any nonsense this summer, looked focused in pre-season (admittedly one 45 minute game). Also, I think I remember an interview where he spoke of how sucky it was to be in the championship and seeing employees getting laid off at VP etc. so he will be determined to help the team out of it this year. Also I think the team as a whole will be better balanced with the new additions and we may just be able to afford to give Jack a bit of a license to roam a bit more So there you go. Neck stuck out, colours nailed to mast, head above parapet. This will be an awesome year for Jack
  16. and he smokes. which is a dirty, dirty habit. Genuinely though, when he broke through in the arsenal team I thought he was a really exciting talent, and there undoubtedly some ability there. However, he just seems physically not up to the rigors of a full season of professional football for one reason or another. Shame really
  17. I ju$t cant $eem to think of a rea$on of the top of my head... (money, its money okay)
  18. Confidence issue for me. Not a terrible player, just another of those who couldn't quite handle playing for Villa and the pressure that comes with it. Definitely a player who will thrive in a smaller, more lowly club with few realistic expectations of success. Such as Birmingham City F.C
  19. All I know is he wouldn't have won that trophy if he'd stayed at Chelsea.....
  20. makes more sense to get rid of Hutton that Amavi in my opinion
  21. Different type of player entirely though imo. If they both were to reach their potential in this team they could compliment each other and it could be something very special
  22. Agreed. I was whinging about those fouls more than him and i was on my sofa eating crisps (Ready salted mccoys fyi)
  23. Prefer him to jedinak (but then ive always been fairly critical of jedinak)
  24. I have a theory that the signings that Bruce is making is not so much about their specific footballing abilities, or even their suitability to the style of game in the championship. I think he is selecting characters who are strong and confident enough to play for Aston Villa, in front of our fans, who rightly demand a certain standard and pride from their players to be playing for our club. Make no mistake, the atmosphere which hits Villa Park when the team is losing or playing badly is intense and I believe that it takes a certain character to feed off that. Too many players in the last few years - some with great technical ability or athleticism - have visibly shrunk and played within themselves when the going got tough. And at that point the easiest thing in the world to do is play yourself out of the game by not showing for the ball or taking responsibility. Character > Ability at this point in Aston Villa's history
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