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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. and if we want to pass the ball back to the centre backs every. time. we. have. possession. we play Whelan
  2. why wouldnt sunderland take him back for the next 6 months? footballs weird sometimes
  3. I voted Very Good for Brucey. Apparantly there is some illness in the family that has affected him badly but he still pulled it out of the bag, credit where its due. Oh and as much as I enjoyed our last minute winner I think I would prefer a nice boring 2-0 win agianst Burton with an early goal in each half to settle the nerves
  4. Having seen him play subsequently I don't think he ever recovered from that head injury
  5. sod it. we have Gabby coming back. stick him into this new team which has confidence, quality wing play and who get forward in numbers and see what he can do. The best Gabby for me was the when we had Young and Downing (bleugh) bombing down the wing putting in good balls, and played with swagger. I wanna see that again!
  6. Man I hope footballers have got in mind to do it as a goal celebration this weekend. Double points if its a Leeds player - very meta
  7. never seen him play but had a wee look on redcafe and they absolutely rate him. Also he doesnt lack confidence in that interview
  8. Yep otherwise the anagram wouldnt work........unless orale is a word
  9. according to my missus he is always pretty
  10. Seeing as we all joining in the catharsis of getting movie confessions off our chest: The original Star Wars Trilogy has not aged well I don't find The Shining scary (yet I had to pause Paranormal Activity mid-play as I was getting so terrified) If I had to choose two of The Godfather, Schidlers List and Pitch Perfect I would take two copies of Pitch Perfect in case one broke
  11. Dont worry. The powers that be will be focused on those internet forums which are full of crazy, partisan lunatics spouting messages of anger and bitterness and with an obvious disdain for authority and those in charge................ uh-oh
  12. I suspect not. I know footballers say what they know we want to hear but he certainly seems to be relishing the challenge and is enjoying it in any interview i've seen
  13. What I liked today is that about 5 minutes from the end of the game he got absolutely crunched but popped straight back onto his feet. Last year he still be on the ground as of now waving his arms in the air
  14. you don't need to be a fantasy nerd or pervert to enjoy Game of Thrones..... but it probably helps Personally I think brilliant. Me and the missus only started watching it cos we nearly felt obliged to cos everyone was banging on about it (we live in N.I and its big news here because of filming locations etc.). The first episode or two didn't really grab us but once it sucks you in its really good. And the memorable/famous scenes are properly jaw dropping
  15. ah great stuff. i'll have a look at that. strangely compelled to watch it to see if its as bad as people make out but this'll do instead
  16. Im in the middle of the book which is quite similar. Its called The Last Days of Jack Sparks by Jason Arnopp and is descibed as "The Omen for the social media age". Its entertaining enough but it reads a bit like a man who has a list of pop culture references which he is ticking off as he crowbars them into the narrative.
  17. In your opinion do you have seen "The Room" to get it?
  18. you are being too kind. He was the worst player on the pitch. Not for the first time either. Probably just that inconsistency that a lot of young players have. Oddly enough its performances like that which will make it more likely that spurs will let him go to us permanently. I know a couple of Spurs fans who watched the Leeds game who were definitely very disappointed in what they saw (yes, I know fans opinions wont count for anything in this decision - just thought it was interesting)
  19. Watched the first few episodes of "Back" the new Mitchell and Webb show. Obviously its no "Peep Show" but pretty funny nonetheless and some great characters
  20. was there last night. Alliances and bias aside, the ref was horrendous all game. Lafferty couldnt breathe on a player without conceding a free kick and the tackle at the start of the game on Dallas took him out of the game and could/ should have been a red. We were beside the swiss fans and when the ref blew for the penalty there was not a soul in the stadium who thought a penalty was being given - cue much confusion amongst both sets of fans. I agree that Northern Ireland were extremely negative and showed the Swiss too much respect. O'Neill was undoubtably going for an anything - nil scoreline but that it his perogative as a manager and to have that taken away from you from what is one of the worse decisions I've ever seen is a bit sickening
  21. offers more threat off the bench than Hogan IMHO
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