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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. unfortunately it now means that he comes round and joins you on your sofa as you watch the game on a dodgy stream
  2. we should totally buy Zaha as well as holding onto Grealish now that we are bazillionaires
  3. Love this sentiment. Neeeeveeer gonna happen
  4. Ever thought of publishing your memoirs?
  5. Sure we should give Henry the job til Christmas. And if villa look like they are in trouble they can go out and get an old school experienced manager who has had a record of getting teams promoted. Wonder what that Steve Bruce guy will be up to.......
  6. Right. New rule, KSV is not allowed to speak to Jack Grealish ever
  7. Lots of players become successful managers but are there many strikers who do so? I always associate successful players-turned-manager as being a big centre back or possibly midfielder. Same way as I always prefer my captain to be a centre back or possibly midfielder.
  8. So we have to basically pray that all the top clubs in England take a Moneyball approach to transfers, only care about stats and dont actually watch potential targets. Alrighty then
  9. as much as this debate is boring me im going to wade in anyway. Alli has a great habit of popping up and scoring goals but he can be anonymous for 85 minutes of any given game. Grealish on the other hand is constantly involved as play goes through him all over the pitch. They are different types of number 10 as mentioned above with Alli more of a second striker type. Honestly, with or without my Villa bias, if I had to start either of them in my team at the start of the next season it would absolutely be Jack. And for what its worth I think he would/ will thrive in that Spurs team. Stupid Spurs
  10. Got lost in translation. He said his tenure would be a rollercoaster, run by a bunch of clowns
  11. theyll be fighting on four fronts for the majority of the season so I imagine there will be plenty of opportunity for game time. I reckon for Jack it is the perfect time to leave. He gets to go to a really good ambitious club, with a much enhanced contract yet can steer the narrative that he had to go for the good of Villa. Remains a fan favourite and keeps the door open for a return in the future
  12. tell you what though - i'd forgotten just how bloody gorgeous she was in top gun. dayuuuummmmm
  13. bjarnasson should have been the fifth. fluffed a great chance v argentina
  14. They have however reduced the playoff final t-shirts from £20 to £10...........bargain, gimme 2
  15. I feel like i've missed something but why has everyone been on such a downer about Neil Taylor over the last few months on here? Genuine question
  16. ironically I think Onomah has played his best when linking up with Jack - they seem to be on a similar wavelength. which would make it pretty annoying if he came back to us on a swap deal with Jack
  17. bloody hell. how did you even find the time to type that message!
  18. first ive heard of it. watched the trailer and I am all in! just finished 13 reasons why season 2 and need something to cheer me up!
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