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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. He will be pitch captain whether or not he is officially appointed
  2. That'll teach you to ask for aural
  3. Subtle clue. We are signing robert lewandowski
  4. too fat and slow for English football anyway. Complete non-entity of a player for me. And that's not even sour grapes. He's just crap!
  5. pffft I wouldn't trust a source who cant even spell "transfers" #fakenews
  6. absolutely. Even if we are planning to sell or loan him I would now make sure he reports back for pre-season training with tail between legs for at least a few weeks. And make him do aerial duel training with Baker and Terry
  7. if he is so offended being an aston villa player maybe he should refrain from cashing all those ghastly Aston Villa paychecks that he gets every month. TW@
  8. Well now that is just absolutely brilliant. I dont buy kits but would make an exception for this. Your timing is horrible however because now whatever away kit we release it will look crappy compared to this!
  9. Huh,.. I always thought Bacuna's first name was Leandro. Apparantly it's Michael. And he refers to himself in the third person Every day's a school day in this place
  10. well my sporting hero is George Best - one of the most flawed individuals you could ever imagine. He was a gambler, alcoholic, unfaithful, absentee father and a bit slappy towards women. And yet his funeral procession was attended by 100,000 and then we named our bloody airport after him! And I think thats because there is a difference between a bad person and a person who does bad things. I think if we are honest we could all relate to being the latter to some degree or other, despite our best intentions. Obviously this excludes those wonderful individuals on this forum who live such pious lives that it is a surprise they haven't been sanctified yet
  11. she should branch out more though cant believe i sunk so low as to repeat this......
  12. I'm starting to think nobody has twigged on to what I was trying to do there.....
  13. Apart from Chris Pine. Thora Birch and Leslie Ash too. Sometimes I think they should branch out or just leave acting altogether
  14. To me, John Terry looked like a 45 year old brickie when he made his debut at 18 so age means nothing to me where he is concerned. Diego Costa is another example of this
  15. Video of him doing drills in Portugal with those two. Funny that the other two are wearing regular gear while he is wearing his chelsea shorts with the number 26 on them. Obviously nicked from his previous employers!
  16. well he'd better only sign a one year deal with us then
  17. Would be nice to have a player in the setup who had ever won something. Ever. Cant think of any player in our squad who has
  18. Posted this on twitter already but i reckon: Done a deal. No smoke without fire and It was in the sun (newspaper). I.e john terry But then again i am not fluent in tony
  19. Now obviously I dislike John Terry as much as the next man (unless that man is Wayne Bridge) but I would take him in a heartbeat. Not ever gonna happen obviously. Also remember him being very generous in his donations to one of the Petrov's charities a few years back. Still a word removed though
  20. with injury and outcast returnees we could fill some requirements: Out and out goalscorer - McCormack Bit of pace on the wing - A Green Cover at the back - De Laet Rock in the midfield to cover Jedi - Thor Tricky number ten to add creativity - Gil
  21. When I were a lad i played football and my good mate Nick played rugby. Now Nick played rugby because we were a rugby school and he was a big lump of a lad who liked a bit of the old ultra-violence, but in an organised way. However, Nick loved football - was obsessed by it. So Nick came down and played football with me for our local team. And he was horrible at it. Big, cumbersome, awkward. but he tried. so . hard. In fact he tried so hard he was made captain of our team - deservedly so. I always think of Nick when I see Micah play. He just aint a footballer. He is an absolute beast and physical specimen, which are probably the attributes that kept him ahead of his peers through school teams and youth academies. But he just aint a footballer. And at least my mate Nick tried
  22. ....and this one time...at International Off-season Camp for Pro Footballers...
  23. Seconded. Pretty tough watch at times. Had to pause one scene to control my gag reflex (but i'm a bit a big woose like that) But overall a great movie with a properly creepy vibe throughout. Would thoroughly recommend it to any big horror/ gore/ body-horror fans out there. Might be a bit much for the "normo's"
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