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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. i may be misremembering but didnt he put in a great inswinger onto Snodgrass's head in the last game? admittedly the fact that I specifically remember a successful cross from Hutton kinda proves your point
  2. ha. like he would show the effort and commitment to actually enter a competition. would probably start to fill out the entry form, get distracted, lose the pen and let someone else do it for him
  3. recent cup history suggests that we should play every game like a semi-final
  4. They must be quite magnificent calves sir because gresfords are impressive
  5. Personally I want wolves and Fulham to draw. And so should you all
  6. Likewise. Its like being brutally dumped and having to learn to love again and trust again. Aston Villa have mentally abused us over the last number of years and its now trying to weasel its way back into our affections. So we are now making another go at it, but taking it slowly. Its still early days
  7. Just going to offer my opinion. And its not going to reflect well on me but here goes. The way I see it Gabby doesnt love football. If he didnt do it for a career im not convinced he would watch or follow football. He fell into it, probably from encouragement and guidance at an early age, due to his natural speed. If athletics paid as well as football, he'd be an athlete. You get the impression that players like Grealish and Adomah and Hogan would play football even if it werent their profession, just as a hobby because of their love of the game - I dont get this with Gabby. Which is fine. We would be daft to think that all footballers love football - they dont - they are just good at it and it offers a good career. I dont think that after his football career he will have anything to do with the game and I think that the fact that he is the one player who has been at aston villa from the highs of the MO'N era through to now has probably seen the fight taken out of him. Playing under so many managers and in such at times negative and spiteful environment would do that to a person so in a way I have some sympathy. The best thing for Gabby and his legacy at Villa would have been to get out and go to a different club a long time ago, But to turn down the contracts he was given made that next to impossible. Its an unfortunate situation but I see how it has happened. He isnt a bad guy, and I dont think he has intentionally ever tried to hurt the club. He's just an overrated average footballer who lucked out with his career. I for one have no ill will, nor great affinity with him. I think that him moving on at the end of the contract will feel like a fresh start for all.
  8. In the transfer window he may help us bagnew players
  9. I've done the maths and concluded that the best thing for us would be beat Fulham and take the three points
  10. its worth seeking out however, really good horror film with some genuinely unsettling parts
  11. Hell House LLC and As above, So below both great Found Footage movies too. If you like that kind of thing. Though I have found that people who dislike FF movies reeaallly dislike FF movies
  12. R/accidentalrenaissance I have to say though he is one of the best examples of passing the ball into the net that I have ever seen. Most of his goals are so controlled rather than try to bust the back of the net. An example to anyone trying to teach kids this quality
  13. Alright. Was anyone else getting a twinge of jealousy when Hutton kept getting those big Bear hugs off Terry?! No me neither
  14. Ages ago I wrote a highly contrived and over complicated grealish song to the tune of local boy in the photograph by stereophonics. Posted it on here and quite rightly got no love. So good luck to whoever does this
  15. It's players like this that make me love football. Flippin love this kid
  16. Unless he's playing the long con and he's gonna score a hat trick of og's today in a delayed act of revenge
  17. I think at this juncture we have probable watched Onomah more than the Spurs fans so in a way our opinion should be guiding theirs
  18. In a way I hope he isnt present on Sunday, and cant imagine he will be. A local derby game complete with vocal, filthy away fans wouldn't be the nicest place to be if in a fragile emotional state
  19. I think it sjust an advert for the Australian Tourist Board. Seriously. Which is a damn shame cos I would have watched the heck out of it!
  20. wait, so are you on top of the table in this analogy? what are you doing on the table? i need answers.....
  21. he also doesnt yet possess that other facet that encourage clubs to buy a player - namely that he plays for one of your rivals. At the moment us having Jack doesnt hurt the big teams. When we go up and start challenging in the next couple of years then there will be a premium to his value in that buying him weakens us
  22. but..... 12 goals!. If we had had a striker score 12 goals from the start of the season we would feasibly be top of the league! (please no-one disprove this with "facts" and "logic", i'm just really trying to make a point)
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